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[MOD] Portraits Portraits Everywhere (for BG1EE, SOD, BG2EE, IWDEE, EET)



  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Daft_Hunk wrote: »
    Sorry for the late answers but I'm not really available these days.
    Orphéo89 wrote: »
    @Daft_Hunk Sorry at bother you but did you change anything for the portraits corresponding to the IWD characters, please?

    Not directly but I included the changes made by Tipun.

    You mean this one ?

    I don't have problem on my side, are you sure they are vanilla NPC not affected by modded quests ?
    For exemple Noober will lost his portrait when the Unfinished Business quest will start.
    Same for generic npcs that gets a unique name.
    Additional patches will be requiered for this but I currently don't have the time to do it.

    V1.02 24/07/2021
    Added new content & russian translation: by tipun &
    Replaced some portraits with new one: by Greener
    Added french translation: by Daft Hunk

    @Daft_Hunk Was just checking my "old" downloaded mod archive. Did you use some replacements portraits V2 by Sirick ?
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Just to report an error installing component 350 - Longhair Aerie :
    ERROR: Failure("Unknown macro: longhair_aerie")

  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited March 2022
    I have just been testing it again after a long time. I didn't remenber that this mod was only assigning portraits to speaking NPCs with specific name ? For example the tutors or noblemen in Candlekeep don't get any portrait.

    Am i correct ?
  • BrockBrock Member Posts: 14
    Sry, I play a lot of mods with EET, they don't all have a picture
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    A lot of mods. Well, that's probably it. PPE looks characters up by their exact filenames for its specific portraits. If a character's not in that list, the only chance they have of getting a portrait is from the "generic portraits" component. I believe the only mod PPE takes into account in its specific portraits is the BG1 NPC project. Always install PPE after BG1NPC.

    For mods installed after PPE, there's a chance that they create NPCs by copying existing ones - in which case that existing portrait comes along with it. I have an "unfinished business"-style component in my mod that copies an existing but unused version of Noober; if you install that component after PPE, the Noober I copied gets his stupid-looking portrait, and thus so does the new one my component creates. Do it in the other order, and no portrait for mine.

    Some mods include portraits for their characters already. In which case, great! PPE doesn't have to do anything.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    After further investigation i found a "minor" bug quite annoyinf for me.

    PPE gives portraits to many NPCs from the vanilla games, and also to some NPCs from few other mods like BG1 Mini Quests & Encounters (bgqe).

    Linda from "7: Unexpected Help Quest" component of bgqe should have one (she has her portrait in PPE/bgqe). On my install, the portrait appears in the message box, just to see it disappear right away.

    If anyone has a clue ?
  • LeiluLeilu Member Posts: 67
    edited May 2022
    I am no longer in the underdark and the companion portraits are still the drow version.
  • RyofuRyofu Member Posts: 268
    Thank you for this great mod. I was wondering if there was any way i can make the mod also give npcs that are added from other quest and story mods portraits? I would really like every npc in the game to have a portrait :p
  • sleepersleeper Member Posts: 3
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    After further investigation i found a "minor" bug quite annoyinf for me.

    PPE gives portraits to many NPCs from the vanilla games, and also to some NPCs from few other mods like BG1 Mini Quests & Encounters (bgqe).

    Linda from "7: Unexpected Help Quest" component of bgqe should have one (she has her portrait in PPE/bgqe). On my install, the portrait appears in the message box, just to see it disappear right away.

    If anyone has a clue ?

    i have the exact same problem
  • SirickSirick Member Posts: 94
    edited August 2022
    Mordekaie wrote: »
    @Daft_Hunk Was just checking my "old" downloaded mod archive. Did you use some replacements portraits V2 by Sirick ?

    It would appear so!

    I'm actually in the middle of setting up for a new playthrough for the saga and so I'm currently working on a bunch more portraits. I downloaded a new version of PPE and noticed some of my own replacements are now part of the mod.

    I'm cool with this, but would ask for some credits. No idea how active the mod creators are now though.

    (Here's a sneak peek of my effects so far, will likely make a new post with all the content once finished)

  • MarkofWisdomMarkofWisdom Member Posts: 1
    How do you actually download/install this portrait mod? Checking on the github page doesn't seem to have any obvious install instructions. Is the "setupPPE.exe" file the one to download? I didn't think it would be since it's from over 6 years ago and the mod has more recent revisions
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    edited October 2022
    You need the full "PPE" folder plus the "setup-PPE.exe" file. The latter is the executable to install it, but what it does is run code (setup-PPE.tp2) to install the actual portraits, and all of that is contained in "PPE". The exe without the folder does nothing.
    Put both of those in your game folder, on the same level as "chitin.key". Then run the executable. It opens a command-line interface, and you can just follow the prompts.

