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[MOD] Portraits Portraits Everywhere (for BG1EE, SOD, BG2EE, IWDEE, EET)



  • WuTaNiStWuTaNiSt Member Posts: 1
    edited August 2017
    Hey man, I'm running into the same issue with the Adalon transformation. No console use in the underdark so the quest progression flags should be OK.

    I've attached my save file from just before talking to her & I've also tried your suggestions of removing those spell effects & manually changing the portraits (although it was with EE keeper rather than near infinity) without success.

    Uninstalling just the drow portrait component seems to have bypassed the issue & allowed me to progress.

    Thanks for making the mod & hopefully this may help pinpoint the problem.

    Edit: Turns out that I still needed to kill those spell effects & reset the portraits in EEKeeper to get the normal portraits back. Just killing the spell effects & not resetting the portraits gave me back Aerie's portrait but not Imoen's.
    Post edited by WuTaNiSt on
  • switswit Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 495
    edited August 2017
    thanks, @WuTaNiSt. That save indeed helped pinpoint the problem (fixed below).

    @smeagolheart, please change this code in lib/drow.tph:
    //Add drow portrait removal code at the same places that removes party animation from drow back to normal
    COPY_EXISTING ~BALDUR.bcs~ ~override~
    ~CUT44C.bcs~ ~override~
    ~DRAGSILV.bcs~ ~override~
    ~UDCBACK.bcs~ ~override~
    ~UDARDUL.dlg~ ~override~
    ~UDDEMON.dlg~ ~override~
    REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\(ActionOverride(Player6,ApplySpell(Myself,UNDER_NORM))\)~ ~\1
    into this:
    //Add drow portrait removal code at the same places that removes party animation from drow back to normal
    COPY_EXISTING ~BALDUR.bcs~ ~override~
    ~DRAGSILV.bcs~ ~override~
    ~UDCBACK.bcs~ ~override~
    ~UDARDUL.dlg~ ~override~
    ~UDDEMON.dlg~ ~override~
    REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\(ActionOverride(Player6,ApplySpell(Myself,UNDER_NORM))\)~ ~\1

    COPY_EXISTING ~CUT44C.bcs~ ~override~
    REPLACE_TEXTUALLY ~\(ActionOverride(Player6,ApplySpell(Myself,UNDER_NORM))\)~ ~\1
    The bug was caused by using ActionOverride on Player1 in cutscene script even though the cutscene was already set to run on Player1 via CutSceneId(Player1). I've checked other instances where the party is returned to normal (alarming Drow city, attacking Adalon) and each one disables portraits correctly.
  • AbathornAbathorn Member Posts: 17
    At the end I passed through this issue going first to the doors. Then I've turn to the normal shape and the portraits were removed correctly. Then I went to the dragon just to return the egg and get the reward.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,422
    Clara has 2 totally different Drow images depending on the medium or small image being used. The medium image also looks very out of place compared to the other Drow images. Could her small image be used for medium as well?
  • keturiduketuridu Member Posts: 14
    I still have a problem with Adalon transformation bug. Biffed install with no possibility to uninstall drow portrait changes. I restored from spell and avatar changes by getting allert from drow city. Killed there everyone for that. Now the problem is that i don't want to kill a dragochick, i wanna to give her damn egg. Searching for possibility to complete this mission, get xp with nearinfinity or console. The other way i tried - load the game in vanilla unmoded game, talk to Adalon, save and load it again in modded game. I'm like very scared to do that, cause i guess that there could be troubles later because of something messing up or am i wrong? I hided all moded gloves/swords etc to bottomless bag and it lets me keep them. The problem is with various game's variables, "what could get wrong"?
  • switswit Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 495
    @keturidu, the solution to your problem has been posted in my previous post in this topic. PPE author didn't update the package so until he comes back this component should not be installed unless you manually implement this fix (you can do it even now and reinstall the component).
  • CrichtonKicksCrichtonKicks Member Posts: 2
    Is it normal for PPE to not add portraits for mods? Installed EET using BWS and while some modded content has the portraits, there are a few that don't. In particular I noted that nobody from the "Mini Quests and Encounters" pack has portraits and I didn't know if it was an issue with the coding of that mod or an issue with the installation order that BWS used.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    it's normal. it's not an issue with the coding, it's just the scope of the mod.
  • CrichtonKicksCrichtonKicks Member Posts: 2
    Got it. Thanks for the quick reply.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,422
    Didn't it have an option to automatically add random basic portraits to creatures? If the mod introduces basic creatures (humans, etc...) and is installed before this mod, it should get a portrait.

