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[mod] Will of the Wisps - Shamanic enhancements

LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
edited March 2024 in BGII:EE Mods

The mod introduces many shamanic improvements to BGEE Series and IWDEE. After playing Siege of Dragonspear I had a feeling that shamans in BG1 and BG2 would use some nice additions. Keep in mind that the mod was created with BG2 in mind, so if you try to install the mod on BG1, you will only see the component with the new shamanic kit. In mod you can find:

=> the brand new shaman kits: Witchlight Shaman, Town Medium
=> Shaman's Stronghold along with optional change of shaman's class description (to erase "no stronghold" line)
=> Brand new NPC - Will, the undead witchlight shaman (may be joined on the Shaman's stronghold area, which is available for every CHARNAME)
=> A mini-quest to restore a certain area's power (first Stronghold quest which is available to every PC)
=> Optional new items for shamans and exclusive items for undead NPCs (like Will, Hexxat or Ina, the IWDEE mod companion)
=> Optional new enemy types: driders, treants, will-o'wisps (you may now encounter just few of these)


Install like any other WeiDU mod, by unzipping the mod in your BG2EE game directory and running Setup-willowisp.exe on Windows or equivalent on other platforms.
You must have an EE version of the game updated to v2.0 or higher. The mod should be compatible with any other WeiDU mod.
This mod also can be installed with (after) the Enhanced Edition Trilogy (EET), before EET_End.


Q: When/Where can I find Will or the shaman stronghold?
A: After destroying the Shade Lord, you will encounter a wisp. Listening to it will start the short quest leading to both.

Q: Will dies instantly when I travel to a different location! Help!
A: Read his joining dialogue... he states that he physically can't leave without visiting his grave first.

Q: How often will I need to return to the stronghold?
A: You will be notified three days since the previous event.

Q: Does Will have conflicts with other NPCs?
A: No. He might not get along so well with everyone, but he won't fight with them.

Q: Can I romance Will?
A: No. You can try, but he'll turn you down. However, he might have something to say if you romance another party member.

Q: Any crossmod content?
A: Yes. If installed, Will may have a small talk (or two) with: Foundling, Pai'Na, Petsy, Quayle, Sirene.

Q: So, there is a component with new items for IWDEE/BG2EE/BGEE, yes?
A: The component is for IWDEE and BG2EE. It cannot be installed on BGEE, those items would be too powerful. Besides, SoD has some Shamanic Items already. Furthermore, IWDEE version does not include one of the items, because it is Bodhi-specific and it wouldn't make sense if players could find it in IWDEE, this one can only be found in BG2EE. But everything else can be found on both BG2EE and IWDEE.

Q: What about the new creatures, component?
A: It adds new creatures to both BG2EE and IWDEE. Some of them are too powerful for a standard BGEE run, in my opinion, and will-o'-wisps are already added by Shades of the Sword Coast. Regarding IWDEE: the setting does not match these creatures perfectly, so I took some liverty when placing them. For exaple, Dark Treants can be encountered on Burial Isle's exterior area, because: a) at least there are some tree's there; b) the area is dark and gloomy in its nature; c) there aren't many more suitable places for them in IWDEE (in my opinion). So, while it's not perfect, it should be ok.

Q: Can I use both new kits on all these games?
A: Witchlight Shaman is automatically installed with the main component on BG2EE (as the kit is used by the new companion). If you skip the main component or it's not available for your game (BGEE, IWDEE), the stand-alone kit may still be installed, regardless of the game (BGEE, BG2EE, IWDEE). Town Medium may be installed on all these games, too. If you already have Town Medium kit installed through a different mod, it won't install again.


Mod author: Lava Del'Vortel
Kit (WS), feedback, text editing, testing and debugging: Artemius_I
Kit (Town Medium), additional help: morpheus562
Testing and debugging: agb1
Additional technical help: argent77
Voicing: Soul
Music source: Planescape: Torment; Laurent Danis (
Stock image used for the portrait: NikitaKalevala (
Thank you to all players who decided to try out this and my other mods I created over the years.


NOTE: You may need to start a new game OR at least use a savegame from before you started the Umar Hills / Temple Ruins quest.

Weasel Mods Download Link

Dropbox Download Link
Post edited by LavaDelVortel on


  • RavenslightRavenslight Member Posts: 1,609
    Sounds great!
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    Looks great.