    There are alternatives to the exe. See here for more information. As the exe is Windows-specific, you'll need those alternatives if you're on any other platform.
  • EyesHunterBooEyesHunterBoo Member Posts: 3
    Hi, if I don't want some of the portraits in either the portraits or random portraits folders can I just delete or replace them and rename accordingly?
    For example if I don't like bartender8 can I delete it and rename bartender9 to bartender 8 and so forth?
    Also is it okay to delete a category folder I don't want like 'kids' for example?

    I want to change the companions portraits and add some portraits for charname from different portrait packs as well, which I'm assuming wouldn't interfere with this mod but just in case, should I install PPE first or add the other portraits first? Thanks!
  • ValdiExzrValdiExzr Member Posts: 1
    edited January 2023
    Hello all, it appears I've encountered some problems on my EET install of PPE. To be more specific, I did a new and clean install of EET (several times in-fact, due to either unwanted changes, or technical hijinks) and have found that certain NPC's do not have a portrait associated with them.

    They are as follows, Lydia, Thurston, Quincy and Christian. I do recall my former installation had no such issues (at least with Thurston, Quincy and Christian I didn't) , and I had based my new one largely on that of the old.

    Is there anyway for me to resolve my issues?

    Please respond and thanks in advance.

    EDIT: I'm also using the Sequence option of the Category Portrait component, sorry for neglecting to mention that.
  • KeeptruckingKeeptrucking Member Posts: 7
    Thank you so much for your hard work doing this, you've really enhanced my BG experience. :)

    I have a few suggestions for NPC's related to the Neera's wild refuge:

    Lanneth, the red wizard you encounter in bridge district during the first encounter with Neera in BG2. She sounds like a middle aged woman and sinister.

    In the wild refuge:

    Knoktor the fizzled sounds like an old, well educated gnome.

    Zaviak sounds like a happy stoner.

    Barad Ding is adorable. I have two suggestions for this one, one is very colorfull.

    I've attached the suggestions in formats, that I hope you can use directly.
  • TrouveurTrouveur Member Posts: 723
    Thank you so much for your hard work doing this, you've really enhanced my BG experience. :)

    I have a few suggestions for NPC's related to the Neera's wild refuge:

    Lanneth, the red wizard you encounter in bridge district during the first encounter with Neera in BG2. She sounds like a middle aged woman and sinister.

    In the wild refuge:

    Knoktor the fizzled sounds like an old, well educated gnome.

    Zaviak sounds like a happy stoner.

    Barad Ding is adorable. I have two suggestions for this one, one is very colorfull.

    I've attached the suggestions in formats, that I hope you can use directly.
    Great portraits 🙂.

    Who are the artists? I would like to thank them for allowing use of their works for this mod.
  • EndarireEndarire Member Posts: 1,519
    The old man looks like Tellah from FFIV.
  • KeeptruckingKeeptrucking Member Posts: 7
    Super glad you liked them!

    The suggestion for Lanneth: KuraiGeijutsu

    For Barad Ding the one smelling a flower is credited here to Even Amudsen: But the link for the artist doesnt work.

    The colorfull one for Barad Ding I cant find.

    The one for Knoktor I couldnt find. This page says it's an: "Artwork inspired by Square-Enix and Final Fantasy IV. Author unknown."

    The one for Zaviak is by CurlyJul:

    Hope you have a great one.
  • SaralainSaralain Member Posts: 8
    edited May 2023
    I want to thank you for this beautiful mod, which has added so much new excitement and fun to my playthroughs. I now find myself talking to every NPC, even ones that I'm sure don't have a quest for me, just to see their face. There's been a few times where I literally laughed out loud because the combination of the face and the dialog line was too funny. Here's an example:


    Thank you for all this hard work. It must have been a massive effort to collect and modify so many portraits, and to match them up so well and carefully to the myriad of NPCs we meet in the game.
  • RyzaJrRyzaJr Member Posts: 1
    This mod crashes my game on exit. Windows 11, GOG version of the game.

    Anyone else have this problem and fixed it?
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    ValdiExzr wrote: »
    Hello all, it appears I've encountered some problems on my EET install of PPE. To be more specific, I did a new and clean install of EET (several times in-fact, due to either unwanted changes, or technical hijinks) and have found that certain NPC's do not have a portrait associated with them.

    They are as follows, Lydia, Thurston, Quincy and Christian. I do recall my former installation had no such issues (at least with Thurston, Quincy and Christian I didn't) , and I had based my new one largely on that of the old.

    Is there anyway for me to resolve my issues?

    Please respond and thanks in advance.

    EDIT: I'm also using the Sequence option of the Category Portrait component, sorry for neglecting to mention that.


