Canon party run for the series

I've never completed the game with a canon party, and I want to take a crack at it. Just to be clear, I mean Imoen, Khalid, Jah, Minsc, and Dynaheir for BG1 and Minsc, Jah, Sarevok, Yoshi->Imoen for BG2. The other BG2 slots will be filled by random NPCs for their quest, but that's it. I'm half tempted to keep Jan just because I like his character, but then again, maybe not.
I've tried to play with it before, but I always get hung up on the PC's class. My main problem with it is during BG1. The front line is covered well enough with Minsc and Jah. Khalid is an archer (well, it's what he sucks the least at) for ranged support, and the magic is more than covered. It definitely hurts to lose Imoen as a thief once I dual her over, but it doesn't make it worth playing a thief through the whole series.
For BG2, there's plenty of people to add to fill out the party, so I'm not worried about complementing there. At that point, I'm thinking about what is just fun to play, has some utility, but isn't a second stringer. Also, I'm playing as a human or half-elf. This is for completely different reasons, but not worth getting into this thread. My thoughts on various options:
Bard - a lot of different things to do, but definitely a second stringer role. Even a blade is only a partial catch up.
Mage - Eventually, everything has 95% MR and super low saves, so their utility is limited. Basically, Imoen can cover this well enough on her own
Paladin/Cav - Do I need another front-liner? I have three already by BG2?
Cleric/Ranger or Fighter/Cleric (multi or dual) - I like the idea of having some divinity in the group, but enemy mages are pretty liberal with DM, so there go the buffs. And, there is nothing they can do with offensive magic that a mage can't do better.
At this point, though I'm not really feeling anything strongly in particular, I'm kinda tossed between a half-elf cleric multi (either fighter or ranger), maybe a human dual (ranger/beserker) to a cleric, or a Cav, just to have some divinity in the party (even though that's of pretty limited usefulness) and it's pretty much the only thing that's not redundant. I know the ranger/cleric thing is pretty cheese, but I actually like it more for the stealth and early start on TWF than the ironskins. Anyway, I'm open to other suggestions.
So, yeah, any ideas? What has good synergy with this party plan? And, how do I survive (i.e. traps and locks) Imoen catching up to her thief level in BG1 should I not play a thief (and don't want to cheese by sending a paired party member into a house before dropping them from the party so I can take a thief)? Thanks.
I've tried to play with it before, but I always get hung up on the PC's class. My main problem with it is during BG1. The front line is covered well enough with Minsc and Jah. Khalid is an archer (well, it's what he sucks the least at) for ranged support, and the magic is more than covered. It definitely hurts to lose Imoen as a thief once I dual her over, but it doesn't make it worth playing a thief through the whole series.
For BG2, there's plenty of people to add to fill out the party, so I'm not worried about complementing there. At that point, I'm thinking about what is just fun to play, has some utility, but isn't a second stringer. Also, I'm playing as a human or half-elf. This is for completely different reasons, but not worth getting into this thread. My thoughts on various options:
Bard - a lot of different things to do, but definitely a second stringer role. Even a blade is only a partial catch up.
Mage - Eventually, everything has 95% MR and super low saves, so their utility is limited. Basically, Imoen can cover this well enough on her own
Paladin/Cav - Do I need another front-liner? I have three already by BG2?
Cleric/Ranger or Fighter/Cleric (multi or dual) - I like the idea of having some divinity in the group, but enemy mages are pretty liberal with DM, so there go the buffs. And, there is nothing they can do with offensive magic that a mage can't do better.
At this point, though I'm not really feeling anything strongly in particular, I'm kinda tossed between a half-elf cleric multi (either fighter or ranger), maybe a human dual (ranger/beserker) to a cleric, or a Cav, just to have some divinity in the party (even though that's of pretty limited usefulness) and it's pretty much the only thing that's not redundant. I know the ranger/cleric thing is pretty cheese, but I actually like it more for the stealth and early start on TWF than the ironskins. Anyway, I'm open to other suggestions.
So, yeah, any ideas? What has good synergy with this party plan? And, how do I survive (i.e. traps and locks) Imoen catching up to her thief level in BG1 should I not play a thief (and don't want to cheese by sending a paired party member into a house before dropping them from the party so I can take a thief)? Thanks.
