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Jargon buster

AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
Just like any other community this forum is full of acronyms and specialized words which can be intimidating to the newcomer (and even to some regulars like myself). Following is a list of these words with a short description of their meanings. Hopefully this will help the forum become more newcomer friendly. Most of this list was compiled by @BelgarathMTH, who published it originally in the Bioware forum.


2E: 2nd Edition D&D (Dungeons & Dragons), the game version of D&D from which the BG series got its rule set.
2HLS, 2HS: two-handed longsword, two-handed sword.
2HWS: two-handed weapon style.
AC: Armor class.
AD&D, ADnD: Advanced D&D (Dungeons & Dragons), an intermediate version of D&D after the original D&D.
AD: Animate Dead.
ADHW: Abu-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting.
AerS: Aerial Servant (to avoid confusion with Animal Summoning).
AI: Absolute Immunity; artificial intelligence.
Ao...: Amulet of ....; the god AO.
AoE: Area of effect.
AoF: Armor of Faith.
AOG: Acronym Overload Glossary: this guide.
AoP: Amulet of Power.
APR: Attacks per Round.
aRPG: action Role-Playing Game.
AS: Agannazar's Scorcher, Animal Summoning, Aerial Servant (must be guessed from context).
Asc: Ascension mod.
AU: Animate Undead; some people may use SS "Summon Skeleton" (confuses with Stoneskin et al).
Bark: Barkskin.
BB: Blade Barrier.
BBD: Black Blade of Disaster.
BBoD: Black Blade of Disaster.
BG: Baldur's Gate; rarely, Bolt of Glory.
BG: Baldur’s Gate. One of the games in the series of D&D games set in the Forgotten Realms released around 2000. Its sequel is Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn.
BG2: Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn. The sequel to Baldur’s Gate.
BG2EE: Baldur’s Gate II, Enhanced Edition. The edition of BG2 created by Beamdog in 2013.
BGEE: Baldur’s Gate, Enhanced Edition. The edition of BG created by Beamdog in 2013.
BGFixpack: a commonly used mod that fixes bugs and restores content.
BGT: Baldur's Gate Trilogy.
BGTweaks: a commonly used mod that increases convenience of play.
BH: Burning Hands.
Blind: Blindness.
Blur: Probably shouldn’t be abbreviated.
Bo..: Belt of....; Bolt of....; Bag of...Bracers of....
BoA: Bracers of Archery.
BoCGS: Belt of Cloud Giant Strength.
BoD: Bracers of Dexterity (actually GoD, Gauntlets of Dexterity).
BoG: Bolt of Glory.
BoH: Bag of Holding.
BoHGS: Belt of Hill Giant Strength.
BoM: Boards o' Magic: Forum at Sorcerer's Place modding site.
BoSGS: Belt of Storm Giant Strength.
Breach: (probably shouldn't be abbreviated:maybe Br).
BS: Barkskin.
BTE: Black Talon Elite: an evil mercenary force in Baldur's Gate 1.
BWL: Black Wyrm Lair modding site.
BWP: Big World Project: a megamod that tries to install dozens of mods wo/ creating conflicts or instability.
BWS: Big World Setup. A mod manager. Discontinued and unsupported since 2015.
C or CON: Constitution.
C/F: Cleric-Fighter.
CA: Conjure Animals.
Caco: Cacofiend.
CarrS: Carrion Summons.
Carsomyr: Greatsword +5 only useable by paladins; casts Dispel Magic on every hit .
CC: Cone of Cold, Chain Contingency, Chaotic Commands (must guess from context).
CC: Copper Coronet, a tavern in SoA.
CCW: Cure, Cause Critical Wounds.
CD: Cure Disease.
CEE: Conjure Earth Elemental.
CF: Crom Faeyr or Celestial Fury (weapons).
CFE: Conjure Fire Elemental.
Ch or CHA: Charisma.
Chant: Probably shouldn’t be abbreviated.
Chaos: Probably shouldn’t be abbreviated.
CHARNAME: (pronounced "shar-NAHM-ee") generic word to refer to the main character, literally "character name".
ChC: Chaotic Commands, Chain Contingency.
ChO: Chromatic Orb.
ChP: Charm Person.