    My notes about the The missing portraits:
    - The "nobleman" from Gorion's ward, looses his pic from PPE when his name Thruston is restaured by BG1 Unfinished Business (maybe component "Store, Tavern and Inn Fixes and Restorations"; to be confirmed). See Here
    - glumSir Trun and Linda from the component "7: Unexpected Help Quest" of BG1 Mini Quests & Encounters "should" get a portrait. The one from Linda seems to trigger and immediatly dispappears from the message box. Any idea?
    - @ValdiExzr reported other missing portraits (see Here): Lydia, Thurston, Quincy and Christian

    If anyone has an idea how to give a portrait to Thurston (using PPE or the override folder), i would be grateful. It is not such a big deal, but his "wife" keeps her pic (b/c she keeps her "noblewoman" flag)...
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    edited July 2023
    The way PPE is coded, it reads a table that associates creature filenames with portrait filenames. Then, for each row of that table, if that creature file exists, it assigns the associated portrait.

    The nobleman in Candlekeep is NOBL4.CRE. He doesn't have a line in the table, which means he only gets a portrait through the "category portraits" components. That component checks the creature's name for various keywords, one of which is "Nobleman". Change his name, and that component doesn't pick him up.

    The cleanest way around this is to add the nobleman, or anyone else you want to get a portrait even if they get a name, to the main table.
    First, choose a portrait you'd like for him - from the mod files or elsewhere (In the latter case, make sure it's in the right format). Let's say that's the first male portrait in the "nobles" group, S9NBM1.bmp (File path RandomPortraits/Nobles/). Copy it over to the mod's "Portraits" folder if it's not already there.
    Then, open up NPCPortraits.tbl (in the "tbl" folder) in a text editor and add a new row consisting of the creature's filename (NOBL4), some amount of spaces and/or tabs, and then the filename of the portrait (S9NBM1, in my example).

    Once you do this, any future install of this altered version of the mod will always assign that portrait to that character, even if his name changes and he's not eligible for the category portraits.
    Post edited by jmerry on
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited July 2023
    @jmerry thanks a lot. I'll test it very soon :)

    The Picture Standard ( also plays on the same field as PPE, with some distinctions:
    - PPE adresses generic NPCs (labelled as "nobleman"…) as long as specific NPCs
    - While The Picture Standard tends to adress portraits for identified NPCs and followers (having a name). It also gives portraits to NPCs from several mods (optional components).
    - They will overwrite with each for what they have in common. I would install PPE after The Picture Standard (to get the most of PPE.)

    I haven't been investigating further...Do they go along/fit well together? Or The Picture Standard is to be considered as mostly outdated?

    About the optional components giving portraits to NPCs from mods, are they worth consideration? Any opinion?

    If you have some hints about those two mods, i would be grateful b/c i am not feeling to dig the subject any further at the moment...:)

    The question behind all this is: should i keep The Picture Standard in my EET install order ( where PPE is mandatory)?
    Post edited by Mordekaie on
  • JanWJanW Member Posts: 26
    I wonder if anyone has forked or is willing to take on the development of this mod, since DaftHunk seems to be missing in action?
    I'm willing to share some feedback / suggestions.

  • avbitranavbitran Member Posts: 5
    edited September 2023
    I don't understand where the actual download of the mod is... the github page has no download
    never mind I managed to download it. but I have a problem where portraits don't show on existing saves, only on a new game.... any fix?
    Post edited by avbitran on
  • RoboclerRobocler Member Posts: 5
    Is there a way to make this mod work with DragonspearUI++ ?
  • ZoltanavrZoltanavr Member Posts: 43
    Robocler wrote: »
    Is there a way to make this mod work with DragonspearUI++ ?

    I have both mods installed and they work OK together. Do you have any issues?
  • RoboclerRobocler Member Posts: 5
    edited October 2023
    Zoltanavr wrote: »
    Robocler wrote: »
    Is there a way to make this mod work with DragonspearUI++ ?

    I have both mods installed and they work OK together. Do you have any issues?

    The issue is simply that portaits are not shown with DragonspearUI++ mod. Could you make a screenshot of DragonspearUI++ and PPE working?


    Post edited by Robocler on
  • ktchongktchong Member Posts: 88
    edited January 2024
    Nowadays you can just use AI to generate character portraits. Here is a good site that can generate fantasy portraits in different styles:

    Just type in some descriptions, some exclusions, pick an art style, pick a format, and the AI generates a series of portraits for you to choose and download, or just download all of them.

    The laws on AI-generated artworks is fuzzy now. The law may may change in the future, but as of now, AI-generated portraits are (mostly) copyright free. I know the ones generated at that website are.

    You can use the AI portrait generator to replace every portrait in the Portrait Portrait Everywhere mod, and all the AI portraits will have a consistent style. (The "Oil Painting" styles in particular match the portrait style of the Baldur's Gate Trilogy.)

    There are other similar AI websites that generate artworks and portraits, and they may have different styles that are different and may or may not match with portraits from other AI.
  • SilentSwordSilentSword Member Posts: 50
    I'm so love this mod. and I want use it in IWD2. Could you please make it fit for IWD2? Please!!
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