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Problem with BG:EE kit mod (and two smaller issues)

semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
First, the minor issues:

1. I just did a clean install of BG:EE to fix a problem that prevented the game from launching. I can start up the game now, but I see leftovers from some custom kit mods that I already uninstalled before the clean install.

The invalid reference is the Shaman kit. To fix the Shaman strings, I think I just need a clean dialog.tlk file. But since this is a clean install with no mods, I'm not sure how to fix it.

2. I've gone through all of the relevant .2da files to delete all references to custom kits I was using, since I thought that was what was causing the extra classes with wrong strings, but that didn't change anything. I'm not sure how to get rid of the extra classes.

The main problem:

I can't properly install a kit mod for mages on BG:EE. It works fine in BG2:EE, installation and everything. But when I try to install it in BG:EE, all it seems to do is screw up the Wild Mage kit's strings. The new kit, the Alchemist kit, appears in the KITLIST.2da and other tables, and all the other files are in place, and some of the kit's custom strings appear correctly (potions but not grenades), but when I go to character creation, all I see is some wrong strings where the Wild Mage kit should be, and selecting it gives the Wild Mage kit instead of the Alchemist kit.

Does installing kits on BG:EE require any different steps from installing kits on BG2:EE?


  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    I was wrong. All of the kit's new strings are screwed up, and they're replaced with SOD strings even though I'm playing BG:EE. It also screwed up strings for all other kits in the game, replacing them with invalid references or even leaving them completely blank.

  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    The bad Class Strings you are seeing are the correct string references of BG2EE:
    In BG2EE, string 45856 is "Sorcerer"
    In SoD, string 45856 is "Say your farewells and be quick about it. I would be about our business sooner than later."
    In BG2EE, string 45858 is "Monk"
    In SoD, string 45856 is "I'll help you find peace. You have my word on that."
    In BG2EE, string 103061 is "Shaman"
    In SoD, string 103061 doesn't exist.

    I don't know how those BG2EE string reference got into either your BG:EE or SoD dialog.tlk, but that's what they are. Mod's certainly shouldn't be doing that, I would have an easier time believing you got the wrong file in the download.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @kjeron: Which file in which download? I'm not sure what you mean.

