how does the mod interact with argent77's TotL conversion?
I haven't tried it but it would like any mod. If installed after the conversion it won't give any main/named character any special portrait. Its made to allow modmakers to specify their own portraits for named characters since there's no telling what any one person will have installed.
It will still give generic portraits for things like people named "guard" and several classes/groups/professions.
Great mod! Is there anyway to get my Charname portrait to appear below the npcs portrait when I am selecting a dialogue response? I think this would be a nice touch as it would feel more immersive
Great mod! Is there anyway to get my Charname portrait to appear below the npcs portrait when I am selecting a dialogue response? I think this would be a nice touch as it would feel more immersive
just a thought thank you for this mod
I think that would be something to add from a UI mod.
i'm kinda curious if there is a way to make a mod like this for ice wind dale 2.
In Icewind Dale 2, even if the character you're talking to has a portrait, the game doesn't display it; it displays the portrait of the party member who's doing the talking.
a werid thing about this mod made me stop useing it. for some reason it just deletes xan's portrait even tho i'm using another mod that replaces it. his is just not there and blank. when you uninstall ppe it's still gone doing a new game restores it tho.
@megamike15 You can restore Xan's portrait by placing a copy of the original portrait into the portraits folder. The copy needs to be called XAN.bmp. I seem to recall the mod doing that for one other character, but I forget who.
There should already be portrait files for Xan in the system, named XANL, XANM, and XANS. The unmodded game uses XANL for the large portrait (on the main screen sidebar) and XANM for the small portrait (when he's speaking). With the PPE mod, it's looking for XAN instead and not finding it. So, then, to satisfy the mod, you want a copy of XANM renamed to XAN. If it's in the mod's "portraits" folder before installing, it's seamless. If you've already installed the mod, you can put it in the override folder. Or, you could edit saves in EEKeeper to give Xan his old XANL and XANM portraits.
Recruitable characters with portraits in the PPE folder, which then get copied to the override folder:
Garrick, Safana, Tiax, Xzar. Some may have altered backgrounds to distinguish them from the versions players can select.
Actually, I've already installed PPE, and I can't isolate a copy of the file in question. The "Extract" button in EEKeeper doesn't seem to do anything. Can someone post a copy of XANM.bmp?
@smeagolheart Hah! I just found out that you used my Sirick charname portrait for Magreb. That was so weird to unexpectedly see.
If you'd like, here's a slightly updated version, less in the style of the original BG portraits, and closer to what you'd see from Artastrophe (as I changed it to match more with her style of portraits since I'm currently using them).
@smeagolheart A question. I prefer having portraits only for the more important NPCs, if I were to install the mod, then delete all the .cre and .bmp files in the Override folder of the NPCs I don't want to have portraits for, would this cause any issues? Assuming I've a clean install with no other mods.
@smeagolheart A question. I prefer having portraits only for the more important NPCs, if I were to install the mod, then delete all the .cre and .bmp files in the Override folder of the NPCs I don't want to have portraits for, would this cause any issues? Assuming I've a clean install with no other mods.
@Sirick It's been a very long time since I delved into this but yes I believe it should work that way. IIRC the "groups" option that assigns portraits to "Guard" and whatnot is optional.
I'm not sure if this how the mod is supposed to work or not but all the commoners that share a model and voice also share the same portrait. If this is how it is supposed to work, is there a way to change what portrait is assigned to each character "archetype"(model basically)? Because all the fat bald commoners have a very handsome, almost regal-looking portrait with very long hair in my game, which is slightly "immersion"-breaking.
I'm not sure if this how the mod is supposed to work or not but all the commoners that share a model and voice also share the same portrait. If this is how it is supposed to work, is there a way to change what portrait is assigned to each character "archetype"(model basically)? Because all the fat bald commoners have a very handsome, almost regal-looking portrait with very long hair in my game, which is slightly "immersion"-breaking.
it depends on how they are coded. Some mods are sloppy with how they handle creatures.
So. I have a personal need for visual conformity with all my Baldur's Gate portraits. And since I'm using Artastrophe's portraits for my companion NPC's (and a custom charname that matches), I really wanted the NPC portraits introduced by Portraits Everywhere to match as well.
As you can see, this is not the full amount of NPC's in the game (not by far). This is because I only want portraits for what I consider to be the more important NPC's in the game. All other NPC's in my game will have no portraits.
All portraits are a mix of Artastrophe's work, and portraits sourced from the internet. (All credit goes to original artists).
I've increased resolution on all to the largest used by the game, 210x330.
I've increased the the contrast as to match closer with the games original portrait aesthetics (I've done the same with my companion and charname portraits).
And I've made other minor edits using Photoshop. Some of the edits are to make the portraits more uniform, alter character appearance, and or colours.
I wanted to share these portraits along with my edits with the community. Please feel free to use the portraits I've put together to replace the defaults. Or, to do the same as me and only have portraits for the NPC's I've considered important enough to have them, and delete all other NPC's from your override folder.
Thanks! Although all credit should go to the original artists. I only really did any real work on a handful, either because I wanted something close to what that NPC should look like (Volo for example). Or the base image didn't match in style well enough with the others, despite it being what I thought was a good match for that particular NPC.
There is one or two portraits I'm not 100% happy with, and may change later, but for now it's good enough for my next playthrough.
