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A good roleplaying reason to take Eldoth and/or Tiax along?

ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
Heya. I am one of those weirdos who doesn't care about powergaming and tries to keep metagaming to a minimum. I played through the entire series so often, that by this point I only do pure roleplaying runs. Meaning I only do what my character would do, as far as that is possible (I do have to take some liberties to make sure my party is at least somewhat balanced).

Anywho, because of that I never got around to taking along Eldoth, Skie and Tiax along, because I never made a character who'd be willing to have Eldoth and Tiax around.

I mean, Eldoth is a slimy and chauvinistic asshat (especially bad because I almost exclusively play female characters) and Tiax is clinically insane. The latter one doesn't exactly profit from only being introduced so late into the game, at which point I usually already have the type of party I want.

I'd like to know if any of you have a good idea what kind of character would be willing to have these two around till the very end.

So far my only ideas are:
- Naive idiot who gets tricked easily (basically Skie)
- Clinically insane person who doesn't act rationally (basically Tiax)
- Chauvinistic asshat (basically Eldoth)
- Hopeless do-gooder who hopes to "safe" Eldoth and Tiax from themselves

I find neither of these particularly appealing (aside from maybe the second one), so I hope you guys can come up with something more interesting.
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  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    Eldoth offers to split ransom payments with you for Skie, so someone willing to put up with his personality for extra money.

    As for Tiax, I've never actually used him, but maybe a do-gooder who figures he'd cause more trouble without your supervision. So, Roy from Order of the Stick, basically.
  • BigfishBigfish Member Posts: 367
    I'd say something of a smart, evil person who thinks Eldoth's scheme might actually pay off, and sees Tiax as an easily manipulated tool. Maybe something ala the scene in Ghost Dad (if you ever saw that movie).

    Tiax: Do you worship our dark lord Cyric?

    Charname: Worship him?!? I AM Cyric! And I order you to cast Sanctuary and disarm these traps and loot these chests!
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    "This Eldoth guy is kind of a jerk. Maybe I'll take him on a basilisk hunt."
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    @semiticgod That doesn't count, I am looking for a way to keep him, not for a way to get rid of him :V
  • semiticgoddesssemiticgoddess Member Posts: 14,903
    "This Eldoth guy is kind of a jerk. But he might be a good fit for my internalized misogyny." :V
  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    I can see a kind hearted cleric trying to cure Tiax of his insanity/watch him to make sure he doesn't hurt himself/other people. Eldoth, haha, good luck.
  • ButtercheeseButtercheese Member Posts: 3,766
    ThacoBell said:

    Eldoth, haha, good luck.

  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
    Maaaaybe the same ind hearted cleric could go along with his plan just to make sure Skie stays safe? And refuse to get Eldoth killed because your just too kind hearted to pull a stunt like that? HMmmmm, a pacifist cleric that refuses to kill and specializes purely in protection/heal spells might be interesting.
  • tbone1tbone1 Member Posts: 1,985
    edited March 2017
    Along the lines that @ThacoBell was thinking, take Eldoth along so that you can expose him to authorities at the critical moment. That way he doesn't hurt others. Also, maybe he really plans to kidnap Skie and you can thwart his plans. And who doesn't like a good thwarting?
  • Abi_DalzimAbi_Dalzim Member Posts: 1,428
    tbone1 said:

    Along the lines that @ThacoBell was thinking, take Eldoth along so that you can expose him to authorities at the critical moment. That way he doesn't hurt others. Also, maybe he really plans to kidnap Skie and you can thwart his plans. And who doesn't like a good thwarting?

    Again, reason to keep him, not reason to shank him at a moment of your choosing.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    edited March 2017
    Eldoth: One of my charnames took him along because he was also a bit of a conman. Another CN character was just desperate for money. Finally I sometimes give Eldoth the gypsy kit (Song & Silence, bardsong charms enemies) and so assume he has Saruman's voice...

    Tiax: CN characters like Jesters will appreciate his whimsy. I'm thinking of running a kneecapping party of shorties soon as well, led by a mildly racist halfling charname who has vowed not to trust any of those barbaric humans- he read some leftwing histories in Candlekeep...

    Post edited by Mantis37 on
  • Lotus_BlossomLotus_Blossom Member Posts: 1
    An extremely not-too-smart Gorian's Ward might team up with Tiax, but every time I think of recruiting him, Pinky and the Brain come to mind:-

    "Gee, Tiax, what are we going to do tonight?"

    "The same thing we do every night, [CHARNAME]. Try to take over the world."
  • jmerryjmerry Member Posts: 3,934
    "Ha ha ha ha ha. Smart guy dies, and Tiax goes on to RULE!"