    Any idea how I could get my dialog.tlk file back in order? If a clean install from Steam won't do it, is there another method?
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    @semiticgod I meant when you downloaded the game from Steam.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    edited February 2017
    @semiticgod I meant the Dialog.tlkClastext.2da you got from Steam when you did the clean install.
    Edit, wrong file
    Post edited by kjeron on
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @kjeron: Any idea how I could get the correct clastext.2da?
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    This is what it should look like before any mods:
    2DA                  V1.0
                         CLASSID              KITID                LOWER                DESCSTR              MIXED                BIOGRAPHY            FALLEN               BRIEFDESC
    FIGHTER              2                    16384                7201                 9556                 1076                 15881                0                    31252
    BERSERKER            2                    1                    24239                24284                24261                15881                0                    31252
    WIZARD_SLAYER        2                    2                    24240                24285                24262                15881                0                    31252
    KENSAI               2                    3                    24241                24286                24263                15881                0                    31252
    DWARVEN_DEFENDER     2                    34                   31973                31975                31974                15881                0                    31252
    RANGER               12                   16384                7200                 9557                 1077                 15888                0                    31257
    FERALAN              12                   7                    24245                24298                24267                15888                0                    31257
    STALKER              12                   8                    24246                24299                24268                15888                0                    31257
    BEAST_MASTER         12                   9                    24247                24300                24269                15888                0                    31257
    FALLEN_RANGER        12                   16384                10365                9557                 10369                15888                1                    31257
    FALLEN_FERALAN       12                   7                    24213                24298                24214                15888                1                    31257
    FALLEN_STALKER       12                   8                    24215                24299                24216                15888                1                    31257
    FALLEN_BEAST_MASTER  12                   9                    24217                24300                24218                15888                1                    31257
    PALADIN              6                    16384                7217                 9558                 1078                 15887                0                    31256
    CAVALIER             6                    4                    24242                24287                24264                15887                0                    31256
    INQUISITOR           6                    5                    24243                24288                24265                15887                0                    31256
    UNDEAD_HUNTER        6                    6                    24244                24289                24266                15887                0                    31256
    BLACKGUARD           6                    32                   28604                28606                28605                31492                0                    31256
    FALLEN_PALADIN       6                    16384                10367                9558                 10371                15887                1                    31256
    FALLEN_CAVALIER      6                    4                    24207                24287                24208                15887                1                    31256
    FALLEN_INQUISITOR    6                    5                    24209                24288                24210                15887                1                    31256
    FALLEN_UNDEAD_HUNTER 6                    6                    24211                24289                24212                15887                1                    31256
    CLERIC               3                    16384                7204                 24230                1079                 15884                0                    31255
    GODTALOS             3                    19                   24254                24307                24276                15884                0                    31255
    GODHELM              3                    20                   24255                24308                24277                15884                0                    31255
    GODLATHANDER         3                    21                   24256                24309                24278                15884                0                    31255
    FALLEN_CLERIC        3                    16384                -1                   24230                24205                15884                1                    31255
    FALLEN_GODLATHANDER  3                    21                   -1                   24309                24206                15884                1                    31255
    DRUID                11                   16384                7210                 9560                 1080                 15885                0                    32301
    TOTEMIC_DRUID        11                   16                   24257                24310                24279                15885                0                    32301
    SHAPESHIFTER         11                   17                   24258                24311                24280                15885                0                    32301
    AVENGER              11                   18                   24259                24312                24281                15885                0                    32301
    MAGE                 1                    16384                7203                 9563                 1081                 15882                0                    31253
