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Cruel things you do to NPCs

Here we record the noteworthy acts of douchebaggery we decided to inflict on our virtual minions :D

In my current run Neera just finished massacring her entire camp. If you kill Hayes without taking Neera in your party, when she joins the cutscene to open the camp doors still fires. Telana is of course hostile but Neera, possibly under the effects of some shroom given by Zaviak, didn't recognize her and happily helped me kill her as well as everything else.

Unfortunately Zaviak died before telling me what kind of shroom that was, so I abandoned Neera near his corpse out of spite. Hopefully, once her drug-induced hallucination fades, she will remember everything and weep in horror.

Your turn now, please share the stories of your depravity!


  • ajwzajwz Member Posts: 4,122
    I always feel terrible for rejecting imoen when she tries to join the party underneath spellhold
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    I (apparently) lead Neera on, making her think I have the hots for her, when really, all I'm doing is just trying to be nice, friendly, and learn a bit about her. I keep putting her down (metaphorically,) much to her dislike.

    Come to think of it, I have a tendency to do that to a lot of potential romance partners no matter the game, even if I blatantly state to their face that I fancy someone else. Why does nice instantly translate to bow-chicka-wow-wow?
  • jesterdesujesterdesu Member Posts: 373
    Some really harsh stuff here. Makes me realise I've never done anything actually evil in this game.

    I do kill anybody I find hurting or arranging hurt to animals, such as the "noble" guy who wants you to kill a polar bear in BG1 and Wilson's captors... I feel that's justified though.
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    I like the BGII options where you can have a npc totally disgraced before dropping them or killing them. This goes for Anomen and Keldorn of course. It always gives me a reason to recruit them into my evil party. Thank you BGII for evil dialogue options.

    It can also go for Jahiera too. Amu romanced her and did that whole long quest after Galvary. Eventually he picked a fight with Drizzt, causing Jahiera to abandon the party. He found her again outside the Galvary estate. I would like to say he stripped her down naked and cursed her, that would actually be cruel, but no he just killed her.
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    Has anyone ever forgone the Nalia stronghold and just given her up to Isaeah?
  • OtherguyOtherguy Member Posts: 157
    edited August 2016
    I can't even be evil in computer games. I've never done anything even remotely evil to any good or neutral NPC in the BG series. I can't even turn down Nalia from taking the fighter stronghold when I am a FMT or FM even though I would much rather have the sphere. And if I do the sphere first I can't bring myself to have the apprentices create a reaching ring or staff of power since I feel bad if I get them killed..

    The worst thing I have done might have been to not do Keldorns personal quest, because if I complete it he would never be able to stay in the party.
    Post edited by Otherguy on
  • FinnTheHumanFinnTheHuman Member Posts: 404
    @Kurona... just .... wow. And I have the feeling you've only just begun.
  • Montresor_SPMontresor_SP Member Posts: 2,208
    Nimran said:

    In Nashkel:

    1. Locate Noober.
    2. Speak to him.
    3. For each of his questions, move slowly towards Nashkel inn.
    4. When he asks his last question, you should be in front of the tavern.
    5. Noober speaks to you for the last time, and then leaves the map - entering Nashkel Inn instead of just disappearing.

    Result: Noober can now annoy the entire town with his stoopid questions, instead of being left in an empty field.


    That's the nicest thing that anyone's ever done for Noober. :blush:
    The price of being an a*****e to the rest of Nashkel. :wink:
  • SirBatinceSirBatince Member Posts: 882
    Is selling Pomab his own equipment stolen from his room a cruel thing?

    I think we've all been cruel there.
  • evildevil97evildevil97 Member Posts: 95
    During some of my first BG1 playings, I used to change the colour scheme of NPCs I didn't want to something drab, like browns and greys. Then kill them. Their dark and sad coloured corpses forever on the ground.
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  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    edited September 2016
    @chimaera I am sorry but I refuse to consider Mutamin an artist. He blatantly violates the intellectual property of others. Everyone knows he doesn't make his statues himself but in fact ruthlessly exploits inoffensive critters while stealing the credit for their creations.

    That being said, if the traveling sorceress made her statues herself, then I have no complaint.
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