Cruel things you do to NPCs

Here we record the noteworthy acts of douchebaggery we decided to inflict on our virtual minions 
In my current run Neera just finished massacring her entire camp. If you kill Hayes without taking Neera in your party, when she joins the cutscene to open the camp doors still fires. Telana is of course hostile but Neera, possibly under the effects of some shroom given by Zaviak, didn't recognize her and happily helped me kill her as well as everything else.
Unfortunately Zaviak died before telling me what kind of shroom that was, so I abandoned Neera near his corpse out of spite. Hopefully, once her drug-induced hallucination fades, she will remember everything and weep in horror.
Your turn now, please share the stories of your depravity!

In my current run Neera just finished massacring her entire camp. If you kill Hayes without taking Neera in your party, when she joins the cutscene to open the camp doors still fires. Telana is of course hostile but Neera, possibly under the effects of some shroom given by Zaviak, didn't recognize her and happily helped me kill her as well as everything else.
Unfortunately Zaviak died before telling me what kind of shroom that was, so I abandoned Neera near his corpse out of spite. Hopefully, once her drug-induced hallucination fades, she will remember everything and weep in horror.
Your turn now, please share the stories of your depravity!
gotta powergame
I'm a better person now.
gotta powergame is right @SirBatince
But my favorite thing to do is cast barkskin on Willow Aspen Maple.
Come to think of it, I have a tendency to do that to a lot of potential romance partners no matter the game, even if I blatantly state to their face that I fancy someone else. Why does nice instantly translate to bow-chicka-wow-wow?
The idea is not mine, but I find it nasty.
Transform yourself into a Mind Flyer and drain Edwin's INT each time he calls you monkey.
Save Viconia from who want to burn her alive and then kill her yourself with fireballs.
Dual Valygar into a mage.
Take Keldorn into the party and then go into the Order's building and gate demons until every pally is dead.
Take Imoen in the party in the Asilum and when you are in the Drow city erase all the spells that she know and equip her with the cursed bracers that lower DEX.
Then drop her telling her "wait me here".
Damn that's cold. Savage!
The steps.
1. Acquire Cursed Sword of Berserking from Smaeluv Orcslicer.
2. Give it to Keldorn.
3. Have tea in the Firecam Estate.
4. Accidentally summon something and make it hostile.
5. Cackle madly while Keldorn is overcome by the cursed blade and butchers his wife and daughters.
6. Pet your cat familiar and go back to your secret volcano lair.
I do kill anybody I find hurting or arranging hurt to animals, such as the "noble" guy who wants you to kill a polar bear in BG1 and Wilson's captors... I feel that's justified though.
1. Locate Noober.
2. Speak to him.
3. For each of his questions, move slowly towards Nashkel inn.
4. When he asks his last question, you should be in front of the tavern.
5. Noober speaks to you for the last time, and then leaves the map - entering Nashkel Inn instead of just disappearing.
Result: Noober can now annoy the entire town with his stoopid questions, instead of being left in an empty field.
It can also go for Jahiera too. Amu romanced her and did that whole long quest after Galvary. Eventually he picked a fight with Drizzt, causing Jahiera to abandon the party. He found her again outside the Galvary estate. I would like to say he stripped her down naked and cursed her, that would actually be cruel, but no he just killed her.
The worst thing I have done might have been to not do Keldorns personal quest, because if I complete it he would never be able to stay in the party.
The plan: being real nice, perhaps even submissive, to him and making him patron-free in order to lull him into a false sense of security. Then sacrifice him in Hell during the trial of Selfishness. Death by betrayal, nothing worse for our self-styled "super evil badass".
I'm going to enjoy this.
I think we've all been cruel there.
Saerileth has lots of qualities making her enticing for the sake of ultimate asshattery:
- She's very gullible, due to having the emotional maturity of a 12 years old
- She's fanatical in, well, pretty much everything
- Her creators insist that even when she dies she still wins, but fortunately there's a loophole to prevent this
So here's the step-by-step plan to completely ruin her life (it's actually pretty simple):
1. Romance her (not that it's difficult)
2. Reach chapter 6 and go to Watcher's Keep for her quest
3. Assuage her doubts about her mission and have her banish Kesevar. She will then lose her status of Chosen of Tyr and feel absolutely miserable
4. When she leaves to redeem herself, kill her to make sure it never happens
5. With EEKeeper, switch your alignment to Chaotic Evil because you really deserve it at this point
And with that, a holy Chosen of Tyr died miserably alone and abandoned by her god. Gonna stop this playthrough now since it was a speed run just to do this.
Kinda want to make Viconia suffer now, but that's a bit harder.
That being said, if the traveling sorceress made her statues herself, then I have no complaint.