    ABJURER              1                    64                   597                  24290                502                  15882                0                    31253
    CONJURER             1                    128                  2179                 24291                504                  15882                0                    31253
    DIVINER              1                    256                  2846                 24292                2012                 15882                0                    31253
    ENCHANTER            1                    512                  2861                 24293                2022                 15882                0                    31253
    ILLUSIONIST          1                    1024                 2862                 24294                12785                15882                0                    31253
    INVOKER              1                    2048                 3015                 24295                12786                15882                0                    31253
    NECROMANCER          1                    4096                 12744                24296                12787                15882                0                    31253
    TRANSMUTER           1                    8192                 12745                24297                12788                15882                0                    31253
    WILD_MAGE            1                    2147483648           24260                24283                24282                15882                0                    31253
    THIEF                4                    16384                7202                 9561                 1082                 15883                0                    31254
    ASSASSIN             4                    10                   24248                24301                24270                15883                0                    31254
    BOUNTY_HUNTER        4                    11                   24249                24302                24271                15883                0                    31254
    SWASHBUCKLER         4                    12                   24250                24303                24272                15883                0                    31254
    SHADOWDANCER         4                    33                   31970                31972                31971                15883                0                    31254
    BARD                 5                    16384                7206                 9562                 1083                 15886                0                    31269
    BLADE                5                    13                   24251                24304                24273                15886                0                    31269
    JESTER               5                    14                   24252                24305                24274                15886                0                    31269
    SKALD                5                    15                   24253                24306                24275                15886                0                    31269
    SORCERER             19                   16384                24224                24233                24227                31495                0                    32300
    DRAGON_DISCIPLE      19                   35                   31976                31978                31977                31495                0                    32300
    MONK                 20                   16384                24225                24234                24228                31494                0                    32300
    DARK_MOON            20                   36                   31979                31981                31980                32322                0                    32300
    SUN_SOUL             20                   37                   31982                31984                31983                32323                0                    32300
    BARBARIAN            2                    1073741824           24226                24235                24229                31493                0                    31268
    FIGHTER_MAGE         7                    16384                7213                 9574                 1056                 15881                0                    9574
    FIGHTER_CLERIC       8                    16384                7211                 9573                 1053                 15881                0                    9573
    FIGHTER_THIEF        9                    16384                7205                 9572                 1052                 15881                0                    9572
    FIGHTER_MAGE_THIEF   10                   16384                7215                 24232                1074                 15881                0                    9576
    MAGE_THIEF           13                   16384                7216                 9575                 1057                 15882                0                    9575
    CLERIC_MAGE          14                   16384                7207                 9577                 1058                 15884                0                    9577
    CLERIC_THIEF         15                   16384                7209                 9578                 1065                 15884                0                    9568
    FIGHTER_DRUID        16                   16384                7212                 9579                 1066                 15881                0                    9579
    FIGHTER_MAGE_CLERIC  17                   16384                7214                 24231                1075                 15881                0                    9581
    CLERIC_RANGER        18                   16384                7208                 9580                 1073                 15884                0                    9580
    FALLEN_BLACKGUARD    6                    32                   32306                28606                32307                31492                1                    31256
    SHAMAN               21                   16384                32441                32341                32342                32343                0                    32344
    OHTYR                3                    38                   32345                32346                32345                32347                0                    31255
    FALLEN_BLACKGUARD    6                    32                   32306                28606                32307                31492                1                    31256

