cheat codes for Baldur's Gate Enhanced edition?

are the cheat codes and the process for accessing the console the same for BGEE and the old version?
Where could I find the BGEE codes/
Where could I find the BGEE codes/
SetPrivateProfileString('Program Options','Debug Mode','1')
Then, where you would have used CLUAConsole in the original, you only use C now. Such as...
...which puts Kiel's Buckler in your inventory. The cheat keys like Ctrl+Q or Ctrl+J are unchanged.
Look into user/YourID/documents/Baldur's Gate (or 2)
I think you need to run (and exit) the game executable at least once to create baldur.lua, it's not created simply by installing the game.
Edit: ah, I see I've been ninjaed!
I wanted to enter a cheat code to get more money, so I read your instructions and found the baldur.lua file, opened it in Text Edit, added the line as you said, saved it. I checked the file by opening it again and there it was (the new line).
So I opened the game and tried to activate the cheat console but nothing (I tried different things)... I quit the game and checked the baldur.lua file and surprise, the new line that enabled the cheat codes is gone !
Help please !
Copy and paste your present baldur.ini to a secure location and try this one. In multiplayer be sure to add your own custom name or it may possibly show as my own by default.
Copy and paste your present baldur.ini to a secure location and try this. Rename to ("baldur.ini"). In multiplayer be sure to add your own custom name or it may possibly show as my own by default.
I'd give you a copy of my own but apparently forum rules changed for some arbirtrary reason. It won't upload.