ChPoM: Charm Person or Mammal.
ChT: Chill Touch.
CK: Cloudkill.
CL: Chain Lightning, Call Lightning.
CLAE: Conjure Lesser Air Elemental.
Clair: Clairvoyance.
CLEE: Conjure Lesser Earth Elemental.
CLFE: Conjure Lesser Fire Elemental.
CLW: Cure Light Wounds.
CM, C/M: Cleric-Mage.
CMW: Cure Medium Wounds.
CO: Chromatic Orb.
CoC: Cone of Cold.
CoF: Cloak of Fear.
CoM: Chosen of Mystra modding site.
CON: Constitution.
CoND: Cloak of Non-Detection.
Conf: Confusion.
Cont: Contingency.
Contagion: (abbreviating will confuse with Contingengy) .
CP: Charm Person.
CR, C/R: Cleric-Ranger.
cRPG: Computer Role-Playing Game.
CS: Critical Strike, Color Spray, Champion's Strength (must be guessed from context).
CSW: Cure, Cause Serious Wounds.
CT, C/T: Cleric-Thief, Chill Touch.
CtB: Check the bodies..
CU: Control Undead.
CWB: Call Woodland Beings.
CWD: Command Word: Die.
D or DEX: Dexterity.
D&D: Dungeons and Dragons.
DBF: Delayed Blast Fireball.
DC: Dire Charm.
DD: Dimension Door (some people use instead of SD: Shadow Door).
DD: Dolorous Decay.
DE: Detect Evil.
Det: Detect (anything), Detect Evil, Detect Good, Detect Illusion, Detect Magic.
DF: Death Fog.
DH: Defensive Harmony.
DIll: Detect Illusion.
DInv: Detect Invisibility.
Dis: Disintegrate.
DLC: Downloaded Content.
DM: Dungeon Master, Dispel Magic.
DMag: Dispel Magic (without the "ag", will be confused with "dungeon master").
DoE: Defender of Easthaven; a +3 magic weapon with armor class bonuses.
Dom: Domination.
DRM: Digital Rights Management.
DS: Defensive Spin (Blade character class); Death Spell.
DSotSC: Dark Side of the Sword Coast: a commonly used mod that adds content.
DT: Detect Traps, Durlag's Tower (a frequently discussed dungeon from Baldur's Gate 1).
DUHM: Draw Upon Holy Might, spell.
DW: Death Ward.
ED: Energy Drain.
EH: Emotion:Hopelessness.
Ent: Entangle.
EW: Enchanted Weapon.
F: Fireball, Freedom: Probably shouldn’t be abbreviated.
FA: Flame Arrow, Free Action (must be guessed from context).
FAI: Friendly Arms Inn: a frequently visited place in Baldur's Gate 1.
FarS: Farsight.
FB: Fireball, Flame Blade.
FC: Fighter-Cleric.
FD: False Dawn.
FF: Find Familiar; Flaming Fist (a police force in Baldur's Gate 1).
FFT: Fishing for Trouble (quest pack for BG2).
FM, F/M: Fighter-Mage.
FM: Feeblemind.
FMC, F/M/C: Fighter-Mage-Cleric.
FMT, F/M/T: Fighter-Mage-Thief.
FoA: Flail of Ages, starts out +3 with some elemental damage, slows opponents, can be upgraded.
FoD: Finger of Death.
Fr: Friends.
FR: Forgotten Realms (the name of the D&D world setting used in Baldur's Gate).
FS: Flame Strike; rarely, Fire Seeds.
FSB: Fireshield Blue.
FSR: Fireshield Red.
FT, F/T: Find Traps,Fighter-Thief.
FtS: Flesh to Stone.
FWR: Firewine Ruins (a frequently discussed dungeon from Baldur's Gate 1).
G3: Gibberlings Three modding site.
GA: Ghost Armor.
Gate: Probably shouldn’t be abbreviated.
GC: Greater Command.
GD: Glitterdust.
GM: Greater Malison.
Go....: Gauntlets of...; Girdle of.....
GoB: Girdle of Bluntness.
GoD: Gauntlets of Dexterity.
GoES: Gauntlets of Extraordinary Specialization .
GoG: Good Old Games (A download website that sells older games like Baldur's Gate).
GOI: Globe of Invulnerability, spell.
GoOS: Gauntlets of Ogre Strength.
GoP: Girdle of Piercing.
GoS: Girde of Slashing.
GoW: Glyph of Warding.
GR: Greater Restoration.
GT: Ghoul Touch.
GWW: Greater Whirlwind Attack, HLA.
H: Haste, Horror (depending on context? Probably shouldn't be abbreviated.).
HA: Hold Animal.
Harm: Probably shouldn’t be abbreviated.
Heal: Probably shouldn’t be abbreviated.
HiS/MS: Hide in Shadows, Move Silently: combined stealth action for thieves.
HLA: High Level Abilities. Abilities gained when you reach very high levels (around level 20, I think).
HM: Hold Monster.