Hopefully some others can get some use out of them too.
i think i might use this just for the elminster portrait. as i was having issues replacing he one from this mod with the one from aeraport but this one is better overall as i was not a fan of the fact he lacked his hat.
edit: i feel the gorian wraith's portrait should be updated to as you changed gorians portrait and they share the same one alto the wraith is lighter.
@megamike15 The Gorion wraith from ToB? I intend to do all the "important" NPC's from BGII as well as soon as I've done my current BG1 playthrough. I'll be sure to include an wraith Gorion variant just for you!
@megamike15 The Gorion wraith from ToB? I intend to do all the "important" NPC's from BGII as well as soon as I've done my current BG1 playthrough. I'll be sure to include an wraith Gorion variant just for you!
no rush. i tend to prefer these style portraits to the originals in general. makes some characters like nalia and the five look so much better imo.
It seems I can't help myself. Made a second pass over the NPC's and ended up adding a few more portraits.
At some point, once I've done all the BG2 portraits as well, I'll follow Smeagolheart's advice and make a new thread, but for now I'll put them here.
(New portraits have been added to my original post above).
gotta tell you tho, kirinhale should look like a sexy human female, probably with a slightly unnatural pale-bluish complexion. at least that's how i gather from looking at the sprite. demonic look is very problematic because it acts as a spoiler
gotta tell you tho, kirinhale should look like a sexy human female, probably with a slightly unnatural pale-bluish complexion. at least that's how i gather from looking at the sprite. demonic look is very problematic because it acts as a spoiler
Good point, I'll probably make a few substitutions and or colour changes to certain portraits as I work my way through my next playthrough and notice inconsistencies.
I think with Kirinhale I figured I'd just go with a cool portrait (since I already know what she is), but a more lore friendly alternative is definitely something I'll have to include once I finalise everything.
so it's safe to assume your skipping sige of dragon spear? i'm not 100% sure if this mod even adds portraits for that besides those that show up in both like entar and belt. i ask because Artastrophe never got around to doing portraits for that besides the new party members.
It will still give generic portraits for things like people named "guard" and several classes/groups/professions.
just a thought
I think that would be something to add from a UI mod.
In Icewind Dale 2, even if the character you're talking to has a portrait, the game doesn't display it; it displays the portrait of the party member who's doing the talking.
Recruitable characters with portraits in the PPE folder, which then get copied to the override folder:
Garrick, Safana, Tiax, Xzar. Some may have altered backgrounds to distinguish them from the versions players can select.
Actually, I've already installed PPE, and I can't isolate a copy of the file in question. The "Extract" button in EEKeeper doesn't seem to do anything. Can someone post a copy of XANM.bmp?
If you'd like, here's a slightly updated version, less in the style of the original BG portraits, and closer to what you'd see from Artastrophe (as I changed it to match more with her style of portraits since I'm currently using them).
@Sirick It's been a very long time since I delved into this but yes I believe it should work that way. IIRC the "groups" option that assigns portraits to "Guard" and whatnot is optional.
it depends on how they are coded. Some mods are sloppy with how they handle creatures.
So. I have a personal need for visual conformity with all my Baldur's Gate portraits. And since I'm using Artastrophe's portraits for my companion NPC's (and a custom charname that matches), I really wanted the NPC portraits introduced by Portraits Everywhere to match as well.
As you can see, this is not the full amount of NPC's in the game (not by far). This is because I only want portraits for what I consider to be the more important NPC's in the game. All other NPC's in my game will have no portraits.
All portraits are a mix of Artastrophe's work, and portraits sourced from the internet. (All credit goes to original artists).
I've increased resolution on all to the largest used by the game, 210x330.
I've increased the the contrast as to match closer with the games original portrait aesthetics (I've done the same with my companion and charname portraits).
And I've made other minor edits using Photoshop. Some of the edits are to make the portraits more uniform, alter character appearance, and or colours.
I wanted to share these portraits along with my edits with the community. Please feel free to use the portraits I've put together to replace the defaults. Or, to do the same as me and only have portraits for the NPC's I've considered important enough to have them, and delete all other NPC's from your override folder.
Thanks! Although all credit should go to the original artists. I only really did any real work on a handful, either because I wanted something close to what that NPC should look like (Volo for example). Or the base image didn't match in style well enough with the others, despite it being what I thought was a good match for that particular NPC.
There is one or two portraits I'm not 100% happy with, and may change later, but for now it's good enough for my next playthrough.
Hopefully some others can get some use out of them too.
edit: i feel the gorian wraith's portrait should be updated to as you changed gorians portrait and they share the same one alto the wraith is lighter.
no rush. i tend to prefer these style portraits to the originals in general. makes some characters like nalia and the five look so much better imo.
At some point, once I've done all the BG2 portraits as well, I'll follow Smeagolheart's advice and make a new thread, but for now I'll put them here.
(New portraits have been added to my original post above).
gotta tell you tho, kirinhale should look like a sexy human female, probably with a slightly unnatural pale-bluish complexion. at least that's how i gather from looking at the sprite. demonic look is very problematic because it acts as a spoiler
Good point, I'll probably make a few substitutions and or colour changes to certain portraits as I work my way through my next playthrough and notice inconsistencies.
I think with Kirinhale I figured I'd just go with a cool portrait (since I already know what she is), but a more lore friendly alternative is definitely something I'll have to include once I finalise everything.