IDK if it's a bug.. but in Baldur's Gate thieves guild, if you do the home invasion questline for that one thief, then at the end of the main thieves guild quest you kill the ambassador mage who attacks you before the cutscene, biff the understudy pops up in his place for the dialogue when the thief you burglar'd with steps up to your defense... It's weird! Makes no sense lol.
Yes that's a bug. Narlen is supposed to do the stabbing. The way BG is made, basically if the game mucks up and a character isn't there when they are meant to, it automatically summons up Biff the Understudy. They integrated that feature because they just couldn't guarantee some things wouldn't glitch on occasion, and then ruin the entire game for you or something if it's an important quest.
Just think for a moment that after all of these "bugfixes" (let alone mentioning the shift to BG2 engine) we won't ever see our beloved actor in the real play. Bye, bye Biff, we're gonna miss you a lot ;-P
BTW isn't that kind of funny to cut out the original game content by making some fixes? ;-)
I've always wanted to have Sendai and Phaere in my party. I kept waiting for a mod to be created that had one of them, but it never happened. I finally gave up and used the ctrl q cheat instead. I've since done playthroughs with both of them in my party. Currently, Sendai is my favorite NPC after Viconia and I generally have both of them in my party.
I really like the theme of redemption in stories, but I also like to roleplay somewhere in between neutral and evil. Characters like Sendai and Phaere fit perfectly within my ideal playing style. I have empathy for them because of their back stories and sympathize enough that I really want to help them. Heroism is based on perspective. Many of the 'good' factions in the BG universe either don't seem good to me or have otherwise rubbed me the wrong way before. I like competing with these factions in ways that could be perceived as heroic if you were on a different side than the game designers seemed to favor. Sendai and Phaere seem like ideal characters for this.
They also aren't over-powered once you ctrl q them. The Sendai you actually fight is much more powerful than the Sendai you end up with via ctrl q, because when you fight her she uses items her class can't actually use and also has buffs cast on her that she cannot actually cast. Phaere is actually fairly weak as a character and takes a long time to get decent spells, but I like playing her anyway because I like her as a character.
In my opinion, Sendai has some of the most interesting and appropriate war cries, which makes her an interesting character, and she's also a good evil option for people who don't want Imoen.
My PC is a Fighter/Mage, but I really like bringing along clerics as NPCs. In fact, generally the only NPCs I use are clerics. Nowadays these are often Viconia and Sendai and occasionally Phaere too.
I think it would be really fun if either of them became an actual joinable NPC, so the ctrl q cheat wasn't necessary in order to use them!
Edit: I also think it would make sense if something were done with the drow from House DeVir who are imprisoned in Ust Natha. I think they should either be able to join the party or there should be a quest to rescue them. I mean, House DeVir is Viconia's house. The way drow society works is that the nobles of a house essentially ARE the house and that once they're all dead the house ceases to exist. The female drow are in charge and hold the highest ranks, I don't think a lone male noble could necessarily have precedent to lead, but since Viconia is female she certainly could. I know Viconia did something to anger her mother and was exiled because of it, but drow nobles have in-fighting all the time and very commonly kill each other, yet the commoners of a house still follow them. Since Viconia is now the last surviving noble of House DeVir, she essentially IS House DeVir according to drow culture. Since those three imprisoned drow express their continued loyalty/devotion to House DeVir even though it has been destroyed, I think logically Viconia should at least acknowledge their existence. I think it would be a great plot addition if it was possible to rescue those three drow, who would then become loyal to Viconia. They would, of course, still serve the party because Viconia is in the party, but there could be dialogue about what they think of Viconia's relationship to the non-drow PC, etc.
I agree that Tamoko would be a great addition, but it really wouldn't work, as a part of the BG2 main plot hinges around her death
I'm sure someone could come up with a viable way to bring her back if they really wanted to. Sarevok's death was a major part of BG1, and yet he is an NPC in ToB, so Tamoko could probably be brought back in a similar way.
I agree that Tamoko would be a great addition, but it really wouldn't work, as a part of the BG2 main plot hinges around her death
I think you are mistaking Tamoko with someone else here. In fact it is possible to finish BG1 without killing Tamoko, when you meet her at the door of the final temple you can convince her to leave without a fight.
I would say Tamoko, except for when you'd get her - sort of pointless at that time on account of it being so very late in the game. Anyway, judging by his capabilities to heal, I think I'd take The Surgeon. Insta-Heal, all around, without a Heal Spell.
On the Tamoko note, I think she was reincarnated in Dragon Age: Origins as Ser Cauthrien (lieutenant of Loghain)...
