Spellstrike only shows Abjuration school in description. I thought it was also Alteration?

I swear Spellstrike used to show in the description as belonging to both the Abjuration and Alteration schools, but now my description only shows Abjuration. I have SCS, BG2 Tweaks, and Scales of Balance mods installed and no change like this is mentioned in the ReadMe files for these mods. I think this may be a description bug or something when they moved from 2.0 to 3.0, anyone experience this or is it just me?

Says there that it's alteration too. It must have been like that at one point.
It says that it takes down Spell Shield but if you go to that page it says it protects against Spellstrike. Odd, a bit like True Sight and Non-Detection. Which one takes precedence?
I am really confused about immunity spells. The description says if you have an immunity to a spell school you cannot be affected at all by them, whether it is positive or negative, so why on earth do I see all of these mages cast abjuration spell protections followed up by I: Abjuration? That makes no sense to me, shouldn't the I: Abjuration cancel the mages own spell protections?!
If this somehow works then it seems to me that immunity: abjuration is borderline broken as the only thing that can counter your spell protections is the 8th level spell Ruby Ray of Reversal. Or did they nerf what I: abjuration really protects from?
Remove/Dispel magic is so powerful alone (especially when casted by a high-level spellcaster, like lich) that it needs a special blocking spell.
In order not to get your Protection from Abjuration removed by Spellstrike or any other similar spell, you have to cast Spell Shield, and to recast Spell Shield as soon as an enemy takes down your Spell Shield.
Based on my testing I THINK that I took down the defenses of Kangaxx (not the demi-lich, the normal one) with a chain contingency of 3 spell pierces AFTER he did his chain contingency of a few spell protections including I: Abjuration. I proceeded to Breach him a few times and easily disposed of him (yes I have a mod that allows for this specific exception to lich immunities to spells 5th level and lower because I just think it's stupid that only breach and dispel magic can remove the physical immunity spells...moving on). So I will continue to try to look for this and test this, but if this is accurate it would match Julius' explanation.
Maybe the vanilla game worked like subtledoctor is explaining it then the enhanced edition edited things a bit.
Not impossible it could be tuned even further, of course.
Not in the base game (or the game with SCS), as I can say.
Bookmark this - What dispels what in BG? and also this - EE Spell Combat
It's like Bigby I think... So evocation?
If the intent is to directly attack someone in combat, then the Force effect is likely to be a Evocation.
If the Force effect is tangible and interacts with physical items (e.g., Mage Armour interacts with a normal sword, and an Orb of Force is a real thing) then it is likely to be a Conjuration.
If the Force effect dispels, creates a ward of some sort (symbol, rune, etc.) or has an effect that alerts people to something (e.g., Alarm), then it is likely to be an Abjuration.
None of this is fixed in concrete as things change between editions and sometimes the spell itself changes to the point it actually starts looking like something else (e.g., Shield spell is extremely different between 1st and subsequent editions but remains Abjuration).
Then, would the spell still be abjuration or really conjuration?
If the whip is something you can hold and use to hit someone with and remove stuff at the same time, then it could be a Conjuration.
Edit: It also lists Spellstrike as alteration. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
It looks like the reason for that is because the spell ceases to exist. So since it is changing energy/matter I can see that.