Any chance on adding a "SoD" like expansion onto IWDEE?
I know there is heart of winter. But after that. Be it to SoD scale or Shadows of Amm or Throne of Bhaal scale. The Northern end of the Sword Coast is ripe with places to adventure,
Silverymoon Luskan Neverwinter Mithral Hall and on and on and on.
Silverymoon Luskan Neverwinter Mithral Hall and on and on and on.
As I understand it, Beamdog only overhauled the Baldur's Gate games as a stepping stone for making SoD, and that in turn as a stepping stone towards making their own game.
And the only reason they threw in IWD:EE as a bonus, was because that didn't cost them much. (They based it on the existing IWD-in-BG2 mod, which was still in beta but already mostly working, so they could basically just re-use their BG2:EE code.)
So now they're probably already working on their own game.
And even if they did want to make another Infinity Engine title, a simple cost/benefit analysis would probably lead them to make another BG1/2 expansion, not an IWD one. Someone posted Steam sales statistics in another thread, and the IWD:EE sales were miles below the BG:EE and BG2:EE sales. As an IWD fan I find that unfortunate, of course, but it is what it is.
So if there is to be more IWD content, I think it'll have to come from modders.
But yeah, I agree with you that IWD has more potential, story-wise.
It would definitely be great to see a new IWD expansion, I'm just not optimistic about it.
As for joinable NPCs I'm neutral on the subject. I'd certainly check them out if they were offered, but I know a number of fans of the original would not want that sort of peanut butter in their Icewind chocolate.
Since I have purchased every one of these damn stepping stones, I can really curious to see what the end product is..
No more half-baked game editions or game fillers between episodes. Just make a completely new game to add to the series.
By WotC mandate Icewind Dale 3 would need to be 5e. It could be a problem depending on whether or not you like 5e.
I'd rather see Beamdog step away from D&D altogether. They have Gaider on board now, and while I don't exactly like everything he does, the man is good at worldbuilding.
As far as I'm concerned, I see more value in Beamdog bringing us Icewind Dale II Enhanced Edition. Maybe even doing a little extra campaign/add-on/expansion for it as well at some point. Given the possibilities of using monsters from other IE games, like they did for SoD. Not to mention the difficulty hurdle for writing new scenarios would be significally lower than for the Baldur's Gate saga. It being basically a dungeon crawler franchise with not much narration.
After Beamdog theoretically had successfully released IWDII:EE (with or without additional content), talk about a new entry to the franchise could perhaps be started. This way fans of AD&D 2nd edition would have IWD:EE, those who prefer 3rd edition can enjoy their favourite ruleset with IWDII:EE, and Beamdog would have another financial source to bridge the needed time to work out the terms with WotC/Salvatore for bringing the 5e edition into Icewind Dale. Maybe by that time there will be something else than Legacy of the Crystal Shard on the table as well. *crosses tentacles*
Just my two cents.
Though at this point I would prefer a new series being formed in the vein of BG & IWD, to add on to the Forgotten Realms family (BG, IWD & NWN). Part of the larger setting but new environments and a stand alone story. Also wouldn't mind moving away from the old "european medieval" part of the world (had enough of the Underdark, too), give me some arabian nights or east-asian adventure, for example.
Toril is a large, diverse planet, there is so much to do and see!
And please loaded with cross-game references, immagine a game set in Kara-Tua and you get to meet a pre-BG version of Yoshimo :B
Just please not Mulhorand or Unther. Those are dumb.
The good thing, in my mind, about 5E is it's less restrictive than 2E in terms of class-alignments. Paladins can be any lawful (there's even an evil Oath for them, which basically makes them Blackguards). No more "fallen Rangers" silliness. Warlocks can be whatever (they were alignment restricted in 3.X). The choice is completely in the hands of the player and how they want to RP it, in 5E. And that's a wonderful thing!
Biggest cons with 5e is they hate debuffers? (whos bright idea was it to make debuffs a concentration ability? This just biases the game even more towards overused buff+damage styles). Also imho it is still currently inferior to pathfinders 3.75 due to the low number of "kits" available. Hopefully they add more in the future because 5e has a lot of potential.