Minsc lunges, but whatever it is he is fighting is faster, and he is hit hard. He goes down, unconscious and bleeding. The rest of you come back to yourselves. Imoen finds herself in the room with the alcoves, the rest of you between there and here. (Except for Keldorn and Xan.)
Jaheira will run back and take a position at the door entrence. "Khalid! Hurry over here. We will make our stand together." Once he gets there she will get behind him and grab his right shoulder with her left hand and hold her spear low so that she can sweep for obstacles. "Ready on your command, paladin." In a much softer tone she whisper "Courage, my love" in her husbands ear.
OOC have any of you entered the room yet? Quayle would like to go and heal Minsc, but would like to walk behind someone in plate armor. Not that plate helped Minsc.
Quayle crouches, picks up a handful of dust, and throws it into the room in the hope that it reveals any invisible creatures. He realises that something in that room is an obsessive cleaner, so this may be viewed as an act of aggression, but how much more aggressive can the thing get? He immediately ducks back behind Jaheira and Khalid, and watches for strange shapes in the dust.
OOC I would say that whatever it is, kill it with fire... but one of our over enthusiastic mages would probably fireball the room with us inside so I'll refrain from saying that
Quayle is torn. He has a sworn duty to heal the sick, and fulfilling that duty feels like a requirement in order to continue to receive power from his god. Minsc is on the edge of death, and urgently requires help. Suddenly he can take it no longer, so he jumps up, casts mirror image on himself, shouts 'Baravar be with me now', enters the room, and cast cure light wounds on Minsc.
Quayle glances around in surprise. He really hadn't expected to survive this. He glares at Jaheira and shouts 'a little help here', then casts another cure light wounds on Minsc.
OOC is Minsc unconscious, enraged, or likely to wake up and attack Quayle? How much hit points does he have, what is his max HP, and does he lose points when rage expires?
Minsc is unconscious. When he wakes, he will be out of rage (Unconsciousness and time). Quayle and Jaheira have saved his life. His maximum is 55 hp. He is currently at 3. Alora appears to have been clawed and savaged by something with some really impressive fanged teeth. So has Minsc, from the wounds you can see.
Quayle casts chant on the group. He glances at Xan and shouts 'you'll be a lot less doomed with a stoneskin on you pillock'.
The next round he will cast protection from evil on the current frontliner, or person being attacked.
ooc: Minsc isn't dead yet... just saying... but he will be soon as he went berserk and will lose 15 hp due to that...
@LadyRhian I'll search for noises!
Quayle crouches, picks up a handful of dust, and throws it into the room in the hope that it reveals any invisible creatures. He realises that something in that room is an obsessive cleaner, so this may be viewed as an act of aggression, but how much more aggressive can the thing get? He immediately ducks back behind Jaheira and Khalid, and watches for strange shapes in the dust.
OOC is Minsc unconscious, enraged, or likely to wake up and attack Quayle? How much hit points does he have, what is his max HP, and does he lose points when rage expires?