    Please try to make it EET friendly while it is in the making (doesn't sound like there's too much work here though). I believe Faiths and Powers will include some shamanic kits, it'd be great if this could be checked with @subtledoctor for any issue.

    Always cool to see a new mod from you, they are generally of high quality :)
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  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Thanks, everyone! It will take some time to finish + the mod will need some nice proofreading. Well, I hope you'll enjoy the mod when it's out!
  • Papa_LouPapa_Lou Member Posts: 263
    I'll certainly be keeping an eye on this mod! I love the shaman class, and have always wanted it to get its own kits and whatnot, so this is exciting. Great stuff!
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    Thanks! There's been some progress, but (probably because I've been rushing myself) I hit a little writers block. But will get back to it soon. Whole SoA part is done, just need to check a thing or two and then write talks for Will in ToB. There is no romance, so I don't need to write all the romance talks et cetera, but I also don't want there to be just 2 talks, so it's not a matter of weekend.

    Also my mods always need some nice proofreading as I'm not native English speaker. But yep, there was some progress!
  • VyrulisseVyrulisse Member Posts: 108
    Your mods are some of my favorites so I'm looking forward to this one.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    edited October 2016
    Thanks. I hope you'll like this mod just as you liked my previous projects. Although I know my mods are not for everyone.

    As for Will - a short note as I don't want people to be surprised. Although it's also a spoiler, so...

    I decided to make Will gay. Some may think "but you said there is no romance with him" - yes, there is no romance and that's exactly why I made this decision. That's only a small part of his story, there won't be any quests that will in any way "touch" his sexuality. The thing is that whenever games tell a story of NPCs sexuality, they somehow end up as possible romanceable characters. Well, there are some exceptions, but that's a quite common thing. So here Will may tell you that he fell in love with a man BUT it does not mean he is "available". In-game sexualities may be part of a story, but the character or relationship does not have to be built up all around it. Here it's a minor thing - a feature of a certain character, not a central feature of the NPC.
    Sooo, yep. That's my litte spoiler. There is still some content that must be written and proofread. I hope there will be come people who will truly enjoy both the stronghold and the new NPC.
  • Papa_LouPapa_Lou Member Posts: 263
    Out of curiosity, is there a possibility you'd add the Witchlight Shaman kit to BGEE as well?
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    I think I may add a component that will install Witchlight Shaman on BGEE if it's detected. However I'm not sure if it's well balanced for the early game... But sure, why not.
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277
    @Papa_Lou If @LavaDelVortel is cool with it I can release a standalone version of the shaman kit for those interested. I've tested it briefly using SoD and I *think* it works properly. It just might not work for BG:EE without SoD.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    The mod is finished in like 80 so I think it may be better to just wait for a moment rather than releasing 2 mods with the same content. I don't want @Artemius_I to feel blocked by me, but we may end up with stuff like: "There is a shamanic kit in mod A, however there is mod B that includes the same kit, but with a tweaked XYZ components". I think it may be a better idea to wait for a little while longer and offer the full and finished project. It's not that far away from being finished ;)
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    He looks beautiful! (you can say I like your decision in the spoiler) I wonder how you made him a spectre in game mechanics, like Hexxat he has an item that grants him a corporeal body?
  • egbertegbert Member Posts: 99
    edited November 2016

    @Papa_Lou If @LavaDelVortel is cool with it I can release a standalone version of the shaman kit for those interested. I've tested it briefly using SoD and I *think* it works properly. It just might not work for BG:EE without SoD.

    Planning to start a new game of BG:EE soon, I would like to test your new shaman kit...
    I would like to start LavaDelVortel's mod with a shaman who has finished BG:EE and SoD before.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    lunar said:

    He looks beautiful! (you can say I like your decision in the spoiler) I wonder how you made him a spectre in game mechanics, like Hexxat he has an item that grants him a corporeal body?

    There are 3 things - one is a necklace (you can't take it off), next are the scripts and finally some addition to race list, thanks to which the "spectre" line may appear as a race. The spirit in my mod is bound to a certain place and once spectre is killed, he will return to his resting place and may be joined again. Some may think "so he is kinda immortal!" - well, in a way, yes. But it's balanced. Firstly, he can't be healed with any divine spells. He does not have a body, so... Secondly, once killed you have to literally go to a certain place in game to join him. However I would like to ban potions, I decided it may be too much so he may still use those. He is also immune to some effects like poison, level drain etc. So it should be well balanced. And no uber-stats like with Hexxat. I never really liked that part of her and the cloak thing.
    Those are just some bits. You'll need to check it in game to see all benefits and penalties.
    egbert said:

    @Papa_Lou If @LavaDelVortel is cool with it I can release a standalone version of the shaman kit for those interested. I've tested it briefly using SoD and I *think* it works properly. It just might not work for BG:EE without SoD.