But if you want to be fit almost every role and not to specialize, than go blade, that class can fit everything in the party, use wands, amulets etc to be strong in every fights, not as strong as a specialized mage or warrior but close.
And if a mage is all around better than a Cleric, one might as well just play a mage.
To be protagonist i think you can play it as a support like a general who behind the frontline. But use a mage or sorcerer than, its the strongest classes.
I considered a sorc. The most tempting thing there is no spell memorization, which I hate. I'd rather have fewer things I can do on command than a ton of things, a few of which I have to prep specifically ahead of time. I always thought the wild mage was a partial catch up with NRD. I don't see the sorc being all that special in BG1, though. Also, this is still magic overkill for BG1 and not really necessary for bg2.
Regardless, it seems like magery is the only worthwhile thing to do from the back lines.
Its just ideas, if you never tried a pure cleric. But definately somewhat weaker than sorcerer in terms of raw damage if you use sorcerer and arcane casters to deal dmg. A sorcerer, a mage or a druid is fill well this role btw.
You will dual in BG2 sometime after you leave the dungeon, and get your fighter powers back pretty quickly. Also fits the general role nicely.
One of my favorite combos.
I think this made a much stronger case for an arcane caster. I'm liking the sorcerer more for both story reasons (naturally manifesting magical powers) and functional reasons (not having to deal with spell memorization). The spells would be less specialized, which makes sense for someone generally running things from the rear. I'm not keen on how "soft" magic users are, but something has to give.
For similar reasons, this also makes a strong case for the wild mage. NRD is my most favorite spell in the game. Then again, if one is looking to actually get through the game, rather than have a sex change after your money magically vanishes while a cow is summoned and dropped on your enemy, it's probably not the best of choices.
I'm still deciding between the two, though it leaves me with a back line for BG1 that's -all- mage (PC, Dyn, and eventually Imoen). I'm leaning towards the sorc, though. I'm reading up a bit on spell picks, and downloaded Roman Grigoriev's guide, but I'm seeing pretty varied perspectives on spell picks. Some of the spells that are sworn by some are considered to be a waste of a pick for others. I'm not necessarily looking for a full breakdown of what every pick should be, but (per level) are there any absolute, universal must-haves for picks?
Also, what do you do in BG1 after you dual Imoen at level 7 until she gets her thief levels back? I figure, you're just after cloakwood, but before DT, WWI, and all other places with tons of experience to level her up, but these places also require some good thieving so as to not get torn up by traps. Keep in mind, that at this point, I'm sticking with Jah, Khalid, Minsc, Dyn, and Immy, so I won't drop anyone for a thief temp. I can put off getting Minsc and Dyn for a while if it helps her level faster in the early stages, but I don't see this helping much.
Speaking of canon party I would also consider Aerie in BG2 to be canon with Minsc.
Sorcerers, but so many people hate it.
One more piece of advice. The guide you downloaded is aimed at succeeding in in ToB. This is nice, but I, and many others here, don't play all the way through ToB (mostly because our restartitus is so bad). Designing your character with the end game in mind...and then not even playing the end game...while still fun...isn't really necessary. Choose what spells you like. You will find that most spells are useful in some way (when you first get them, at least). There are a few duds, like find familiar, as picks for sorcerers, but otherwise you can't really go wrong.
If you play with a party, though, your sorc doesn't have to cover all bases - so you are more free to specialize, and stick to spells that are highly effective in most battles.
No need to pick spells that are only situationally useful, if a party member of another class already covers those tasks.
As for the sorc, I started the character, but I'm not feeling terribly connected to it. Maybe I'm just not that into dedicated magic users. I was starting to think about a monk, but they take quite a while to come into their own and their AC, never gets that good.
I dunno. Maybe I'll should be liberal with Ao and run a Cav or something.
If you want, i can spoiler the names of good weapons but i think you know them.
Ever play with wizard slayer rebalancing mod ? Cause it can be fun, just use a lots of weapons with passives for immunities and actives for spell effects.
Also, I'd be playing a Cav so I wouldn't take bow.
Rp-wise, I was thinking of starting with ** in staves and 2hf, putting my next 2 in 2h sword for the spider sword, then I guess spear and halberds (not sure which order, but it probably doesn't matter). I'm going to have a ton of extra *'s eventually.
For those particular battles where AC is crucial, the particular effect of a shield is needed or the maximum APR is preferred to a better weapon they are viable alternatives to Ryn->Ram.