Thalantyr Question

Anyone notice something buggy with Thalantyr, where the first few items you sell to him vanish from his store inventory? He seems to retain items after this. Just curious. It's happened to me twice now. The first time was just some stuff I didn't care about, but the second playthrough (totally different game), I sold him the Stupefier and some other items I *could* possibly buy again (well probably not, but still it bothers me).
So I went in, recreated the items with EEKeeper, resold them, subtracted the profit. They seem to be sticking the second time around.
So I went in, recreated the items with EEKeeper, resold them, subtracted the profit. They seem to be sticking the second time around.
I also see items disappear if I click to fast on multiple items when picking them up or transferring something into inventory. They just disappear. Very careful now when picking things up, slowly seems to be the key.
Sure is irritating though, esp. on big ticket items.
Still, on the big ticket items, it gets my dander up.
Actually... Come to think of it...
My brother often complains of several of his items (the Rune Hammer notwithstanding) vanishing from a Bag of Holding in one of his runs... I never was able to reproduce this issue and to this day still have no idea what happened... Perhaps... this is related? Hmm...