    Of course, if this is installed before other mods, it won't affect those mods. Thus, you should install this mod after anything that adds or modifies any kind of creature. I think it's pretty safe to install this dead-last, as it shouldn't be messing with or affected by other mods.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    yeah, that's it.
  • TemarielTemariel Member Posts: 42
    edited April 2018
    @swit I have the same problem. I tried your fix, but it doesn't seem to have worked. If you have time, could you possibly take a look at my saved game and tell me what might I might need to do?


    Update: @swit @bob_veng managed to solve the issue by using the swit's drow.tph fix here and Roxanne's .bcs fix here:

    then going through doors first (to revert portraits) and backtracking to Adalon second (for quest). If I use the fix and go to Adalon first, the game can progress but portraits stay on drow.
    Post edited by Temariel on
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    i don't think that swit will be available to offer more help at this time.
    for now, try using BWS to reinstall this mod as it installs a special version that includes the fix (even though you said you tried it already). this should do the trick for you and anyone else with the same problem. when PPE gets updated the fix will be included.
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947
    Does new BG1ee beta require an update? Does extended Kagain quest add new character?
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    rede9 said:

    Does new BG1ee beta require an update? Does extended Kagain quest add new character?

    It depends on how any additional NPCs added by extended Kagain quest was implemented. I haven't seen it. Since it's a beta things might change before they are done with the release version.
  • rede9rede9 Member, Translator (NDA) Posts: 1,947

    rede9 said:

    Does new BG1ee beta require an update? Does extended Kagain quest add new character?

    It depends on how any additional NPCs added by extended Kagain quest was implemented. I haven't seen it. Since it's a beta things might change before they are done with the release version.
    I did the quest. No characters added.
  • BloodstoneBloodstone Member Posts: 99
    I installed EET with BWS and included this MOD. Looks great, but I want to put some of my old portraits into my game for CHARNAME, but I can't figure out where I have to put them so they can be selected. I used to just keep a portraits folder in with my save game files in the documents, then with EE and some Mods I had to start putting some of the .bmp files into the overide folder. Neither of these seems to work, I put a portrait pick in bmp format into either location and it never shows up? I have looked everywhere thru the documentation to try and find where to these are put, but I can't find them, can somebody point me in a direction please.
  • lefreutlefreut Member Posts: 1,462
    @Bloodstone Putting the files in a portraits folder next to where the save folder is should work. Be careful that EET uses it's own documents folder, so you need to put the files here:

    %USERPROFILE%\Documents\Baldur's Gate - Enhanced Edition Trilogy\portraits
  • CirclePeteCirclePete Member Posts: 1

    Great job!

    I have some questions about this mod (please note that I am a total newbie, just trying to start using EE keeper and Near Infinity)...

    I'm currently trying to make my own civilian generic portraits. I would like to make it more diverse, and have different pools of portraits for, let's say, peasants/farmers and townfolks. The problem is that all creatures files assigned to this kind of actors are called "commoner". They seem to only have different names as actors created by areas.
    I also see that the code in 'S9MP-CLib.tph' uses creatures' attributes 'dialoguefile', 'portraitfile', 'cresex', 'crerace', 'creclass', 'Crefullname', 'animationindex', and 'SkinColor' to determine in which pool the portrait is picked.

    So first: is there a way to add a string variable to 'S9MP-CLib.tph' which takes as value the name of the actor? And secondly, if more than one actor is generated from the same creature file, will they automatically share the same portrait?

    Thanks in advance
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    I may have a small problem with PPE :smile:

    _ On my last setup, few NPCs were not having any picture. For example, it happened with the two customers in the first floor at winthrops' inn. I had also an other situation where few customers (commoners) at Friendly Arms were sharing the same picture.

    - I am doing a new install and i have the same missing portraits at Winthrops'. I Don't know yet about Friendly Arms.

    Any ideas ?

    BTW, i am discovering your mod and i love it !!!
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    Mordekaie said:

    I may have a small problem with PPE :smile:

    _ On my last setup, few NPCs were not having any picture. For example, it happened with the two customers in the first floor at winthrops' inn. I had also an other situation where few customers (commoners) at Friendly Arms were sharing the same picture.

