Siege of Dragonspear sales
I'm currently playing BG2 and I intend to get SoD once I finish. I'd like to find out if there is any sale or discount offer in the meantime (maybe for the collector's edition if it is a really good offer). Is there any newsletter or similar that I can subscribe to so I get an alert when an offer comes out?
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As for Beamdog, you can subscribe to the Beamblog ( if you click the appropriate button lower on the page:
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I posted it during the time, when the drama was fresh and thus got downvoted to oblivion despite trying to remain objective about the game.
Maybe it could be worth to have a look at all the available official reviews and read several of them from the most trusted sites -
Many respected reviewers have said that SoD had managed to capture the original BG feel and 2 new companions at least had been excellent, completely on par with vanilla NPCs. For example, check the review from pcgamer -
If you find ToB too railroaded and think "well, frankly, this is awful at times, but if there were something available along these lines but perhaps not so railroaded", I heartily recommend SoD for you.
If, for whatever reason, the thought pops into your head that "hang on, I wonder what it would be like to travel with a goblin in my party", I heartily recommend SoD for you.
It's not BG2. But it's the next best thing in the saga.
I have my BG games purchased on GOG. So far, the biggest discount for SoD there was 15%. Maybe december sales will bring bigger dicount.
Haven't played SoD yet, so I can't give you any reviews. But I want to support this company because so many gaming companies nowadays are going in a direction that I strongly disagree with, and Beamdog is one of those that is going in a direction that I agree with.
Both have been fixed.
SoD does not have serious problems with bugs.
You're free to do as you wish though.
After playing through all of these games right to the end of ToB twice now, I can say with full confidence that Beamdog did an amazing job of blending SoD into the storyline, and if I didn't know any better, I would have assumed that SoD was a part of the series ever since the original games came out.
Of course, it's your money, and you can do what you want with it. To me, though, to fully enjoy the story of Baldur's Gate from start to finish, you should definitely play Siege of Dragonspear, despite what some user reviews say.
Now, on the one hand, most of the gamebreaking problems seem to have been fixed by 2.3; on the other hand, Beamdog are just plain inept when it comes to supporting their games, so you could be waiting a year or longer for the next patch. Caveat emptor, I suppose.
I think the current build significantly improves the old Infinity engine in ways large and small and the story is on a par with BG1. If you enjoyed BG1/IWD/BG2 then you'd likely appreciate SoD as well, though YMMV.
Still, I'm not sure if comparing the number of bugs in SoD and BG1/2 is fair. First, each BG game has about 200 hours of content, while SoD has only 25, meaning that most bugs in the BG games are scattered across those 200 hours, while the bugs in SoD are concentrated in just 25 hours. That's what makes those dreadful numbers most dreadful.
Second, the BGs have been around for 16 years, three of them in the EE form, with a huge player base. That's a lot of time and people to catch and report bugs. SoD has been around for months and I guess its player base must be quite smaller. A rough estimation for the BGs would be that for each bug reported there must be about another unreported bug. For SoD I'd easily estimate 10 unreported bugs per reported bug. That makes the numbers even more dreadful.
Third, years of finding and fixing bugs don't necessarily reduce the number of known bugs, because new ones are found all the time. What it does change is the importance of the extant bugs, because the most important ones tend to be found and fixed first, so the remaining ones tend to be less and less important. Of course, the opposite applies to a game which has only been around for a few months.