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Ideas on how to improve the current no-reload thread

This discussion was created from comments split from: Unpopular opinions.


  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Finally thought if one! I am not too happy with the new no reload thread. Too much posting means I cannot really follow it as before.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    MacHurto said:

    Finally thought if one! I am not too happy with the new no reload thread. Too much posting means I cannot really follow it as before.

    This is the second time this opinion is shared in this thread. I'll tag current active no-reloaders from there to hear their thoughts:

    @Ygramul , @Grond0 , @semiticgod , @Aasim , @Corey_Russell , @Serg_BlackStrider , @Blind_Visionary , @ussnorway , @Wise_Grimwald , @Jared4242 , @SapphireIce101 and @lunar (not a poster, but a watcher)
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Not exactly the same. I dont mind having only one thread. However, lately, it is so lively it is not possible for me to follow it any longer :-)
  • Blind_VisionaryBlind_Visionary Member Posts: 203
    I love the no reload thread - it's a fun, supportive, communal place. I say, the more participants & posts the better! Join in, MacHurto!
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    I didn't read it for a couple of days, and now it has almost 100 unread posts in it. I think I'll kind of stop reading it for a while, because keeping up with it became more of a chore than a pleasure, so I need a break from it.

    However, that doesn't mean I'm not happy to welcome the extremely active former Bioware no-reloaders to this forum. I'm actually delighted that the valuable resource of all that years long experience and knowledge is here.

    And I imagine that it can only be a good thing for the people posting all those runs to have more participants. For the times I've posted runs publicly, my main motivation for that was to share with other people who were doing the same thing, so it was definitely a case of "the more the merrier."
  • AasimAasim Member Posts: 591

    I love the no reload thread - it's a fun, supportive, communal place. I say, the more participants & posts the better! Join in, MacHurto!

  • Jared4242Jared4242 Member Posts: 130
    I always try and keep all screenshots in spoiler tags for a start, which won't lessen the amount of posts, but it makes it far easier to pick and choose who's story you want to follow.

    I agree with Semitic. Keep these separated threads for each game under General Discussion. Making your way to the BG2 thread can be an achievement in its own right. Elitism! :D
  • MacHurtoMacHurto Member Posts: 731
    Dont misundertand me. I think the thread is awesome and fun. I have posted and enjoy reading runs of people who know this game a million times better than me. I also dont want to discourage people from writing in it! Or make them write shorter posts! Or suggest new people coming to the thread was a bad thing! I was just saying that now, it is too much to handle for *me*.

    I like @semiticgod proposals but as I am very casual here, don't make changes because of my unpopular opinion! :-)
  • Serg_BlackStriderSerg_BlackStrider Member Posts: 211
    Aasim said:

    I love the no reload thread - it's a fun, supportive, communal place. I say, the more participants & posts the better! Join in, MacHurto!

    I absolutely agree. And personally I find the one joint thread as far more convenient.
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    I also find the thread too fast to follow, but I was never all that interested in following everything there, so it's not a huge loss for me.
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    Grond0 said:

    Gate70 made the suggestion that participants could get into the habit of linking their previous post to their current one in order to make it easier to follow specific runs (right-click on date of previous post and choose copy link address from menu). That sounds like a good idea to me and I'll start doing that in future.

    This is solid advice.
    I will recommend this in the no-reload thread as well.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited October 2016
    I can not read the no reload thread on my Ipad, most pages have too many screenshots and my poor browser can't handle it and crashes. I get to read when I have the chance to sit on a pc, which is often, so no real problem.

    I would vote yes for the thread seperation, just like it was done in bioware forums. This way when I am in the mood of low level bg1 adventures and to check the newstarters, I can look at bg1 no reload thread. Or go directly to bg2 one if I want to check if anyone made it to the Throne. It becomes a bit distracting when I read a post of someone starting at candlekeep, immediately followed by some other poster battling Abazigal, for example, not to mention if it is followed by even more alien iwd and sod posts. It kinda ruins the mood and makes following each poster's adventure a bit harder as it is distracting, and one can lose track of 'what was this character, didn't this character have a barbarian oh no it was a sorceress, or was it a bg1 post?'. It does posters no justice in that matter. It is not terribly jarring, I can live with it.