    - I am doing a new install and i have the same missing portraits at Winthrops'. I Don't know yet about Friendly Arms.

    Any ideas ?

    BTW, i am discovering your mod and i love it !!!

    there is a shared pool of portraits assigned to certain groups like commoners.

    If you install a mod after you install PPE and it adds characters these new people won't have portraits from PPE.

    It's possible that some default characters may not be coded correctly in such a way as to be assigned portraits there is a complex assigning scheme in the code - if a character doesn't fit it won't get a portrait (eg human commoners share a certain pool).
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    I have only one mod installed after PPE : BGEE Classic movies.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    edited July 2018

    I am investigating this "problem" (at least form me).

    The 3 NPCs listed as "nobleman" and located in Candlekeep Inn at he beginning of the game are supposed to have a PPE portrait. In my actual setup it appears that those 3 NPCs are not anymore listed as "nobleman" but got their specific name : Thurston, Christian and Quincy….

    The component 18. Creature Name Restorations of BG1 Unfinished Business is involved in giving specific names to NPCs like the ones from Candlekeep Inn.

    This component 18 is also involved with the Friendly Arms "bug" (where every male commoner gets the same portrait from PPE).

    I still Don't know about the "bug" in Friendly Arms where almost every NPCs from the "commoners" were sharing the same portrait.
    Post edited by Mordekaie on
  • GloomfrostGloomfrost Member Posts: 275
    Portraits Portraits Everywhere (PPE) has become my favorite mod. It's that good and feels like a whole new game. Characters and Encounters that were throw away and forgettable now feel like they have weight. Centeol scared the heck out of me. Thank you for one mandatory mod, it's fantastic!
  • BlaumagierBlaumagier Member Posts: 1
    I installed this in BWS for use with EET and I was wondering if there was a setting somewhere that lets you pick which portraits NPC's that have multiples (such as Imoen) use? Ideally the ability for it to automatically change when you progress from BG1 to SoD (if applicable) and from SoD to BG2 would be nice.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    edited August 2018
    so whats the install order if we use artaport alongside ppe? \

    edit: ok i checked. it does not override artaport's portraits.
    Post edited by megamike15 on
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    edited September 2018
    Mordekaie said:


    I am investigating this "problem" (at least form me).

    The 3 NPCs listed as "nobleman" and located in Candlekeep Inn at he beginning of the game are supposed to have a PPE portrait. In my actual setup it appears that those 3 NPCs are not anymore listed as "nobleman" but got their specific name : Thurston, Christian and Quincy….

    The component 18. Creature Name Restorations of BG1 Unfinished Business is involved in giving specific names to NPCs like the ones from Candlekeep Inn.

    This component 18 is also involved with the Friendly Arms "bug" (where every male commoner gets the same portrait from PPE).

    I still Don't know about the "bug" in Friendly Arms where almost every NPCs from the "commoners" were sharing the same portrait.

    BG1UB gives some of the nobles names based on in-game references, e.g., the nobleman & noblewoman on the ground floor of Winthrop's Inn refer to each other as Lovey and Thurston (i.e., the Howells from Gilligan's Island).

    Unfortuantely, PPE uses the CRE name field as part of its determination of portraits to use (which renders the mod partially incompatible with non-English localizations). It would likely be better if PPE used the CRE class and/or animation for the random portraits.

    The issue with the commoners in the FAI is not due to BG1UB. They simply all use the same CRE file, so they all have the same portrait.

    EDIT: Fixing the commoners issue would require replacing multiple references to the same CRE file in a single area with multiple copies of said CRE file before applying PPE. Or, it would require implementing a script to cast a spell when the area is first loaded that changes the CRE portraits.
    Post edited by AstroBryGuy on
  • agrisagris Member Posts: 581
    There's an older version of this mod, possibly with a different name and different authors - does anyone remember what it was called and know where it can be downloaded?
  • smeagolheartsmeagolheart Member Posts: 7,964
    agris said:

    There's an older version of this mod, possibly with a different name and different authors - does anyone remember what it was called and know where it can be downloaded?

    There was a mod called FACES I think about 4 years ago that the owner took off the internet. There was something from a german website, I think it was northern portraits or something that had the small size portraits that I remember being installed with the big world project way back in the day prior to the Enhanced Editions.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    how does the mod interact with argent77's TotL conversion?
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