The three adventurers strike out at the wraith, but only Minsc hits. The Wraith hits back at Skie and kills her with the blow. Next round, the party wins initiative, and both Minsc and Mazzy hit- but don't do enough damage to kill it. The Wraith then turns and takes out Mazzy. Last round is simultaneous initiative. Both hit, and Minsc manages to kill the Wraith, but the Wraith hurts him badly before it dies.
OOC ahh shucks guess we ruled beserking doesn't stop level drain. Though it makes more sense we play by 2e and not BG rules. Otherwise I would hit the Load button and reload a previous save 8)
Finally alone, his body chilled near to death and shaking like a leaf in a wind, Minsc sinks to his knees, alone amidst the carnage of his former companions, save for the warmth of Boo curled next to his neck.
OOC ahh shucks guess we ruled beserking doesn't stop level drain. Though it makes more sense we play by 2e and not BG rules.
Bugger, really? OK no Korgan. Actually never mind, I think I'll just let you all die, then harvest your skulls for a set of matching beermugs. Good luck, and try not to take too many hits to the head please
Hang on, I just realized that was the last wraith, so they survived
Well if there's still enough interest to fill a group, I'll join as a cleric, as long as I have enough levels to cast negative plane protection. Actually what's the story with 2e stoneskin, it appeared to prevent level drain too?
Anyway, perhaps Quayle, although in my hands he'll probably turn out quite underpowered. Alternatively, Branwen is relatively one-dimensional so I could probably manage her (I think I just insulted myself).
Sorry if it gets messy, this will hold a lot of copy and paste and will most likely be edited a few times.
Montaron: P. Invisibility, Tome of Understanding, Sword +2, P. Extra Healing, Ring of Mammal Control, Ring Mail +1. Cloak of elvenkind. I think Aerie used the tome.
Sarevok: Philter of Persuasiveness, Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection (92ch), Shield +3, Morning Star +1, Scroll (Spellstrike), Scale Mail +1, Rope of Entanglement, Ring of Fire Resistance, Sword +2. Periapt of proof against poison. He also received a +1 plate from Garrick.
Edwin's treasure: +1 Mace, Quarterstaff +2, Ring of Protection +1, Oil of Acid Resistance, Lens of Detection, Gloves of Missile Snaring (can be used to snatch arrows and the like out of the air). The Lens of Detection allows you to see very small things very clearly and to track as well as a 5th level Ranger. and he received scrolls of charm and a second Otiluke sphere (Lyrrick had the other one).
Garrick/Lyrrick had a light crossbow of speed with normal bolts, a +2 chain, a +2 and a +1 mace, several scrolls: Luck, Continual Light, Flesh to stone and I reckon he/she never used Otilukes Resiliant Sphere, a wand of wonder with a lot of charges left and also a bunch of dust packs that makes you invisible. He also packed Mazzy full with gems that he had created with his wand.
Aerie had a lot of nice items, a boosted wisdom and Potion of sweet water. She was part of this from the start and traded a lot of items, so I can't can't keep track. She started with Magic Items- Scroll (Heal, Cure Light Wounds, Find Traps, Draw Upon Holy Might, Aid, Raise Dead), Studded Leather +1, Periapt of Wound Closure, Talisman of Pure Good, 17 Arrows +1, Ring of Invisibility, Mace +1, Sword +2, Ring of Protection +6 (adds +1 to all saves), Wand of Paralyzation (84 ch). She also held the goodies we found in the temple. I'm rather sure she had some bracers that she used for armor. The sword and arrows most likely were traded.
Irina, who is still around I reckon, forgotten or not, got a magic weapon and a Cloak +2.
The people playing Skie, Imoen, Ajantis and Mazzy should know their gear better than I do.
When Minsc finishes mourning the loss of his friends, he gathers his whits and goes about looking for the biggest most magical weapon he can find. Also somebody had a statue of an elephant that caught his eye.
Well, you have one +3 axe and another that I think was +2. Dual-wielding those are most likely your best bet, but we never identified the swords in the cache and one had a strange glow if I remember correctly. Also, you didn't use your onyx dog in this fight. Skie's elephant was badly hurt and may still need to rest in the astral plane. Right now I think you need the ring of regeneration.
Upon finishing the spell Boo exposes the room to a magnificent white light and teleports to another dimension - upon leaving this dimension the light obliterates the wraiths in the room. When Boo opens his eyes again, he sees in front of him a dead partially decomposed Minsc. Duh-nuh-DA-NAAAAAA!!!!
...And then the small rodent awakes trembling from his horrific nightmare to see his ever stalwart companion still alive as he picks Boo up and rests the rodent on his shoulders. After giving the mighty warrior an affectionate nuzzle Boo looks around the room and sees the carnage and sheds hamster tears of sadness. However, Giant-Minurature space hamsters are known across the metaverse for being able to quickly process emotion and after a minute of unrestrained sobbing, Boo overcomes his grief and runs down to Minsc's pouch to retrieve a small wedge of cheese.
OOC: the end? lol we havn't sound half the stuff we need to kill Strad. Ohh wait maybe that sword is the weapon in the lair of the "mother" maybe the spider was mommy long legs.
OOC Let's form a checklist of things the fortune teller told up about and figure out what we have accomplished thus far. Minsc wasn't around for the reading though.
I'd like to come back as Alora if that is okay. Do you guys mind having someone who already died once in this adventure (and who also inadvertently caused the deaths of a few other members of the party)? If she can come back she will try very hard to be good this time.