    There is another, SoD-only file you should check, SODCLSTXT.2da, just in case:
    2DA                  V1.0
                         CLASSID              KITID                LOWER                DESCSTR              MIXED                BIOGRAPHY            FALLEN               BRIEFDESC
    FIGHTER              2                    16384                7201                 9556                 1076                 65344                0                    31252
    BERSERKER            2                    1                    24239                24284                24261                65344                0                    31252
    WIZARD_SLAYER        2                    2                    24240                24285                24262                65344                0                    31252
    KENSAI               2                    3                    24241                24286                24263                65344                0                    31252
    DWARVEN_DEFENDER     2                    34                   31973                31975                31974                65344                0                    31252
    RANGER               12                   16384                7200                 9557                 1077                 65346                0                    31257
    ARCHER               12                   7                    24245                24298                24267                65346                0                    31257
    STALKER              12                   8                    24246                24299                24268                65346                0                    31257
    BEAST_MASTER         12                   9                    24247                24300                24269                65346                0                    31257
    FALLEN_RANGER        12                   16384                10365                9557                 10369                65346                1                    31257
    FALLEN_ARCHER        12                   7                    24213                24298                24214                65346                1                    31257
    FALLEN_STALKER       12                   8                    24215                24299                24216                65346                1                    31257
    FALLEN_BEAST_MASTER  12                   9                    24217                24300                24218                65346                1                    31257
    PALADIN              6                    16384                7217                 9558                 1078                 65347                0                    31256
    CAVALIER             6                    4                    24242                24287                24264                65347                0                    31256
    INQUISITOR           6                    5                    24243                24288                24265                65347                0                    31256
    UNDEAD_HUNTER        6                    6                    24244                24289                24266                65347                0                    31256
    BLACKGUARD           6                    32                   28604                28606                28605                65348                0                    31256
    FALLEN_PALADIN       6                    16384                10367                9558                 10371                65347                1                    31256
    FALLEN_CAVALIER      6                    4                    24207                24287                24208                65347                1                    31256
    FALLEN_INQUISITOR    6                    5                    24209                24288                24210                65347                1                    31256
    FALLEN_UNDEAD_HUNTER 6                    6                    24211                24289                24212                65347                1                    31256
    CLERIC               3                    16384                7204                 24230                1079                 65345                0                    31255
    GODTALOS             3                    19                   24254                24307                24276                65345                0                    31255
    GODHELM              3                    20                   24255                24308                24277                65345                0                    31255
    GODLATHANDER         3                    21                   24256                24309                24278                65345                0                    31255
    FALLEN_CLERIC        3                    16384                -1                   24230                24205                65345                1                    31255
    FALLEN_GODLATHANDER  3                    21                   -1                   24309                24206                65345                1                    31255
    DRUID                11                   16384                7210                 9560                 1080                 65349                0                    32301
    TOTEMIC_DRUID        11                   16                   24257                24310                24279                65349                0                    32301
    SHAPESHIFTER         11                   17                   24258                24311                24280                65349                0                    32301
    AVENGER              11                   18                   24259                24312                24281                65349                0                    32301
    MAGE                 1                    16384                7203                 9563                 1081                 65350                0                    31253
    ABJURER              1                    64                   597                  24290                502                  65350                0                    31253
    CONJURER             1                    128                  2179                 24291                504                  65350                0                    31253
    DIVINER              1                    256                  2846                 24292                2012                 65350                0                    31253
    ENCHANTER            1                    512                  2861                 24293                2022                 65350                0                    31253
    ILLUSIONIST          1                    1024                 2862                 24294                12785                65350                0                    31253
    INVOKER              1                    2048                 3015                 24295                12786                65350                0                    31253
    NECROMANCER          1                    4096                 12744                24296                12787                65350                0                    31253
    TRANSMUTER           1                    8192                 12745                24297                12788                65350                0                    31253
    WILDMAGE             1                    2147483648           24260                24283                24282                65350                0                    31253
    THIEF                4                    16384                7202                 9561                 1082                 65352                0                    31254
    ASSASSIN             4                    10                   24248                24301                24270                65352                0                    31254
    BOUNTY_HUNTER        4                    11                   24249                24302                24271                65352                0                    31254
    SWASHBUCKLER         4                    12                   24250                24303                24272                65352                0                    31254
    SHADOWDANCER         4                    33                   31970                31972                31971                65352                0                    31254
    BARD                 5                    16384                7206                 9562                 1083                 65353                0                    31269
    BLADE                5                    13                   24251                24304                24273                65353                0                    31269
    JESTER               5                    14                   24252                24305                24274                65353                0                    31269
    SKALD                5                    15                   24253                24306                24275                65353                0                    31269
    SORCERER             19                   16384                24224                24233                24227                65351                0                    32300
    DRAGON_DISCIPLE      19                   35                   31976                31978                31977                65351                0                    32300
    MONK                 20                   16384                24225                24234                24228                65356                0                    32299
    DARK_MOON            20                   36                   31979                31981                31980                65354                0                    32299
    SUN_SOUL             20                   37                   31982                31984                31983                65355                0                    32299
    BARBARIAN            2                    1073741824           24226                24235                24229                65357                0                    31268
    FIGHTER_MAGE         7                    16384                7213                 9574                 1056                 65344                0                    9574
    FIGHTER_CLERIC       8                    16384                7211                 9573                 1053                 65344                0                    9573
    FIGHTER_THIEF        9                    16384                7205                 9572                 1052                 65344                0                    9572
    FIGHTER_MAGE_THIEF   10                   16384                7215                 24232                1074                 65344                0                    9576
    MAGE_THIEF           13                   16384                7216                 9575                 1057                 65350                0                    9575
    CLERIC_MAGE          14                   16384                7207                 9577                 1058                 65345                0                    9577
    CLERIC_THIEF         15                   16384                7209                 9578                 1065                 65345                0                    9568
    FIGHTER_DRUID        16                   16384                7212                 9579                 1066                 65344                0                    9579
    FIGHTER_MAGE_CLERIC  17                   16384                7214                 24231                1075                 65344                0                    9581
    CLERIC_RANGER        18                   16384                7208                 9580                 1073                 65345                0                    9580
    SHAMAN               21                   16384                34082                34084                34083                34085                0                    34088
    OHTYR                3                    38                   56940                56941                56940                65345                0                    31255
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @kjeron: It fixed the shaman class string; it now shows up properly. However, all of the kit names and descriptions aside from mage kits are still blank, and the Wild Mage name and description is still wrong. Do you think the rest of the problem lies with the dialog.tlk file?