Balthazar, from BG2:ToB. I mean, he turns out to be an ok guy, and he's got the "enemy of my enemy" thing going for him. Plus, at that point in the game, him being so powerful isn't gonna be much of a problem. If only I could manage to convince him to get over his "kill all Bhaalspawns" agenda...
Elminster. By ToB, he's afraid of fighting CHARNAME, so he isn't overpowered either. But hey... imagine the prestige of having Elminster in your team! Plus, all the non-evil joinable wizards are terrible.
Lavok, as an evil alternative to Valygar (kind of a Samara / Morinth situation).
Solaufein, the "male pride" Drow (good aligned). The whole setup makes you think he's gonna join you, the whole time... and when you leave without him, it's kinda disappointing.
@ARKdeEREH , I'm not so sure if Viconia cared much for her family...
She cared about her brother Valas, it is mentioned in the romance. In any case, I don't think the drow in the cage in Ust Natha are part of her family, since it said in the Drizzt books that all the nobles were killed. Each drow house has commoners who aren't part of the family, but that serve it in much the same way that ordinary people served nobles throughout actual history. I don't think it would make sense from a drow perspective to hold anything against the commoners of your house for anything that happened under the reign of previous rulers, otherwise all your followers would be dead. I think since Viconia was raised as a drow noble and is evil aligned she might see leading House DeVir as her birthright, but one that she couldn't claim in her homeland because of the events that caused her to leave.
It just seems a little weird to me that Viconia doesn't at least acknowledge their existence even to other members of the party, since they talk about House DeVir to the other drow while she's standing right there.
I agree that Tamoko would be a great addition, but it really wouldn't work, as a part of the BG2 main plot hinges around her death
I think you are mistaking Tamoko with someone else here. In fact it is possible to finish BG1 without killing Tamoko, when you meet her at the door of the final temple you can convince her to leave without a fight.
That's true, but unfortunately they made her death canon in ToB. They refer to her death a few times in dialogue and you fight a version of her in the pocket plane. In Sarevok's epilogue it mentions him going to visit her grave, or something to that effect.
I want Lord Binky the Buffoon from the Nashkell fair.
Also - if you have your cheats on you can use the crtl+q buttons when your mouse is over any character. This will automatically add them to your party (if there's a spare slot). They don't have any portrait. The Surgeon near the sirines is a good one to try this on. (This works in BG1 with BGT. I haven't tried it in vanilla BG1).
@Ligg , in vanilla BG1 the game would crash if characters who didn't have a regular class ( commoners, drizzt, sarevok...) joined you. In Tutu there's no problem, though!
Especially if there's going to be better multiplayer in EE.
Noober has trolled Sarevok to death Sarevok takes brain damage
I'm confident that Noober can be a very epic addition to the party, if he's given a chance. And he will definitely start to shine in BG2.
Noober: I like your dungeon. It's nice. Do you go on adventures a lot? I always wanted to go on adventures and CHARNAME was nice enough to bring me on many adventures. This is an adventure. You must have a lot of staff to keep your dungeon neat. I like your dungeon. I wish I had a dungeon. Can I be in your dungeon. Oh wait, I'm already in your dungeon. Wow! I'm in your dungeon! This is so great to be in your dungeon.
Irenicus: You dare to speak to me? Do you even KNOW whom you are speaking to? You will suffer. You will REALLY suffer!
Noober: Charname made me suffer once. Will you make me suffer? How about now? How about now? How about now? How about now? How about now? How about now? How about now? How about now? How about now? How about now? How about now? How about now? How about now?
Irenicus: You... You talk yet?! You have less than a fraction of your brains, and yet somehow you continue to talk to me?!
Just think for a moment that after all of these "bugfixes" (let alone mentioning the shift to BG2 engine) we won't ever see our beloved actor in the real play. Bye, bye Biff, we're gonna miss you a lot ;-P
Actually, he has a no-bug/glitch dependent cameo in the beginning of the Planar Prison quest in BG2, doing a horrible job replacing Haer'Dalis in a play.
It's got to be Captain Brage. If you save him in his quest he would make a brilliant, tortured, doubt-filled NPC who joins your adventures to try and atone for his terrible acts - or perhaps slips back towards the darkness, coaxed by your evil PC.
That would be badass at the start of every combat.
Also the guy in Tazok tent seems to be interesting (forgot the name. He was prisoner).
