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Siege of Dragonspear sales

I'm currently playing BG2 and I intend to get SoD once I finish. I'd like to find out if there is any sale or discount offer in the meantime (maybe for the collector's edition if it is a really good offer). Is there any newsletter or similar that I can subscribe to so I get an alert when an offer comes out?


  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    There was a sale on last week (SoD was at 15.29€), so you can monitor GoG and Steam for the sales there.

    As for Beamdog, you can subscribe to the Beamblog ( if you click the appropriate button lower on the page:

    You can also sign up for a newsletter. If you go to the game page (e.g. Siege of Dragonspear), scroll down to the bottom, there's an input for your e-mail address:

    This way you won't miss any major news regarding Beamdog and its products.
  • DhariusDharius Member Posts: 665
    I use Steam a lot, and so far it's not been on sale there. The best times for sales are in public holidays though, so it could be on sale in December 2016 or maybe Easter or Summer 2017.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    Hmmm, I just read the reviews... Looks like I will not be getting it, at least for some time. Thank you for the advice, though.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Alonso said:

    Hmmm, I just read the reviews... Looks like I will not be getting it, at least for some time. Thank you for the advice, though.

    Be careful, a lot of negative reviews are over the controversy or it simply being a new bg game, and based the SOD's individual merits.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    edited October 2016
    I guess you mean the controversy about the transgender character. I read about a dozen negative reviews, and none of them gave any importance to that controversy. Regarding the fact that many of them compare SoD with the originals, I don't see how that makes them any less reliable. That's what you're meant to compare to when you review an expansion.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    @Alonso My point about comparing it to the originals is that many people dislike because its new and dares to carry the BG name.
  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    Alonso said:

    Hmmm, I just read the reviews... Looks like I will not be getting it, at least for some time. Thank you for the advice, though.

    It's very important to check what things in particular users didn't like and what things in particular influenced users reviews' scores.

    Maybe it could be worth to have a look at all the available official reviews and read several of them from the most trusted sites -

    Many respected reviewers have said that SoD had managed to capture the original BG feel and 2 new companions at least had been excellent, completely on par with vanilla NPCs. For example, check the review from pcgamer -
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    @Alonso: If you enjoy BG2, I heartily recommend SoD for you. Seriously.

    If you find ToB too railroaded and think "well, frankly, this is awful at times, but if there were something available along these lines but perhaps not so railroaded", I heartily recommend SoD for you.

    If, for whatever reason, the thought pops into your head that "hang on, I wonder what it would be like to travel with a goblin in my party", I heartily recommend SoD for you.

    It's not BG2. But it's the next best thing in the saga.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    SOD is some kind of wonderful fusion of Baldur's Gate and Icewind Dale. BG story and characters (and yes it lives up to that) And enemy encounters more like Icewind Dale with better AI, I heartily recommend it.
  • SleepingSamuraiSleepingSamurai Member Posts: 9
    edited October 2016
    You can check history of sales and subscribe for any dicounts alerts on:

    I have my BG games purchased on GOG. So far, the biggest discount for SoD there was 15%. Maybe december sales will bring bigger dicount.
  • mashedtatersmashedtaters Member Posts: 2,266
    I just throw my money at the glowing screen that says Beamdog on it.

    Haven't played SoD yet, so I can't give you any reviews. But I want to support this company because so many gaming companies nowadays are going in a direction that I strongly disagree with, and Beamdog is one of those that is going in a direction that I agree with.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    Looks like you guys have a point, the reviews by profesional writers score far higher. Still, there's something that will hold me from getting it for some time: The bugs. Almost everybody mentions them, including one of the reviews that gives a high score (an 8) and @Krotos above (8 as well). It's also a big problem for me in BG2EE (loving almost everything else). So I think that for now I'll wait till we get rid of them and then I'll think about sales. Anyway, thank you again for all the feedback.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    What bugs? I don't recall encountering any, but I tend to find less bugs in games than most people.
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    it should be noted that those reviews were in april. and back then the game was a buggy mess but now it's alot more stable . [ execpt two areas in where there are to many npcs standing in the background and the game lags]
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    @Alonso: The only bugs I encountered during my playthrough were the resetting difficulty slider (very annoying!) and the fact that if one of your characters had regeneration, his hit points were set to maximum upon re-load, no matter how low they were when you saved your game (slightly annoying).

    Both have been fixed.