May I get in??? If so, are PS:T's companions allowed I would like to play as Ignus?? (I was mainly thinking to play with a Fighter, but I'm more familiar with mages. I'm not choosing him for the resistances, just for his attitude, he rocks , a lot more when he says something like "to learn, you MUST suffer, its the price for knowledge", what reminds me of a conversation in The Wise's Man Fears (a book), where the protagonist (who was punished because of the bad things he did) says some sort of thing of the liking to another character) If not, I would choose Imoen, but as a Thief, not duals-class (yet!!! hehe) The Nameless One is too Overpowered for a BG gaming style, that's the only reason I prefer playing as Ignus, TNO is the way lot cooler and has a better story, that also leads to Ignus, TNO was Ignus' master, and taught him that knowledge and pain come in the same envelope.
@CrevsDaak I'm trying to stick with the NPCs from Baldur's Gate here, because, never having played Planescape:Torment, I am thinking that those companions might be a bit overpowered for my game. I just looked him up and, yeah, just a little...
@LadyRhian OK, I'll hope Imoen isn't taken so. Yeah, and The Nameless One gains one Attribute point with each experience level. Also, if I can play as Imoen, I would like to rename her to Alyanna
EDIT: Also, I never noticed Ignus had 20 CON :P I liked a lot the 19 INT trough. But Immy will do well .
Ajantis dead, Aerie dead, Skie dead, Lyrrick dead, Mazzy dead, Minsc Level 2, 4 hit points, Sarevok dead, Edwin dead, Imoen dead.
Minsc will go down swinging!
If not, then I will come back as Jaheira (and you thought I was bossy before).
Minsc cradles Boo and assures him it's over.
Well if there's still enough interest to fill a group, I'll join as a cleric, as long as I have enough levels to cast negative plane protection. Actually what's the story with 2e stoneskin, it appeared to prevent level drain too?
Anyway, perhaps Quayle, although in my hands he'll probably turn out quite underpowered. Alternatively, Branwen is relatively one-dimensional so I could probably manage her (I think I just insulted myself).
Montaron: P. Invisibility, Tome of Understanding, Sword +2, P. Extra Healing, Ring of Mammal Control, Ring Mail +1.
Cloak of elvenkind. I think Aerie used the tome.
Sarevok: Philter of Persuasiveness, Wand of Metal and Mineral Detection (92ch), Shield +3, Morning Star +1, Scroll (Spellstrike), Scale Mail +1, Rope of Entanglement, Ring of Fire Resistance, Sword +2. Periapt of proof against poison. He also received a +1 plate from Garrick.
Edwin's treasure: +1 Mace, Quarterstaff +2, Ring of Protection +1, Oil of Acid Resistance, Lens of Detection, Gloves of Missile Snaring (can be used to snatch arrows and the like out of the air). The Lens of Detection allows you to see very small things very clearly and to track as well as a 5th level Ranger. and he received scrolls of charm and a second Otiluke sphere (Lyrrick had the other one).
Garrick/Lyrrick had a light crossbow of speed with normal bolts, a +2 chain, a +2 and a +1 mace, several scrolls: Luck, Continual Light, Flesh to stone and I reckon he/she never used Otilukes Resiliant Sphere, a wand of wonder with a lot of charges left and also a bunch of dust packs that makes you invisible. He also packed Mazzy full with gems that he had created with his wand.
Aerie had a lot of nice items, a boosted wisdom and Potion of sweet water. She was part of this from the start and traded a lot of items, so I can't can't keep track. She started with Magic Items- Scroll (Heal, Cure Light Wounds, Find Traps, Draw Upon Holy Might, Aid, Raise Dead), Studded Leather +1, Periapt of Wound Closure, Talisman of Pure Good, 17 Arrows +1, Ring of Invisibility, Mace +1, Sword +2, Ring of Protection +6 (adds +1 to all saves), Wand of Paralyzation (84 ch). She also held the goodies we found in the temple. I'm rather sure she had some bracers that she used for armor. The sword and arrows most likely were traded.
Irina, who is still around I reckon, forgotten or not, got a magic weapon and a Cloak +2.
The people playing Skie, Imoen, Ajantis and Mazzy should know their gear better than I do.
Ajantis Level 9 S 17, D 18, C 16, I 12, W 13, Ch 17 Hit Points 108
Magic Items- Luckstone, P. Sweet Water, Scroll of Protection from Demons, Shield +4, Spear +3, Plate +3, Sword +1 Luckblade
Plate Mail +1, a Flail +1, P. Longevity, Shield +3, Dust of Appearance, P. Heroism, a Sling of Seeking +2, and a +2 shortsword.
A Potion of Longevity subtracts 1d12 years from your age when you drink it.
...And then the small rodent awakes trembling from his horrific nightmare to see his ever stalwart companion still alive as he picks Boo up and rests the rodent on his shoulders. After giving the mighty warrior an affectionate nuzzle Boo looks around the room and sees the carnage and sheds hamster tears of sadness. However, Giant-Minurature space hamsters are known across the metaverse for being able to quickly process emotion and after a minute of unrestrained sobbing, Boo overcomes his grief and runs down to Minsc's pouch to retrieve a small wedge of cheese.
Okay, so we have on the list
Could you also clarify if 2e stoneskin prevents level drain, because Aerie seemed to take a couple of wraith hits there without losing any levels?
EDIT: Also, I never noticed Ignus had 20 CON :P I liked a lot the 19 INT trough.