    Then again Neera would have approved of the chaos.
  • YgramulYgramul Member Posts: 1,060
    lunar said:

    I can not read the no reload thread on my Ipad, most pages have too many screenshots and my poor browser can't handle it and crashes. I get to read when I have the chance to sit on a pc, which is often, so no real problem.

    I think this can be addressed by embedding posts underneath spoiler tags etc.

    The problem is independent of the *posting rate* of the posts (i.e. would persist if, e.g., only 1/3rd of posts would appear per week).

    I'm sure that a polite reminder to multi-picture posters will help with this issue. It is not a matter of content, it is a matter of format.
  • Corey_RussellCorey_Russell Member Posts: 1,058
    At the moment, one thread is more convenient for me - but I think Gate70's suggestion about making a link to one's previous post has quite a bit of merit.
  • EnuhalEnuhal Member, Moderator Posts: 1,089
    edited October 2016
    @JuliusBorisov Is one post every couple of days not enough to be considered active ? ;)

    My opinion on the no-reload thread matter:
    I think dividing the thread by games is a decent idea. Like semiticgod, who doesn't follow BG1, I don't follow IWD/IWD2 posts, for example (don't get me wrong, they are fine games, but I never got into them deep enough to be able to really appreciate a no-reload run or good heart of fury-tactics) - and I do agree with the people who say that it's hard to follow the thread due to the number of new posts every day if you don't have that much time. Multiple threads also make it easier to interact with other posters, because you're likely dealing with the same game and with the same problems.

    However, I also understand the convenience of only having on thread to post in - it is a little bit easier as a poster, though not as a reader.

  • lroumenlroumen Member Posts: 2,538
    The no reload thread is okay. It just becomes more difficult to follow progress when some people are more active than others.
    Dividing it into different games would be okay but still, I get a lot of inspiration for my bg1 games when I read what others do in their bg2 games, so I am divided in that respect.
    But I have not read it much lately because I have been workeingabroad for a few months and was unable to continue my run with melissa the transmuter (still alive btw). And I cannot read it since others are further in sod than my blind run...

  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @JuliusBorisov , may I suggest that the discussion for the no-reload thread be split into a new topic? After more than a page of digression, this isn't an "unpopular opinions" thread any more.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Well, it's not more than a page - the post is just on the same page as yours, Belgar (the 50th page). Nonetheless, it seems the situation is more or less decided for the time being, so we can return to other unpopular opinions. Thanks to everyone for their feedback.

    MacHurto said:

    I dont get tired of playing a dual kitted warrior 9/Mage x

    I don't get tired of completing Candlekeep quests and going through the Irenicus starting dungeon each playthrough.
  • alceryesalceryes Member Posts: 380
    edited October 2016

    So, the opinions have divided.

    When calling all of you here I was thinking in the same direction as semiticgod but wanted everyone to express their suggestions. I think the feedback we're getting shows this is an important subject.

    It's indeed a critical issue if people stop following a thread (any thread) because of its "speed" or format, not because they lose interest in the subject being discussed in it.

    In the same time those who actually post in the current no-reload thread find it supportive, convenient and helpful.

    So far, seeing different points of view on this matter, I'm thinking everything should stay as it is.

    It's difficult to appease everyone but...

    How about keeping them grouped (grouping BGI, SoD, and BGII runs together in same thread) but the thread starter will mark a specific starting day (or days) as the start for that thread run? Format would be something like -

    Announcement - In title, thread starter states starting date(s) and any ideas (rules?) he has for that run. Starting date will be one to three days out. Something like, "Columbus Day run starting Sunday/Monday."

    Recruitment - Those that want to participate in that run will announce their PC (or party) on or before those days. After those days pass (from Tuesday forward, in the above example) only those that announced their PC during the 'recruitment' window will post about their no-reload run. Of course, questions, encouragement, suggestions, etc. are always accepted from all - just no NEW no-reload starts after that initial window.

