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[NPC MOD] Ishlilka the Wizard Slayer for BG1 + SOD [FULL VERSION 1.4]



  • polymorphedsquirrelpolymorphedsquirrel Member Posts: 114
    edited June 2019
    Sorry, internet got wonky and resent the post
    Post edited by polymorphedsquirrel on
  • polymorphedsquirrelpolymorphedsquirrel Member Posts: 114
    Will it work on mobile SoD (which doesn't have BGEE included)? I am guessing no, but would it take a lot of work and would you even consider supporting this setup?
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    edited August 2019
    i'm not sure. the second post down has a non-SOD version @polymorphedsquirrel, try that one and let me know if it works. i would definitely look into making changes to have it work if it doesn't.
  • I'll let you know soon how the install on mobile SoD works then.

    I am playing with her in a heavily modded game and start to get paranoid: I think I talked to every single soul in Nashkel, both during the day and night, but can't find anyone with info on her target. She interjected with questions when I made inquiries in the Belching Dragon, but without any success. I am in chapter three - before taking on the bandit camp.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    There's a homeless looking fella outside the Belching Dragon. He may walk away from that exact spot but he's close. That's the one you want to speak to.

  • ArthasArthas Member Posts: 1,091
    are you planning to release a bg2 version ?
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    Yes. And i'm sorry it's taken so long.

    Truthfully, i've lost all my progress. On all mods. My old computer that I kept em on doesn't work anymore. I'm gonna try restore it, just so I can get the data off of it, but worst case scenario, i'm starting from scratch.

    But have no fear! It's all in my brain-box, so it's not like I lost the whole thing, I just need to do a lot of re-writing.
  • Damn, no luck. There's Aaron from Ascalon's questpack, some woman with kids from I don't know where and that's all. Hardly any wandering soul and I quuestioned everyone a dozen of times. I even talked to Noober and discovered his mini quest. I thought for a moment it was him, as he lost his voice and would be an amazing if devious choice.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    Damn, no luck. There's Aaron from Ascalon's questpack, some woman with kids from I don't know where and that's all. Hardly any wandering soul and I quuestioned everyone a dozen of times. I even talked to Noober and discovered his mini quest. I thought for a moment it was him, as he lost his voice and would be an amazing if devious choice.

    Hmm. Now I wonder if, for some reason, another mod removed him. He is a vanilla NPC, exists without any mods. He should be there. Never heard of this issue. I can give you a code to spawn him in when im home.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,076
    Yes. And i'm sorry it's taken so long.

    Truthfully, i've lost all my progress. On all mods. My old computer that I kept em on doesn't work anymore. I'm gonna try restore it, just so I can get the data off of it, but worst case scenario, i'm starting from scratch.

    But have no fear! It's all in my brain-box, so it's not like I lost the whole thing, I just need to do a lot of re-writing.

    If you use Windows 10, and saved everything in your one drive, it will still be there. I make sure for this reason to always have a back up folder of my mods in that folder.
  • mademan2mademan2 Member Posts: 54
    Hi, wanted to say thanks for this great mod and have a few questions.
    FIrst off, of course I very much like this mod, she is an interesting character and not too intrusive, I also think the portrait is very cool. Hanvt gotten far but so far I am enjoying it.

    That being said, two things, first, does Ishlilka count as a full on romance option? I have downloaded several mods for my first moded run of bgee and got kinda lost in what is what. My plan was to romance Neera here and into BG2EE, but I was nice to Ishlilka and a romance started, now I do not know if I am locked out of Neera's romance or not, unsure of how this exactly works, and if I can go back somehow, ideally without being a twat to her.

    Second, her quest never appears in the journal for me, I do have a mod for ui so that might be it, but I am very unsure as to what to do, she says to look for someone in Nashkel and even read here that its supposed to be homeless man, thing is, I do remember him being there the first time I came to the city, but I cant find him now, any idea where he could have run of to, or how can I proceed the quest otherwise?

    THanks bunches for help and once again, thanks for a great mod.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    edited September 2019
    Yes, she's a full romance option and will remember whether or not you were together into SOD. I didn't make any hard romance conflicts because some people don't like them and there is no reward for abusing it, but the presence of some companions will bother her more than others and she may end up having a talk with you about it.

    Odd that it doesn't appear in the journal, I am quite sure I made journal entries and had them working for quite some time. Are you playing the BG only version?
    Post edited by WarChiefZeke on
  • polymorphedsquirrelpolymorphedsquirrel Member Posts: 114
    would you be so kind and tell me what to enter in the console to spawn the witness in Nashkel?

    Also, it's probably been asked, but if I want her in SoD, must she be present during the final confrontation in BG? I am running somewhat of a hop-in hop-out party, and while I'd like to see her content since I already locked in her romance, she and Imoen are probably the only really good-aligned people in my company.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    I believe the cre name for the witness is "Beggna"

    And yes, she must be in your party for the final battle.
  • kiwidockiwidoc Member Posts: 1,437
    edited January 2020
    I'd like to try this mod, but I have a couple of questions about it.