HoF: Heart of Fury. A difficulty setting for Icewind Dale, introduced in Heart of Winter.
HoW: Heart of Winter. A patch/expansion for the original Icewind Dale. It's included in Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition.
HP: hit points; (rare) Hold Person, Holy Power (must be guessed from context).
HS: Holy Smite, Hide in Shadows (must be guessed from context).
HSMS: Hide in Shadows, Move Silently: combined stealth action for thieves.
HU: Hold Undead.
HW: Horrid Wilting, Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting.
HW: Holy Word.
I or INT: Intelligence.
IA: Improved Alacrity; Improved Anvil mod.
IA: Improved Alacrity, spell; or Improved Anvil, mod.
IC: In character: an abbrev. used by roleplayers to indicate that they are now speaking as their characters..
ID: Identify.
IH: Improved Haste, spell or effect.
II: Improved Invisibility.
IM: Improved Mantle, Impregnable Mind.
IMoD: Improved Mace of Disruption: chance to destroy undead, immune to level drain.
Imprison: Imprisonment.
Int: Intelligence.
Inv: Invisibility.
Inv10: Invisibility 10' Radius.
InvP: Invisibility Purge (to avoid confusion with Insect Plague).
InvS: Invisible Stalker (easily confused with Ice Storm).
IP: Insect Plague, Invisibility Purge.
IR: Item Revisions, mod.
IS: Ice Storm, Iron Skins (must be guessed from context).
ISoM: Impervious Sanctity of MInd.
IWD: Icewind Dale. One of the games in the series of D&D games set in the Forgotten Realms released around 2000. Its sequel is Icewind Dale II.
IWD2: Icewind Dale II. The sequel to IWD.
IWDEE: The Enhanced Edition of Icewind Dale, created in 2013 by Beamdog.
K: Knock.
KA: Know Alignment.
KWW: Khelben's Warding Whip.
LB: Lightning Bolt.
LMD: Larloch's Minor Drain.
LoB: Legacy of Bhaal. The highest difficulty setting in the Baldur's Gate series. Introduced in the enhanced editions.
LR: Lower Resistance, Lesser Restoration (must be guessed from context).
LS: longsword.
Luck: Probably shouldn’t be abbreviated.
Lvl1NPCs: Level One NPC's mod: lets you pick your own character classes for Bioware characters.
LW: Limited Wish.
M/F, M/C, M/F/T: Mage-Fighter, Mage-Cleric, Mage-Fighter-Thief.
M: Mantle, Maze: Probably shouldn’t be abbreviated.
MA: Mage Armor.
MAA: Melf's Acid Arrow.
Magical Stone.:
Mass Invisible: Mass Invisibility (abbreviating confuses with Mirror Image).
MB: Magic Blocking.
MC, M/C: Mage-Cleric.
MC: Mass Cure; multiclass.
MD: Magic Damge .
MD: Mental Domination.
MDR: Magic Damage Resistance.
MetSw: Meteor Swarm? Using MS will confuse with Monster Summoning).
MGoI: Minor Globe of Invulnerability.
MI: Mirror Image, (rarely, Mass Invisibility).
Mislead: Probably shouldn’t be abbreviated.
ML: Mislead.
MM: Magic Missile, Miscast Magic.
MMM: Melf's Minute Meteors.
MMORPG: Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Game.
MordS: Mordenkainen's Sword (using MS will confuse with Monster Summoning).
MR: Magic Resistance.
MRC: minimal reload challenge (a thread started by softcore players to post their game details).
MS: Monster Summoning (MSI, MSII, MSIII) (try MetSw for Meteor Swarm?).
MS: Move Silently (must be guessed from context).
MS: Meteor Swarm, Minor Sequencer (must be guessed: this is a VERY bad abbreviation!).
MSD: Minor Spell Deflection, spell.
MSeq: Minor Sequencer (using MS will confuse with Monster Summoning).
MSHS: (or MSHiS) Move Silently, Hide in Shadows (combined stealth action for thieves).
MST: Minor Spell Turning, spell.
NB: Nature's Beauty.
ND: Non-Detection.
NI: Near Infinity: The Infinity engine resource editor. It can be used to edit game files to create or make changes to many things like items, spells, graphics, etc.
No...: Necklace of…
NoM: Necklace of Missiles (actually Fireballs).
NoS : Necklace of Shielding.
NP: Neutralize Poison .