    SoD does not have serious problems with bugs.
  • KrotosKrotos Member Posts: 156
    Alonso said:

    Looks like you guys have a point, the reviews by profesional writers score far higher. Still, there's something that will hold me from getting it for some time: The bugs. Almost everybody mentions them, including one of the reviews that gives a high score (an 8) and @Krotos above (8 as well). It's also a big problem for me in BG2EE (loving almost everything else). So I think that for now I'll wait till we get rid of them and then I'll think about sales. Anyway, thank you again for all the feedback.

    The majority of bugs has been squashed since the time I'd written my review. The ones you might end up encountering are rare and usually require specific conditions to show up.

    You're free to do as you wish though.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    edited October 2016
    Hmm... Currently Redmine reports 114 bugs still open, 9 of which were discovered before the game was released and still haven't been fixed. Doesn't sound very promising, specially taking into account that only a few of us bother reporting bugs.
  • shawneshawne Member Posts: 3,239
    Alonso said:

    Hmm... Currently Redmine reports 114 bugs still open, 9 of which were discovered before the game was released and still haven't been fixed. Doesn't sound very promising, specially taking into account that only a few of us bother reporting bugs.

    That's the crux of the dilemma, to be honest. The Infinity Engine is notoriously unstable, so its games will always have bugs - it's more a question of whether the Redmine list has anything that would constitute a red flag in your opinion.

    Now, on the one hand, most of the gamebreaking problems seem to have been fixed by 2.3; on the other hand, Beamdog are just plain inept when it comes to supporting their games, so you could be waiting a year or longer for the next patch. Caveat emptor, I suppose.
  • xzar_montyxzar_monty Member Posts: 631
    @Alonso: The figures do look terrible, I agree, and don't reflect at all well on the game company. However, apart from the two I already mentioned, I personally didn't come across any bugs (that I would have noticed).
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Its infinity engine, there will ALWAYS be bugs.
  • jsavingjsaving Member Posts: 1,083
    The online perception of SoD is still suffering to some degree from a launch that featured, among other things, too many bugs and a mixed reaction to constructive criticism. These problems have more or less been sorted out at this point but reviews written near launch remain available and often haven't been updated to reflect new and better circumstances, which can cause people to have a more negative view of SoD than is warranted today.

    I think the current build significantly improves the old Infinity engine in ways large and small and the story is on a par with BG1. If you enjoyed BG1/IWD/BG2 then you'd likely appreciate SoD as well, though YMMV.
  • [Deleted User][Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited October 2016
    The user and all related content has been deleted.
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  • JuliusBorisovJuliusBorisov Member, Administrator, Moderator, Developer Posts: 22,760
    Alonso said:

    Hmm... Currently Redmine reports 114 bugs still open, 9 of which were discovered before the game was released and still haven't been fixed. Doesn't sound very promising, specially taking into account that only a few of us bother reporting bugs.

    Most critical bugs have been fixed with 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 patches. Siege of Dragonspear right now doesn't have more bugs than BGEE or BG2EE (which you're playing btw).
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    alot of those bugs effected bgee more then sod.
  • AlonsoAlonso Member Posts: 806
    edited October 2016
    shawne said:

    it's more a question of whether the Redmine list has anything that would constitute a red flag in your opinion.

    The red flag for me are those dreadful numbers: 114 and 9.

    Most critical bugs have been fixed with 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 patches. Siege of Dragonspear right now doesn't have more bugs than BGEE or BG2EE (which you're playing btw).

    And loving them, as you know. But, as I said earlier, the one thing that annoys me are the bugs all over the place and the complete absence of information about when (or if!) they're going to be fixed.

    Still, I'm not sure if comparing the number of bugs in SoD and BG1/2 is fair. First, each BG game has about 200 hours of content, while SoD has only 25, meaning that most bugs in the BG games are scattered across those 200 hours, while the bugs in SoD are concentrated in just 25 hours. That's what makes those dreadful numbers most dreadful.

    Second, the BGs have been around for 16 years, three of them in the EE form, with a huge player base. That's a lot of time and people to catch and report bugs. SoD has been around for months and I guess its player base must be quite smaller. A rough estimation for the BGs would be that for each bug reported there must be about another unreported bug. For SoD I'd easily estimate 10 unreported bugs per reported bug. That makes the numbers even more dreadful.

    Third, years of finding and fixing bugs don't necessarily reduce the number of known bugs, because new ones are found all the time. What it does change is the importance of the extant bugs, because the most important ones tend to be found and fixed first, so the remaining ones tend to be less and less important. Of course, the opposite applies to a game which has only been around for a few months.

  • ThunderThunder Member Posts: 157
    If getting a relatively cheap expansion is this much of a worry for you, you should probably not get it.
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I mean if you are just gonna arbitrarily assume ten times more bugs than there are, yeah I imagine it would be a problem.
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