I really like the theme of redemption in stories, but I also like to roleplay somewhere in between neutral and evil. Characters like Sendai and Phaere fit perfectly within my ideal playing style. I have empathy for them because of their back stories and sympathize enough that I really want to help them. Heroism is based on perspective. Many of the 'good' factions in the BG universe either don't seem good to me or have otherwise rubbed me the wrong way before. I like competing with these factions in ways that could be perceived as heroic if you were on a different side than the game designers seemed to favor. Sendai and Phaere seem like ideal characters for this.
They also aren't over-powered once you ctrl q them. The Sendai you actually fight is much more powerful than the Sendai you end up with via ctrl q, because when you fight her she uses items her class can't actually use and also has buffs cast on her that she cannot actually cast. Phaere is actually fairly weak as a character and takes a long time to get decent spells, but I like playing her anyway because I like her as a character.
In my opinion, Sendai has some of the most interesting and appropriate war cries, which makes her an interesting character, and she's also a good evil option for people who don't want Imoen.
My PC is a Fighter/Mage, but I really like bringing along clerics as NPCs. In fact, generally the only NPCs I use are clerics. Nowadays these are often Viconia and Sendai and occasionally Phaere too.
I think it would be really fun if either of them became an actual joinable NPC, so the ctrl q cheat wasn't necessary in order to use them!
Edit: I also think it would make sense if something were done with the drow from House DeVir who are imprisoned in Ust Natha. I think they should either be able to join the party or there should be a quest to rescue them. I mean, House DeVir is Viconia's house. The way drow society works is that the nobles of a house essentially ARE the house and that once they're all dead the house ceases to exist. The female drow are in charge and hold the highest ranks, I don't think a lone male noble could necessarily have precedent to lead, but since Viconia is female she certainly could. I know Viconia did something to anger her mother and was exiled because of it, but drow nobles have in-fighting all the time and very commonly kill each other, yet the commoners of a house still follow them. Since Viconia is now the last surviving noble of House DeVir, she essentially IS House DeVir according to drow culture. Since those three imprisoned drow express their continued loyalty/devotion to House DeVir even though it has been destroyed, I think logically Viconia should at least acknowledge their existence. I think it would be a great plot addition if it was possible to rescue those three drow, who would then become loyal to Viconia. They would, of course, still serve the party because Viconia is in the party, but there could be dialogue about what they think of Viconia's relationship to the non-drow PC, etc.
In fact it is possible to finish BG1 without killing Tamoko, when you meet her at the door of the final temple you can convince her to leave without a fight.
On the Tamoko note, I think she was reincarnated in Dragon Age: Origins as Ser Cauthrien (lieutenant of Loghain)...
If you dont know who that is, its at 2:45 in this clip:
I would like to take Dradeel in my party and also Taurgosz Khosan
Elminster. By ToB, he's afraid of fighting CHARNAME, so he isn't overpowered either. But hey... imagine the prestige of having Elminster in your team! Plus, all the non-evil joinable wizards are terrible.
Lavok, as an evil alternative to Valygar (kind of a Samara / Morinth situation).
Solaufein, the "male pride" Drow (good aligned). The whole setup makes you think he's gonna join you, the whole time... and when you leave without him, it's kinda disappointing.
It just seems a little weird to me that Viconia doesn't at least acknowledge their existence even to other members of the party, since they talk about House DeVir to the other drow while she's standing right there.
Then Drizzt :P
Sarevok takes brain damage
Also - if you have your cheats on you can use the crtl+q buttons when your mouse is over any character. This will automatically add them to your party (if there's a spare slot). They don't have any portrait. The Surgeon near the sirines is a good one to try this on. (This works in BG1 with BGT. I haven't tried it in vanilla BG1).
And he will definitely start to shine in BG2.
I like your dungeon.
It's nice.
Do you go on adventures a lot?
I always wanted to go on adventures and CHARNAME was nice enough to bring me on many adventures.
This is an adventure.
You must have a lot of staff to keep your dungeon neat.
I like your dungeon.
I wish I had a dungeon.
Can I be in your dungeon.
Oh wait, I'm already in your dungeon.
Wow! I'm in your dungeon!
This is so great to be in your dungeon.
Irenicus: You dare to speak to me? Do you even KNOW whom you are speaking to? You will suffer. You will REALLY suffer!
Charname made me suffer once.
Will you make me suffer?
How about now?
How about now?
How about now?
How about now?
How about now?
How about now?
How about now?
How about now?
How about now?
How about now?
How about now?
How about now?
How about now?
You... You talk yet?! You have less than a fraction of your brains, and yet somehow you continue to talk to me?!
Noober has leveled up.