    (This is an actual voiced line in the game. Just add Quayle.)
  • DJKajuruDJKajuru Member Posts: 3,300
    I never pick Tiax because he worships cyric so Id have make up some pretty good sort of logic for bringing him along.

    Eldoth, on the other hand, is a different case IMO. An exceptionally smart and/or wise character would see through his act and have him join because he seems amusing and useful to the party. It is not for every taste, though. When I have a female character I generally avoid annoying jerks like him, Coran , Voghlyn ...
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    Who can't find room for somebody who can sing and poison his own arrows? I can't see any reason 'not' to take Eldoth! As far as Tiax goes, maybe you're still in mourning after losing Corax so his ability to summon a ghast soothes your melancholy soul...
  • Very_BigSwordVery_BigSword Member Posts: 222
    An RP reason for Eldoth probably requires a naive and/or low intellect charname who could be impressed by his smooth talking and civility without seeing through the facade. So maybe a barbarian or berserker type of neutral or evil disposition would suit. Also a clever wizard or thief type might see him as a useful pawn with a lucrative scheme to profit from, while backing themselves to stay one step ahead of his scheming.

    For Tiax I can see an evil team taking him in. He has excellent support/utility skills and a team with the likes of Dorn, Shar Teel and Edwin in it would feel like they could use him without fear of credible reprisal, due to seeing him as a madman too weak and unstable to truly threaten them. With one person to cover thievery and cleric spells/healing you can stack a group with powerful warriors and wizards. An evil charname of any class could feasibly find him to be an amusing and useful addition, esp an evil cleric would appreciate and envy his ghast summon.

    Actually I like the look of that group - Dorn, Shar Teel, Edwin and Tiax with maybe an assassin charname or Shaman/Jester/Skald. Could even add Faldorn here for summons galore and lashings of malevolence! This could be a hilarious run. Option to use BG1NPC project mod to make Tiax available sooner.
  • Balrog99Balrog99 Member Posts: 7,371
    An RP reason for Eldoth probably requires a naive and/or low intellect charname who could be impressed by his smooth talking and civility without seeing through the facade. So maybe a barbarian or berserker type of neutral or evil disposition would suit. Also a clever wizard or thief type might see him as a useful pawn with a lucrative scheme to profit from, while backing themselves to stay one step ahead of his scheming.

    For Tiax I can see an evil team taking him in. He has excellent support/utility skills and a team with the likes of Dorn, Shar Teel and Edwin in it would feel like they could use him without fear of credible reprisal, due to seeing him as a madman too weak and unstable to truly threaten them. With one person to cover thievery and cleric spells/healing you can stack a group with powerful warriors and wizards. An evil charname of any class could feasibly find him to be an amusing and useful addition, esp an evil cleric would appreciate and envy his ghast summon.

    Actually I like the look of that group - Dorn, Shar Teel, Edwin and Tiax with maybe an assassin charname or Shaman/Jester/Skald. Could even add Faldorn here for summons galore and lashings of malevolence! This could be a hilarious run. Option to use BG1NPC project mod to make Tiax available sooner.

    I think Xzar, as a Necromancer, would be impressed with the ghast summoning too. Take both crazies!
  • ZaxaresZaxares Member Posts: 1,332
    One other possibility is a female character who's smart enough to know Eldoth's true intentions, but nonetheless still likes to be flattered and praised. This would probably suit a LE or NE type who keeps Eldoth around so long as he proves entertaining and amusing (think "Drow Matrons"). Likewise, this same character might also keep Tiax around because she finds his behaviour amusing; she finds Tiax an entertaining buffoon, more so for the fact that Tiax genuinely believes in his own greatness.
  • ilduderinoilduderino Member Posts: 773
    Evil characters may be see the potential for profit in working with Eldoth and contacts in Baldur’s Gate.

    For Tiax, maybe your pc is an amateur psychologist and thinks they have found an intriguing study. Or you agree to go with him, intending to hand him over to the Helmites or Lathander clergy, but he and his pet ghast save you from an ambush and you decide he is too useful to sell out.
  • AstafasAstafas Member Posts: 448
    Desperate times call for desperate measures. As long as you see their perceived skills valuable enough, it makes sense to let them join despite some obvious faults. After all, you're still the leader and may sack them at any moment.
  • Mantis37Mantis37 Member Posts: 1,177
    When I recruited Korax as an npc I took Tiax along so he'd have some familiar company from time to time ;). Unless ghouls and ghasts don't get on, Korax doesn't have any banters to expound upon that!
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