NPC: Non Player Character. A character who can join the PC party.
NPP: Negative Plane Protection.
NR: no-reload game (the equivalent of hard core: death is final; players voluntarily enforce it on themselves).
NRC: no-reload challenge (a thread started by hardcore players to post their game details).
NSotSC: North Side of the Sword Coast: a commonly used mod that adds content.
O, Or: Oracle.
OC: Original Campaign.
OL: Open Locks.
OOC: Out of Character; an abbreviation used by roleplayers to indicate that they are now speaking as themselves..
OP: Overpowered.
OP: Original Poster.
ORS: Otiluke's Resilient Sphere.
OS: Offensive Spin (Blade character class).
P: Poison, potion.
PB: Phantom Blade.
PC: Player Character. The main character in your party, the one you create at the beginning of the game. When she dies the game is over.
PD: Pixie Dust.
PEH: Potion of Extra Healing.
PfA: Protection from Acid.
PfC: Protection from Cold.
PfEl: Protection from Electricity, Protection from the Elements.
PfEn: Protection from Energy.
PfEv: Protection from Evil.
PfEv10: Protection from Evil, 10'.
PfF: Protection from Fire.
PfFC: Protection from Fire, Cold.
PfG: Protection from Good.
PfG10: Protection from Good, 10'.
PfL: Protection from Lightning.
PfM: Protection from Magic.
PfME: Protecton from Magic Energy.
PFMW: Protection from Magical Weapons (spell).
PfNM: Protection from Normal Missiles.
PfNW: Protection from Normal Weapons.
PfP: Protection from Petrification; Protection from Poison (confusing: must guess from context).
PftE: Protection from the Elements.
PfU: Protection from Undead.
PH: Potion of Healing.
PI: Project Image.
PM: Pierce Magic; rarely, Physical Mirror.
PMB: Potion of Magic Blocking (see Po...).
PMS: Potion of Magic Shielding (see Po...).
Po...: Potion of ....; Periapt of....
PO: Polymorph Other.
PoA, PoAg: Potion of Agility.
PoC: Potion of Clarity.
PoD, PoDef: Potion of Defense.
PoEH: Potion of Extra Healing.
PoFA: Potion of Free Action.
PoFB: Potion of Fiery Burning.
PoG: Potion of Genius.
PoH: Potion of Healing.
PoHm: Potion of Heroism.
PoI: Potion of Insight.
PoMB: Potion of Magic Blocking.
PoMS: Potion of Magic Sheilding.
PoP: Periapt of Poison (a necklace).
PoPaP: Periapt of Proof against Poison (the full name of the necklace).
PoT: Potion of Thieving.
PPG: Pocket Plane Group, modding site.
Pro Fire: Protection from Fire (also Protection from Petrification, Cold, Acid, etc.)
ProMW: Protection from Magic Weapons (Protection from.... abreviations abound). See Pf for further variants.
PrSpr: Prismatic Spray (using PS will confuse with Polymorph Self unless context clear).
PS: Polymorph Self, Pierce Shield, Prismatic Spray (very confusing, must guess from context).
PWB: Power Word Blind.
PWK: Power Word Kill.
PWSI: Power Word Silence.
PWSL: Power Word Sleep.
PWST: Power Word Stun.
RC: Remove Curse.
RD: Raise Dead.
Res, Ress, Rez, Rezz: Ressurect.
RF: Remove Fear, Resist Fear, Resist Fire.
RFaC: Resist Fire and Cold.
RI: Reflected Image.
RM: Remove Magic, (rarely, Righteous Magic) .
Ro...: Ring of..., Rod of....
RoAC: Ring of Air (elemental) Control.
RoE: Ray of Enfeeblement.
RoEC: Ring of Earth (elemental) Control .
RoF or ROF: "rate of fire". Used occasionally by new players in confusion with APR, "attacks per round".
RoFC: Ring of Fire (elemental) Control.
RoR: Rod of Resurrection.
RoW: Ring of Wizardry.
RP: Remove Paralysis.
RR: Rogue Rebalancing mod.
RR: Rogue Rebalancing, mod.
RRoR: Ruby Ray of Reversal.
RRR: Ruby Ray of Reversal.
RT: Rigid Thinking.
RU: Repulse Undead.
S or STR: Strength.
SB: Symbol, Blind.
SD: Symbol, Death.
SF: Symbol, Fear.
SS: Symbol, Stun.
S15': Silence 15'.
SA: Spirit Armor.
Sanc: Sanctuary.
SC: Stinking Cloud, Shapechange.
