Are you are min stat or max stat player?

I was just wondering are you are minimum or maximum player.
I tend to use minimum stats on my PC
My current play is a dwarf cleric/mage - Heavily Modded game.
11 / 10 / 19 / 10 / 10 / 16
She won't be a powerhouse but it also makes for a fun play through. Might not have have the max spell casting on cleric / mage spells and PC will be the main healer with feldorn as backup.
I tend to use minimum stats on my PC
My current play is a dwarf cleric/mage - Heavily Modded game.
11 / 10 / 19 / 10 / 10 / 16
She won't be a powerhouse but it also makes for a fun play through. Might not have have the max spell casting on cleric / mage spells and PC will be the main healer with feldorn as backup.
If I'm creating custom team members, which I do more and more now, they get mediocre stats on the whole, though I'll usually give them one pretty decent attribute (e.g. if it's a thief they're going to get a good dex).
Less than that, however, just doesn't feel to me like a proper Bhaalspawn. After all, our li'l sis is one of the weaker Bhaalspawn, and even she has a roll of 87, so our protagonist can't be weaker than that (IMO).
In all cases, however, it's a real roll, never 'keepered or auto-rolled or otherwise cheated in. That just wouldn't feel legit to me.
I'm curious what difficulty you're playing on as well -- a Mage with 10 Int on Core or higher is going to have a very hard time learning any new spells.
Gotta ask though, a cleric/mage with 10 in INT and 10 in WIS?