    Planning to start a new game of BG:EE soon, I would like to test your new shaman kit...
    I would like to start LavaDelVortel's mod with a shaman who has finished BG:EE and SoD before.
    You may need to wait for a while, thought. I again got a block. But wrote some stuff before that happened. Maybe I'll code something before that happens.
    Plus I'm not really experienced with kits mods, but isn't importing a BG1EE/SoD character to BG2EE a bit risky if you used kit mod in BG1EE/SoD? Just wondering. If you REALLY must, contact @Artemius_I to get an early version of the kit (please, do not make it public, though! It may still be modified, polished etc!)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    There was some progress. After telling all of you about the penalties of being ghosts, I decided that it may be frustrating for some players, so I gave Will his personal innate healing spell. He may "rebuild his spiritual structure" with it, but only once per day. It works more or less like lay on hands, but casting time is a bit longer and may be used only on the caster. I suppose that should help some players, who may run short of potions.

    Some ToB talks are finished and coded. Still working on other ToB content, but much of it is finished.
  • GrimLefourbeGrimLefourbe Member Posts: 637
    Is there any chance you'd include an optional component to make the stronghold available to everyone ? I doubt the tweak from Tweaks Anthology will work with modded strongholds.
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    I don't think it's a good idea, I'm not a fan of that kind of thing, but instead of the feature I may offer info on a code for that. It may be done with one console code.
  • UlbUlb Member Posts: 295
    Looks great, congratulations on the release!
    I just started a new run two days ago though, so this iwll have to wait a little longer.

    A question though; How suitable are the stronghold quests and will for an evil PC?
  • egbertegbert Member Posts: 99
    Problem Report

    I nearly missed the Wisp-Encounter because I fought the Shade Lord at daylight (and I can't remember a game in all these years fighting him at night and after the fight I left the area and never returned).

    IMO the encounter should happen at any time or the README/FAQ should say the Wisp-Encounter would only happen at night.
  • egbertegbert Member Posts: 99
    Bug Report

    Naga Skin: Cromwell detects it and offers an armor for 15'. But I can only say "no"...
  • egbertegbert Member Posts: 99
    edited January 2017
    Bug Report

    Witchlight Shaman:
    - The shaman is low leveled (8) only.
    - There is a Special Ability "Restore Form". It only makes sense if he has shapechanged before...
    - The "RightClick-description" of "Restore Form" is wrong ("Cure Light Wounds").
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    edited January 2017
    egbert said:

    I nearly missed the Wisp-Encounter because I fought the Shade Lord at daylight (and I can't remember a game in all these years fighting him at night and after the fight I left the area and never returned).

    You misunderstood it. The wisp should come a DAY later and it will come no matter on what area you are. You can go to Umar, Druid Grove etc - if the day passes and it's night, it will just come to you.
    egbert said:

    Naga Skin: Cromwell detects it and offers an armor for 15'. But I can only say "no"...

    The dialogue says: "I could craft ye an armor usin' the skin and a scroll of Protecton from Poison"
    So do you have the scroll? You need scroll, skin AND 15 000.
    egbert said:

    - The shaman is low leveled (8) only.
    - There is a Special Ability "Restore Form". It only makes sense if he has shapechanged before...
    - The "RightClick-description" of "Restore Form" is wrong ("Cure Light Wounds").

    Almost nothing here is a bug. I believe NPCs shouldn't always be on CHARNAME's level. No other cre was added (excluding ToB, ofc)
    Restore form is not a shapeshifter natural form, as you can see it has a healing icon. It's Will personal healing spell, he may not be healed by any other healing spell, as he's a ghost.
    The last one is a bug, what's strange since I added a description, but it seems I did it in a wrong place, maybe. But that's the only bug. It will be fixed in the next version.
  • egbertegbert Member Posts: 99
    Thanks for your fast and helpful clarifications. :)
  • LavaDelVortelLavaDelVortel Member Posts: 2,891
    I may think of adding him some more experience, BUT I believe it would would be killing the logic as he was locked in the Visionhive and how should he gather more experience... But I will consider it. We'll see if that's going to check in the new version.
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