SCS: Sword Coast Stratagems. One of the most popular mods for BG and BG2. It has partial support for the Enhanced Editions.
SD: Spell Deflection, Shadow Door (some people use "DD": Dimension Door).
SDij: Summon Dijinni (without the "ij" , will be confused with SD).
SE: Summon Effreeti.
Seq: Sequencer, Spell Sequencer.
SF: Summon Fiend, Sunfire.
SG: Shocking Grasp.
SH: Summon Hakeashar, Spiritual Hammer.
SHS: Spellhold Studios modding site.
SI: Summon Insects; Spell Immunity (guessed from context).
SIAb: Spell Immunity: Abjuration.
SIAl: Spell Immunity: Alteration.
SICS: Spell Immunity: Conjuration, Summoning.
SID: Spell Immunity: Divination.
SIE: Spell Immunity: Evocation.
SIN: Spell Immunity: Necromancy.
Sim, Simmy: Simulacrum.
SL: Slay Living.
SN: Summon Nishruu.
SoA: Shield of the Archons.
SoA: Baldur’s Gate II: Shadows of Amn. It refers both to the original sequel and to the Enhanced Edition of the sequel.
SoB: Shield of Balduran (huge bonus to AC, immunity to beholder rays; actually, this isn't a great abbreviation because it matches a more common one that isn't as nice).
SoC: Sphere of Chaos.
SoO: Strength of One.
SOTA: Shield of the Archons, spell.
SotM: Staff of the Magi.
SP: spell protections; Sorcerer's Place modding site; Slow Poison.
Spider Spawn: (abbreviating will confuse with Stoneskin).
SpS: Spell Shield, Spell Sequencer.
SR: spell resistance, spell revisions (must guess from context).
SR: Spell Revisions, mod.
SS: Stoneskin, Spellstrike, Set Snare (confusing; has to be figured from context).
SS: Can mean Spell Sequencer. This is a bad abbreviation, guaranteed to confuse. .
SSO: Sol's Searing Orb.
ST: Spell Turning, Skull Trap, Spell Trigger, Spell Thurst, Spell Trap (bad abbreviation: guaranteed to confuse your reader).
StF: Stone to Flesh.
STR: Strength.
SunF: Sunfire.
SW: Secret Word.
SymB: Symbol, Blind.
SymD: Symbol, Death.
SymF: Symbol, Fear.
SymS: Symbol, Stun.
TC: triple class, Thief-Cleric.
TF: Thief-Fighter, Teleport Field.
TM: Thief-Mage.
ToB: Baldur’s Gate II: Throne of Bhaal. The official expansion to BG2. It refers both to the original expansion and the Enhanced Edition.
ToBEx: Throne of Bhaal Extender.
TotDG: Tales of the Deep Gardens (quest pack for BG 2).
TotLM: Trials of the Lure Master, a free patch/expansion for the original Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter add-on. It's included in Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition.
TotSC: Tales of the Sword Coast. The official expansion to Baldur’s Gate I. It refers both to the original expansion and the Enhanced Edition.
TS: True Seeing, Timestop (confusing; must be guessed from context).
TT: Tenser's Transformation.
TU: Turn Undead.
Tutu: Easy Tutu, a mod that puts all BG1 content into the BG2 engine so you can play with enhancements.
TWE: Teleport Without Error.
TWF: Two Weapon Fighting.
UAI: Use Any Item.
UB: Unholy Blight.
UB: Unfinished Business, a commonly used mod that restores content.
UH: Undead Hunter.
Vecna: the Robe of Vecna; base AC 5, makes any mage spell cast wo/ incantation at beginning of round.
Voc: Vocalize.
VT: Vampiric Touch.
W or WIS: Wisdom.
WA: Whirlwind Attack.
WC: Wyvern Call.
WE: Wizard Eye.
Web: Probably shouldn’t be abbreviated.
WeiDU: Weimer's Dialog Updater.
Wish: Probably shouldn’t be abbreviated.
WK: Watcher's Keep (a frequently discussed dungeon from Baldur's Gate 2).
Wo....: usually, Wand of......
WoFB (or WoF): Wand of Fireball.
WoL: Wand of Lightning.
WoMM: Wand of Magic Missiles.
WoMS: Wand of Monster Summoning.
WotB: Wail of the Banshee.
WotC: Wizards of the Coast: a company that owns D&D rights.
WotH: Wand of the Heavens.
WP: Waukeen's Promenade (a frequently visited place in Baldur's Gate 2).
WR: Wondrous Recall.
WW: Warding Whip, Khelben's Warding Whip.
WW: Whirlwind Attack.
ZoSA: Zone of Sweet Air.


