After the hype has died...

I'm on my third run-through of SoD, long after the hype has died and still just love every moment of it. It feels like coming home. It really is worthy of the IE legacy. So much to do for such a seemingly linear game, and so polished.
Really want to see Corwin, M'kiin and the gang brought over to SoA.
Really want to see Corwin, M'kiin and the gang brought over to SoA.
+ proper and interesting story, although linear
+ I really felt the fuss in the city crawling with refugees
+ them little animations (thugs attack commoners and hide in shadows, fisties push people away, etc.)
+ fantastic new areas
+ voice acting and music (sfx)
- no dwarven companion, but lots of dwarven loot
- the final boss was a recycled one
* new class, shaman
* new companions are ok, but wouldn't like to see them in SoA
I have high hopes for Beamdog's next offering, whatever form that might take.
I like the companions, personally, but I don't like the fact that they're missing in BG2. It doesn't need to be as companions. Cameo's or references would work as well. Heck, a more complete conclusion to their parts in SoD would work. But SoD creates a number of incomplete threads that really irk me.
"I name you Skatan Dwarf-Friend. Rise!"
[Hands Skatan a beard that looks like it was made from woven gold]
"Wear it with pride! It's made with real hair. Got it from the last band of elves who approached our dwarf fortress. We tried to trade arrows with them and they demanded that we stop cutting down trees. So we got this from them instead!"
I will treasure this beard though and will hold on to it for now, ready to pass it down to the next humanoid who finds their inner dwarf and who take a stand for all of us of perfect girth and height. The longshanks and the pointy-ears be damned.
Oh and I quite like the Final boss ost.
While it would be slightly satisfying to make her fall just to execute her, that's not justice either. She never has to answer for anything. Meanwhile, the entire mystique of her character, the vaunted "better hero than you", is destroyed by it. I so loved the concept of the Scion evolving from the "action survivor" of BG1 and the "true hero" of BG2 by clashing with a real hero, learning from the contrast. It was an interesting story, but the fact that it's all a cold lie really destroys it.
I'm more of an elf guy myself, but lack of a dwarven companion in this game is a disaster.
But yeah the class and race specific items were great.
some games do actually get negatively hyped through the press, intially collectively blasted and then repeatedly cited as bad examples of something - but in time they turn out to be well liked and well played games.
just pointing out that this is not the case here because the hype that was happening was never very much about the game, it was about culture.
so the "passing of hype" shouldn't make anyone see the game in a different light, presuming they are pure of heart
The mixed column was by far the most fair and objective in the list. I agree with their score system varying between 5-7/10. I have got to give credit to @JuliusBorisov for including negative reviews to the list to add objectivity. Why not? Not including a major talking point in a opinion piece/review sounds like gawker-go-bankrupt style journalism. Dialogue is a major part of the game after all (the most important imo).