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The Thruth: Druid/shaman Spells Sucks in Baldur's Gate



  • sarevok57sarevok57 Member Posts: 6,018
    I think druids are just fine in the bg series, im finding a lot of use out of them, ( although I play unmodded bg games so maybe that's why), in fact I've been playing with them a lot more recently, they playthrough I have right now my main holmes is a gnome illusionist/cleric so having jaheira come along and setting all her spells to healing/slow poison/summons is working very very well

    I do admit about the class kits though, I don't know why they got rid of the CON bonus for shapeshifters with the EEs that makes absolutely 0 sense, it wasn't that great of kit to begin with, now it's basically pure garbage ( the AC bonus is nice, but their damage will never get better and it's not that good to begin with)

    the avenger kit looks cool, but the problem is all their shapeshifts are still weak as balls, I was in bg at the gnoll stronghold and I shapeshifted into a salamander and I was getting my butt kicked by gnolls, um lol? that's complete crap, yes I understand you don't want shapeshifts to be OP, but seriously, that's complete garbage

    although the totemic druid isn't too bad, especially at lower levels the summons are great, and even when you get to higher levels they are still good because at higher levels summons are more used for distracting enemies not dishing out the beat downs, plus druids get elemental summoning which can be used for that

    what I find to be very effective is fighter druids, even being a multi class they still have great level progression in their druid class in terms of level up speed until mid SoA then it slows down to a snail in molasses, but its still all good, I still find them to be very useful; with their summoning and healing spells

    the thing that needs to be remembered is that not every class is supposed to be a DPS power house, this isn't WoW or DnD 3.5 where everyone is obsessed with dealing a 7 digit number amount of damage, that's not how the BG series works

    druids are just fine they way there are, if people are finding that they suck, then you are definitely playing them wrong, saying a druid's spells suck is like saying fish suck because they cant climb trees and because of that you bash fish for it, but yet when it comes to swimming in water you are doing it with monkeys instead of fish, because you were so adamant about climbing trees you now have no fish to help you swim
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    All the kits are amazing if used properly.
  • ZaghoulZaghoul Member, Moderator Posts: 3,938
    sarevok57 said:

    I think druids are just fine in the bg series
    the thing that needs to be remembered is that not every class is supposed to be a DPS power house, this isn't WoW or DnD 3.5 where everyone is obsessed with dealing a 7 digit number amount of damage, that's not how the BG series works

    Agreed. Each class has it's place, strengths, and weakness. DnD3.5 or later got into that bad.

  • AnterosAnteros Member Posts: 37
    I so wish they would import Sunscorch and Alicorn Lance in the BG saga. Playing a low level caster druid is so lame unless you play an Avenger
  • RaduzielRaduziel Member Posts: 4,714
    Anteros said:

    I so wish they would import Sunscorch and Alicorn Lance in the BG saga. Playing a low level caster druid is so lame unless you play an Avenger

    You're welcome.

    The way I see, without this mod a druid in unplayable in BG(2)EE.
  • AnterosAnteros Member Posts: 37
  • fatelessfateless Member Posts: 330
    The exp table is what it is. Because in 2e you did have the named levels. Which capped out at 16. There was only one in the entire level (or occasionally 2 in certain settings because of sects of druids). Level 17 through 20 Were the Elemental Levels. They were only reachable after somebody else came up and took your place as that 1 druid in the entire world leading everything. Then you basically kind of retired and the last 4 levels gave you master and affects relating to one of the 4 elements. Immunities to elements amongst them and the ability to live on that plane of existence without effort basically indefinitely. Druids simply did not go over 20th level when you basically mastered all 4 elements. Some considered those last 4 levels the Retirement Levels as well.

    Each Named or Ranked level in the higherarchy also had a drawback. You had to have the required xp for the next level before you could challenge. You could lose the challenge. and if you lost the challenge you lost half the xp you possessed for your current level and had to build it back up again before you could challenge again. You also had to worry about underlyings coming up and challenging you for those levels. This was on top of the fact that only so many druids in a region or in the world depending on the level that could be at that level at one time.
  • WrathofreccaWrathofrecca Member Posts: 98
    Druids in BG2 are definitely incredible. I don't know why people think clerics are so good. Maybe playing on easier difficulties where what you do doesn't really matter. Even when druids cap their lvl at 13 for awhile, they have so many powerful resources at their finger tips, and earlier than others, that it just doesn't seem to matter, at least to me.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    edited August 2017
    I don't mean to be rude, but calling your article "the truth" and then ignoring any comments to the otherwise is arrogant and self-opinionated. We all have opinions. Some are popular, others aren't, some I agree with, and some I don't. Regardless however, they are what they are. Truth is only reserved for objective fact.

    Opinion: Druids suck.
    Fact: Druids can't cast restoration spells
  • JumboWheat01JumboWheat01 Member Posts: 1,028
    Wait... Druids can't cast Restoration spells? How have I missed that?

    Ah, well, I never play them as a primary healer anyway, unless I'm left with little-to-no choice.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235

    I don't mean to be rude, but calling your article "the truth" and then ignoring any comments to the otherwise is arrogant and self-opinionated. We all have opinions. Some are popular, others aren't, some I agree with, and some I don't. Regardless however, they are what they are. Truth is only reserved for objective fact.

    Opinion: Druids suck.
    Fact: Druids can't cast restoration spells

    Thats okay, they get negative plane protection.
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    Yes, among other weaknesses.

    Howevers Druids make up for it with Insect Swarm, Animal Summoning Spells, and really cool HLA's. I've gotten a lot of mileage out of Jaheria's Greater Elemental Summoning. Earthquake is such a great spell!
  • Grond0Grond0 Member Posts: 7,461

    Fact: Druids can't cast restoration spells

    Sure they can - just use a scroll :).
  • ZaramMaldovarZaramMaldovar Member Posts: 2,309
    edited August 2017
    I sit corrected. I would say stand, but at the moment that would be an incorrect statement.
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