    Firstly, is the mod still in alpha testing?

    Secondly where can I get the latest version? The pne I downloaded shows all the files as being last modified in May 2017 or earlier.

    Thirdly can I take a look at her stats and maybe her portrait?
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,076
    This isn't my work, but I can answer everything:

    It's not in alpha testing.

    The latest version would be the download options on the first page, 2017 May sounds correct.

    Stats are: 17 Strength, 17 Dexterity, 17 Constitution, 12 Intelligence, 10 Wisdom, 9 Charisma


  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    edited January 2020
    Hey @kiwidoc.

    The link in the first post to the sorcerer's site holds the latest version, updated in 2019, but only one file was altered. Check the dates before you download but most recent should be on top.

    If you are NOT playing with Siege of Dragonspear, there is a direct download right below the link.

    No, mod is no longer in testing, that's been done for awhile.

    I kept her stats more or less average across the board, and her specialty is spear. Keep in mind she comes with a unique throwing javelin, that has less range than a bow, so she is great for being your front line arrow tank.

    If you ever plan to use her in SoA when that comes out, don't get rid of the javelin.
    Post edited by WarChiefZeke on
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,076
    How much progress have you made on your SoA version by the way, out of curiosity?
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    edited January 2020
    Since I lost all my work a few months back I haven't done much, mostly because I still have my old hard drive and I am hoping it is recoverable.

    Which is a shame, because I was right at the cusp of releasing an IWD:EE companions that I really liked. Was basically ironing out bugs and planning expansion content. Had an influence system similar to one of your mods, where your actions throughout the game would effect the ending. Something I also plan to be in part 2 of Ish.

    Whether or not I can recover the old files, I will release that NPC and move straight on to finishing Ishlilka's story, finally.

    For a little more than a year I also got heavily into other games, and kinda neglected the work. I have the itch again, and I am going to start working on it more.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    edited January 2020
    But in terms of completeness, I had done all of SoA but not the end of her questline. I was and am very stubborn in the fact that I want to have a new area in this mod. That has been a steep learning curve I haven't quite gone past yet.

    There's just not enough free space in SoA to do what I want to do.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,076
    edited January 2020
    I'm not sure what you are using to try to implement areas, but I found the IE Tileset Map Editor was probably the most success I had when I dipped my hand into it briefly

    As an alternative to making a new area, you could use the random encounter areas to spring in certain story moments.
    Post edited by Skitia on
  • RabulizRabuliz Member Posts: 17
    I’m really looking forward to the BG2 release. Do you have an update by chance?
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    edited February 2020
    Other than my update from last week,not really :)

    I do appreciate that alot of people seem to care about Ish and her part 2 mod. It motivates me to continue.

    I will take another crack at mastering area creation over the week, and once I get that down I'm hoping the overall content pipeline on my end starts going faster. I pick up modding techniques as I go along, and looking at the code of others tells me I'm the least skilled at it. This particular mod was me testing out what I learned on the fly, I put the intro cutscene in just to see if I could.

  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    Fun fact about Ishlilka: her character, powers, and name all come from my own PnP campaigns that I DM. The Groshnak family appears frequently in my campaigns as either advisors or antagonists, and are all powerful spellcasters to some degree. Ishlilka takes the opposite approach in terms of temperament and powers: whereas most of her family are confident and self assured, Ishlilka is crippled by self doubt and a lack of an identity. Where most of her family are powerful spellcasters, she is the anti-caster. I don't know, it was fun to write.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    Luthic favors Ishlilka, moreso than her mother and cousins who are deeply involved in the Luthic cult. She is a goddess who embodies those aspects of orcs which are unlike their stereotypes, she uses magic because it is seen as cowardly to orcs, wields no weapons because every orc male is expected to be proficient in them. Ishlilka is one who cares about orcs and yet embodies few of their stereotypical qualities, as such, Luthic finds favor with her due to their similarities and her unwitting support for aspects of her portfolio.

    I guess you can call this kind of a spoiler, but not really, since it affects little within the mod itself and is only vaguely hinted at in BG2 if you are careful about it exploring everything.
  • RabulizRabuliz Member Posts: 17
    Thank you for the updates. I’m looking forward to the next chapter.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    edited March 2020
    I will have some free time soon and I want to buckle down and get things finished on part 2. if anyone has any modding exp and a desire to give advice, please dm me.
  • SkitiaSkitia Member Posts: 1,076
    I'm happy to help if you want it. I also wouldn't mind writing some cross-mod either since both of our works are in production, we might finish around the same time.
  • zelurkerzelurker Member Posts: 168
    eet doesn't seem supported, the mod installs but she doesn't appear near the inn so she can't be recruited (installed after eet of course).
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,655
    Yeah, I will need to make some EET-specific adjustments to get it functioning properly. In the meantime, you could use consoles to spawn her and most of the mod should function more or less as intended. It doesn't rely heavily on area scripts or anything of the sort.
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