Buff: An effect that provides a bonus or defense.
Debuff: The contrary of a buff. An effect that impacts negatively a creature in some way other than reducing their hit points.
Disabler: A spell which imposes a negative effect different than damage or debuffing.
EE Keeper: A continuation of Shadow Keeper. An Infinity Engine saved game editor for the Enhanced Editions. It allows you to modify a vast array of data in a saved game.
Infinity Engine: A game engine is the core of one or more games, the base on top of which the contents of the games (like characters, quests, etc.) are built. Games based on the same engine work in a very similar way, a player familiar with one of those games will find it easy to learn how to play another. The Infinity Engine is the engine used for the Baldur’s Gate series, the Icewind Dale series and Planescape:Torment.
Lua: Programming language used for the User Interface and game options. Important for UI modders and users of custom portrait sets.
Magic attack: A type of debuff that removes certain magical defenses. For example, Breach only removes specific protections and combat protections, while Pierce Magic only removes spell protections.
Mod: Short for “modification”. A modification to one of the games. They are files or programs which add or modify aspects of the games. Examples of features modified or added are rules, characters, classes, quests, items, dialogues, spells and abilities.
Mod manager: A mod that installs and sets up other mods, trying to prevent conflicts between them.
override: A folder in your game installation. Files placed here override the game files with the same name. Used primarily by modders and those who want to customize their games.
Specific protection/combat protection: A standard buff. Examples include Stoneskin, PFMW, Pro Evil, and Bless, among many others.
Shadow Keeper: A saved game editor for the original Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal. It allows you to modify a vast array of data in a saved game.
Spell protection: A special type of buff that only blocks certain spells. This includes MGOI, (Minor) Spell Turning, (Minor) Spell Deflection, Spell Trap, Spell Immunity, Spell Shield, and SOTA.
Tweaks: One of the most popular mods for BG, BG2, and their Enhanced Editions.
vX.X: Version X.X of the Enhanced Edition of the games. The developers aim to make the features of the versions consistent across games, so in many cases the discussions about a certain version refer to all the games, not just one of them.

