Enchanters and saving throw bonuses

When looking at the list of spells in the enchantment school, it shows that a lot of them requires their targets to roll a saving throw:
Enchantment spells: saving throw?
Charm Person x
Confusion x
Dire Charm x
Hold Person x
Sleep x
Slow x
Emotion-Hopelessness x
Greater Malison
Chaos x
Domination x
Feeblemind x
Hold Monster x
This should give a synergy effect for 'Enchanter' specialist mages, as the specialist mage property makes spell victims have a negative bonus on their saving throws against these enchantment spells.
Together with Greater Malison, an Enchanter will effect a whopping -6 saving throw on enemies targeted with his enchantment spells.
Are there any other schools who have a similar powerful synergy? IE. have a similar amount of spells that depends on enemies failing a saving throw?
Enchantment spells: saving throw?
Charm Person x
Confusion x
Dire Charm x
Hold Person x
Sleep x
Slow x
Emotion-Hopelessness x
Greater Malison
Chaos x
Domination x
Feeblemind x
Hold Monster x
This should give a synergy effect for 'Enchanter' specialist mages, as the specialist mage property makes spell victims have a negative bonus on their saving throws against these enchantment spells.
Together with Greater Malison, an Enchanter will effect a whopping -6 saving throw on enemies targeted with his enchantment spells.
Are there any other schools who have a similar powerful synergy? IE. have a similar amount of spells that depends on enemies failing a saving throw?
Life is so hollow.Speaking of other schools, I vote Necromancy next. Finger of Death, for example.
Other spells, which offer a saving throw, are
Chill Touch
Ghoul Touch - for better chance of paralyzing
Contagion - for better chance of working
Abi-Dalzim's Horrid Wilting - for lesser chance to inflict 1/2 damage
Wail of the Banshee - for better chance to one-shot enemies
I think this would be crazy with SCS... There are Necromancer Liches, and I've already had enough of them without a save penalty on their spells (I mean ADHW on Contingencies, ugh, and the classic triple Skull Trap SS).
What I think that should be nice is a Detect Illusion penalty when a Rogue is trying to detect a specialist Illusionist (also, so I can drop my thieving points somewhere after all my other skills are at 100), so that their kit isn't wasted in a Rogue with a broken skill that goes through SI:Divination and doesn't require a level 6 spell slot.
If you need some advice, feel free to call me. Good luck.
Candy is dandy, but Fireball is quicker.
So I've never gotten around to playing one, saving throw penalty or no. But now I'm intrugued.
It's always fun breaking out of our mold and trying something like a mage who can't do a lick of magical damage.
(*Except of course Greater Malison, which facilitates and speeds up the inevitable)
For the first it really does not matter which class you are picking. If you know what the game comes at you with you can plan spell picking or memorisation well in advance.
For the second you probably need more pruning which spells are vital and which ones useful fluff in order to always be prepared.