    This format has some advantages -

    No-reload run starters could create guidelines for THEIR no-reload runs if they like. E.g. "Recruiting Sunday/Monday - Insane difficulty, SCS, no-reload Columbus Day run"

    Along with the above no-reload thread, we'd also have something like "Recruiting Sunday/Monday - any difficulty, canon(ball), Jaheria, Khalid, Mincs, Dynaheir, Imoen, CHARNAME, no-reload Columbus Day run"

    Or maybe, "Recruiting Sunday/Monday - slow pace (weekend gamer), core difficulty, SCS, no-reload run - this run will be epic but progress will be slow"

    IMO, this also follows along better with the no-reload idea to begin with. In general, there will be a more defined beginning, middle, and end to these threads.

    This also adds the ability, for those that participate, to more easily keep the same progression throughout the game (e.g. the four 'recruited' for a particular no-reload thread all started around the same day so their stories may be all reaching Durlag's tower at around the same time), which, in turn, adds interest for readers of the thread by allowing them to easily see how different party compositions and players tackle particular obstacles (like the aforementioned Durlag's tower).

    This will encourage people who have never played with specific rules (like with SCS on insane/ToB) to give it a go. I have always been impressed with the level of tactical detail and thought given in posts by those who tackle this highly difficult momentous task - kudos to you all!

    The basic idea is that forumgoers can participate in the runs (threads) that they are interested in and avoid the ones they're not.

    EDIT: Probably best to use dates instead of days (Recruiting 10/9-10/10 - Insane difficulty, SCS, no-reload Columbus Day run), but you all get the idea.
    Post edited by alceryes on
  • alceryesalceryes Member Posts: 380
    edited October 2016
    Ygramul said:

    Too complicated.

    Also, it is my experience that people don't like it when one tells them what they should play and on which day and how to post about it.

    I think this is all really an overreaction. Micromanaging people's posting habits (beyond obviously friendly *suggestions* such as inclusion of links to earlier posts or spoiler tags to manage images) will just alienate a body of posters that are superbly friendly and civil.

    We welcomed the Bioware posters deliberately. Their activity volume and experience was legendary. It is no different here. Now, we want to herd them like kittens?

    Unpopular opinion, indeed....

    Hehehe, herding kittens can be unbelievably simple (with a can of tuna fish).
    My suggestions might have gone a little too micro but the basic premise of "Recruiting - 10/9-10/10 no-reload run" is still a good one.
    The only thing that we'd be 'herding' is the start date and it would surly serve to mitigate some of the concerns voiced in this thread.

    Anywho, just a suggestion. Even if it does turn out to be an unpopular one. ;)
  • KuronaKurona Member Posts: 881
    I read the no reload thread occasionally and the only problem I have with it is that the forum software loads all the screenshots immediately, whether they are in spoiler tags or not, and by extension those of runs you don't follow as well.
  • Wise_GrimwaldWise_Grimwald Member Posts: 3,868
    edited October 2016
    The equivalent thread on the Bioware forum was divided into BG1 and BG2 and that worked fine IMO.

    I can understand why some people feel swamped by the number of posts.

    I have been away for just four days and a number of pages have been written in that time.
    Like most posters I hide screenshots so that only those that are interested see them. I think that would be a good policy if adopted universally as some players have over a dozen screenshots in a post.

    Separating BG1 and BG2 from the other games might help those who feel that the forum is swamped, but since there are few posts for Icewind Dale and Planescape, it wouldn't have a dramatic effect.

    I could well understand those playing Icewind Dale wanting a separate thread. I would say that is up to them. If that is what they want, then they could create such a thread, but I don't feel that their input swamps the current thread.

    The thread is clearly very popular at the moment. This popularity means that there cannot be a lot wrong with it.

    I would suggest that Grond0's idea of putting links in to previous posts is a good one, and perhaps links to later posts would also be convenient.

    The idea of dropping a hint to those who post multiple images without putting in spoilers is a good one. Those who do that probably don't realise that it is a problem, or perhaps they don't know how to do it.
  • ussnorwayussnorway Member Posts: 341

    I would suggest that Grond0's idea of putting links in to previous posts is a good one, and perhaps links to later posts would also be convenient.

    I think this idea needs to be clear on how to do so people that don't know much about code for forums (with posts that can be many pages apart) can manage it.

    I have no strong feeling for or against splitting the forum into two or more threads.

    whatever people decide is fine with me.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,773
    Ok, I've created a separate thread for this issue. It will be even better this way, as it can accumulate opinions on the general improvement of the no-reload thread and we can always adress this thread without a risk of losing ideas.
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