They won't join but you wish they would.

In my early days of playing BG, before I had learned the identities of all of the NPCs, I would often end up engaging characters in conversation in the hope that they would end up joining my party. One I always wished I could persuade to come adventuring with me was Silke, the female mage that Garrick introduces you to. I liked the way she looked, I liked her attitude and I liked they fact that she was a "thespian extraordinaire". I also think the game could do with an evil female magic user.
Anyway, Silke would have been my choice for a bonus, joinable NPC. Who would you go for?
Anyway, Silke would have been my choice for a bonus, joinable NPC. Who would you go for?
Not that I would have been that intested in having him, but I totally expected Brage to be joinable.
Especially if there's going to be better multiplayer in EE.
The poor soul. For a little while in BG1, permanent NPC in BG2. Imagine the start of ToB with her in the party.
Who doesn't want Wolverine in their party?
I'm not sure if I like those characters of the beginning of the game more than the others because of that feeling of "a young one walking on an unknown world" that I had first time I played - which impressed me very much, the graphics were very detailed and the sounds too, the ambient, omg... I loved to hear the eagles, the rain and stuff like that - while when you are strong after many hours of game, well, you still see new things but you already are "part of that world" and all those new things are much more like "new challenges" than "new discoveries", thus, impressing less than in the beginning. Either this or the reason is because I played much more the beginning of the game than all the rest.
Tamoko is awesome too, good mention, Drugar. Unlike the 2 that I said, it would be acceptable if she joined the party, there's a reason for that and would not ruin the plot.
And I'd like to see Saemon Havarian in my party in BG2 as well, he's great.
For me, I think Thalantyr, of High Hedge. It's really interesting to talk to him during the Melicamp quest and start to get insight into his adventuring career ... though usually when you do this he gets pissed and you ruin the quest so it's time to reload. ^^; Another good one would be the bard you meet at the Firewine bridge. He seems cool, plus Garrick and Eldoth are ... decent ... but seriously not that great.
Tamoko is a great idea.
Always loved the name, and the fact he shows up and insta-gibs you the moment you attack the shadow thieves out of plot made him one of the most bad-ass NPCs in the history of NPCs despite having no dialogue. He's just a cool name, and a bad-ass assassin.