    The game remains playable even with a few wrong strings on character creation, but this situation means I won't be able to use my kit mods in BG:EE, or test them so other people can use them.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    @semiticgod Aside from those two files(CLASTEXT.2DA, SODCLSTEXT.2DA), is there anything else in your override folder?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    edited February 2017
    @kjeron: Yup. Over 3,000 things. When I re-name the folder, the strings get corrected--problem solved. But I worry about the secondary effects of renaming the override folder and proceeding as usual. I've had game crashes before when renaming the override folder, which is why I don't normally clean it out.

    Do you think it would be safe to start with a new, empty override folder and try to install things from there?

    If not, is there a specific file in the override folder that might be causing the problem besides those .2das? I definitely don't have a dialog.tlk file anywhere in that folder. If I could delete only the files that were responsible for the string issues, then I could keep the rest of the override folder.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    @semiticgod I thought you were having these issues before adding mods.
    Is that override folder or any of its files from a BG2EE game?
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @kjeron: Uninstalled all mods via WeiDu, on top of uninstalling the game via Steam. That didn't remove everything from the override folder; just some stuff.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Okay, Standalone wipes the override completely, not even the folder itself remains, Steam is doing a half-ass job, but that still wouldn't explain BG2EE string references in your files, that would have to have been from a mod. You should try uninstalling everything via Weidu, then renaming the override folder, then reinstalling via Weidu, and see if the problem remains.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @kjeron: Partial success! The mod functions perfectly (the spells and items work and kit abilities work) and the other kits and classes all have correct strings. However, all the strings from the Alchemist kit are still screwed up. For some reason, adding new strings is not working normally.

    There's a section in my TP2 file that refers to BG2 specifically (I borrowed a lot of code from a tutorial), but it's commented out, so I'm not sure why it's working differently in BG1.

    * This mod does not use any chapter checks
    OUTER_SET bg2_chapter = 12
    OUTER_SET bg2_chapter = 0
    OUTER_FOR (i=1; i<=10; i=i+1) BEGIN
    OUTER_SET bg2_chapter = bg2_chapter + 1
    OUTER_SPRINT name_source ~bg2_chapter_%i%~
    OUTER_SET EVAL ~%name_source%~ = bg2_chapter
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Does the Alchemist have incorrect strings for both a BGEE and SOD start?
    Did you forget to run Modmerge after reinstalling the game?
    If not, do the abilities have correct strings? The mod may have an outdated "fl#add_kit_ee.tpa" file.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903

    1. SOD and BGEE both have wrong strings. The same wrong ones.

    2. I've never used Modmerge. I've never attempted to mod SOD, so I wouldn't think Modmerge would be necessary to make the kit work with SOD, but I will need to use it anyway to make the kit compatible with SOD. Shall I run Modmerge and try installing the kit once more?

    3. The kit's items, spells, creatures, and dialogs also have incorrect strings, in addition to the kit name and description.

    4. I don't know about my fl#add_kit_ee.tpa file. I tried to download a fresh version online, but the WeiDu website gives a 404 for the download link. Instead, I used an old .tpa file that I believed to be fresh from WeiDu 236, but I don't believe it's fresh or suitable--using that file and installing the kit mod produced more incorrect strings for separate classes, forcing me to rename the override folder once more.
  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368

    @kjeron:Shall I run Modmerge and try installing the kit once more?

    If SoD is installed, use Modmerge before adding any mods, or you will get issues.
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    @kjeron: Success! The mod is now functioning and has all of its strings set up correctly.

    Thank you so much for your help. I never would have thought of most of the solutions you've proposed. I really appreciate it; it's saved me a tremendous amount of trouble and allowed me to do something I really wanted to do.

  • kjeronkjeron Member Posts: 2,368
    Good to hear, still confused over how BG2EE string refs got in your game, threw me off to start.
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