I attach a PDF document with this full list plus smaller lists organized by category.

Of course, I will appreciate any additions and corrections and will update the list accordingly.
Post edited by Alonso on


  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Just a quick note:
    Tweaks: One of the most popular mods for BG, BG2, and their Enhanced Editions. Much of its content has been included in the Enhanced Editions.
    The bolded bit isn't accurate. The Fixpack was integrated (except for its optional components), but not Tweaks. Same author, but Tweaks remains separate.
  • FinneousPJFinneousPJ Member Posts: 6,455
    @semiticgod Isn't debuff the opposite of a buff, as in the application of a penalty rather than bonus. For example, Doom spell. The removal of effects is a dispel (de-spell).
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    @FinneousPJ no, the debuff is something that removes a buff, something like Breach or Pierce Magic. Doom is a disabler. @semiticgod was clear about it.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    Thank you, guys. I have updated the first post with your contributions. I have made slight modifications to some, let me know if I got something wrong or I missed something.

    Keep them coming!
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    edited November 2019
    Post edited by lefreut on
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited August 2016
    Edit I removed the post because was wrong, sorry....
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    TS: Time Stop, lev 9 arcane spell.

    TS: True Sight, lev 6 arcane spell.

  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    you are right, I agree, and I had removed my post 1 minute, actually probably few seconds, before you posted..... :smiley:
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2016
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461
    edited August 2016
    You could have a look at this much more developed list of acronyms on the Bioware site - that site's not going to last too much longer, but you could copy it into your list if you wanted.
  • joluvjoluv Member Posts: 2,137
    AoE: Area of effect
    WeiDU: ??? (s/o @chimeric)
  • Troodon80Troodon80 Member, Developer Posts: 4,110
    edited August 2016
    In keeping with SoA and ToB:
    HoF: Heart of Fury. A difficulty setting for Icewind Dale, introduced in Heart of Winter.
    HoW: Heart of Winter. A patch/expansion for the original Icewind Dale. Content is included in Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition.
    TotLM: Trials of the Lure Master, a free patch/expansion for the original Icewind Dale: Heart of Winter add-on. Content is included in Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition.
    Alonso said:

    EEKeeper: An Infinity Engine saved game editor for the Enhanced Editions. It allows you to modify a vast array of data in a saved game.

    I think it would also be good to put in Shadow Keeper. That's where EE Keeper comes from, and some people still refer to Shadow Keeper from time to time.

    EE Keeper: A continuation of Shadow Keeper. An Infinity Engine saved game editor for the Enhanced Editions. It allows you to modify a vast array of data in a saved game.
    Shadow Keeper: A save game editor for the original Baldur's Gate II: Shadows of Amn and Throne of Bhaal. It allows you to modify a vast array of data in a saved game.
  • The user and all related content has been deleted.
  • DeeDee Member Posts: 10,447
    Some acronyms from my typical install:

    IR - Item Revisions, a mod by @Demivrgvs and @Mike1072 (Link)
    SR - Spell Revisions, a mod by @Demivrgvs (Link)
    RR - Rogue Rebalancing, a mod by @AlexT (Link)
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768

    I think WeiDU = "Weimer's Dialogue Utility"

    Weimer's Dialog Updater

    ...If my memory isn't failing me.
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    edited August 2016
    CC: chain contingency, lev 9 arcane spell.

    I know, already told, but wait....
    CC: Copper Coronet, tavern in the slums.
    CC: Chaotic Command, divine spell.
  • SkaroseSkarose Member Posts: 247
    SiG = Skarose is Great (feel free to use anytime in these forums especially when a discussion between forumites is becoming repetitive or redundant.)

    NerdForumite : " Explain to me again why Fighter/Mages are better than Bards!"

    ForumiteGeek : " Simple we've been saying it since 1999 ,or more succinctly to put it another way 'SiG!'"

    RumpleThreadkin : " So what's your opinion on certain support merchant Cleric NPCs included in new content games?"

    SensibleForumite : "SiG!"

    "Are Blackguards OP?"
    "Is Flail of Ages a bad@ss weapon or what?"
    "Explain how Aerie is annoying?"
    * This public service announcement is sponsored by 'The Friends of Skarose for a more acronym friendly forums'
  • gorgonzolagorgonzola Member Posts: 3,864
    Not exactly in topic, but...... :smiley:
  • BillyYankBillyYank Member Posts: 2,768
    edited August 2016
    NI: Near Infinity: Infinity engine resource editor, can be used to edit game files to create or make changes to many things like items, spells, graphics, etc.

    Lua: Programming language used for the User Interface and game options. Important for UI modders and users of custom portrait sets.

    override: A folder with your game installation. Files placed here override the game files with the same name. Used primarily by modders and those who want to customize their games.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    Updated and corrected. However, as Grond0 pointed, looks like this work has already been done. No point in doing it again if we can use that other list. I just messaged @BelgarathMTH and suggested copying his list to this forum.
    Grond0 said:

    You could have a look at this much more developed list of acronyms on the Bioware site - that site's not going to last too much longer, but you could copy it into your list if you wanted.

  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I think they probably need updating. There's nothing from SoD in there, including "SoD".

    There are likely a lot of no-reloader terms that still aren't in there, as well.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    Nice! :)

    Can I merge what we already have here with your list and put it in the first post? I would give you all the credit for your work, of course.
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