Looking for mod component: Mage can use Crossbows?
About six months ago I played through BGEE (after 2.0 and SOD launched) using Big World setup and I know I checked some component that let Mages become proficient with and equip Crossbows; however, looking through the hundred or so components of BWS for my next play through I can't seem to find it anywhere and I can't remember what larger mod it was a part of. I though it may have been Tome and Blood or one of the other Mage overhauls but I can't seem to find it. Does anyone remember what mod this was?
subtledoctor was helpful enough to provide me with a standalone which I eventually integrated into my Drake mod.
That's the other way around. Pre-release Drake is currently only for BG1, not SoD or BG2. And you can download the Universal Crossbows mod from the thread I linked, no other components attached.
Got totally confused about your new one, but decided, since you were talking about already usable mod, it has to be the old one.
Now it's all clear.
It worked, indeed! With one exception - shamans are still out of luck. New class is truly new, as I see. But since they can use short-bows, it's ok. Many thanks on behalf of all my mages and sorcerers!
As with all weidu mods, you place all the files in the game directory (Baldur's Gate Enhanced Edition, Siege of Dragonspear, Baldur's Gate II Enhanced Edition etc,) and then click on exe file "universal_xbows.exe", which will then search through all the files and patch them. If SOD is installed via Steam just made sure the new game files are unpacked.
Thanks again @subtledoctor.