Brude Human Level 13 Anti Tutu-er Biography: Leads a party of badass mutts who kill kids to drop below 4 Rep. Gets in trouble with the cops in Nashkel. Oops.
Tanthalas ??? Possibly Half-Orc Level 89 Moderator Biography: Despite doing a good job of participating in lively debate, it cannot be overlooked that he wields the ban-hammer, and boots of thread-locking +1, though he is merciful enough to rarely employ said items. Watch out.
Belgarathmth Human Level 3 Flirt Biography: Has a crush on seemingly every male NPC. He is quoted as saying such things as "I would have a fling with [Garrick]" and referring to Anomen as his "boy toy." 'Nuff said.
Mortianna Human Level 9 Necromancer Biography: Flaunts that she loves to play Evil Female Necromancers in Baldur's Gate so much that you're guaranteed to have it imprinted on your memory ... well guess what I REMEMBERED.
@Aosaw: worldly and well-read skald or swashbuckler who writes bestsellers and spreads rumors between crazy adventures. Volo's got competition!
@LadyRhian: high-level human or half-elf conjurer whose tome collection rivals that of the Candlekeep library. Secretly controls everything behind the scenes...if Baldur's Gate had a DM. :P
@Tanthalas: efficient and no-nonsense priest of Helm with good tendencies. Also fits in well as a Candlekeep watcher. Human fighter/cleric? Hey, that reminds me of someone.
Good to know I'm not the only one who is reminded of someone when talking about Tanthalas. Now whenever I look at my current group in BG2 I think. "Look Tanthalas joined the group"
And I vote LadyRhian to be the official Omnipresent Authority Figure. Her first appearence in BG 1 is to happen whenever Jaheira says her famous line.
@TrentOster Gnome Level 40 mage Biography: He would prefer to be called "Dave". Anyone who doesn't do that, would be smashed with his "Banhammer +6"... Or hit with annihilation spell. His favourite color was blue. He would be also a founder of secret cult, called "Blue Oster Cult".
@Brude Brude Mechanical Golem Biography: He would be a creation and a buttler of mad gnome mage, @TrentOster. He would say to him "Hello Dave" every morning, and sing songs, when his battery getting low.
@Jalily Aosaw's better-read counterpart who finds all his spelling mistakes and keeps him honest. In some circles, she might also be considered Aosaw's muse.
And the joke's on Volo: unbeknownst to the sparsely nuanced archivist, Volo has been known to quote Aosaw on occasion without realizing it!
@ajwz Human Lv 15 Wild Mage Chaotic Neutral Biography: Appears whenever least expected to cause joy and fun through chaos, wild surges, and various conspiracy theories.
@Cheesebelly Gnome Lv 8 Wild Mage Biography: Similar to above, but like ten times sillier.
@elminster Well, he would be...Elminster. He's freaking Elminster. Do I really need to explain this one?
Same here. I'll probably be unable to look at Dorn's portrait without thinking Quartz has joined the party Just to get surprised to see Dorn saying something evil and thinking "Hey Quartz wouldn't say something like that!"
It already happens to me when Anomen says something sexist "Tanthalas would never say that!"
Good to know I'm not the only one who is reminded of someone when talking about Tanthalas. Now whenever I look at my current group in BG2 I think. "Look Tanthalas joined the group"
I will have that effect in BG:EE with Dorn I think. "Oh look @Quartz joined my party"
Though I would actually imagine Quartz as a good aligned half orc priest (shaman).
I want to modify the CRE file to rename Dorn "Quartz."
Then the first thing I'm going to do is have @Quartz join the party and have Montaron 1-shot backstab him.
Though I would actually imagine Quartz as a good aligned half orc priest (shaman).
Haha yea, I took a quiz and it said I was a Human Neutral Good Cleric/Bard. Makes sense I'm quite religious and also love music. Plus my first name translates to "royal bard." True facts, bro.
Same here. I'll probably be unable to look at Dorn's portrait without thinking Quartz has joined the party Just to get surprised to see Dorn saying something evil and thinking "Hey Quartz wouldn't say something like that!"
I want to modify the CRE file to rename Dorn "Quartz."
LOL I've been wondering recently if this would happen to people ... because it's been happening to me, like with Tanthalas like people mentioned. Then I was like "I wonder if Dorn is Quartz now ..." Hahaha that's kind of awesome.
Be sure to tell me what horrible fate(s) "Quartz" meets in your BG:EE games! ;D
I would actually go farther than this to recommend that forum members submit in this thread, each for their own selves, the build that they feel represents them best (i.e., portrait, race, class, stats, bio). We could have a poll for favorite character builds. Folks could also then even play a multiplayer game with a "BG:EE party" if they wish. How does that sound?
Methinks better and perhaps more insightful (and hilarious) submissions will come not from oneself but from others. Good thread! I feel as if I've aggravated too many people here to get one myself though but am enjoying the posts above mine!
Ha, well, since a couple of people did me, let me say, thank you, and I got a good laugh out of the write-ups, and I'm flattered.
I know that I should reciprocate and try to make an entry or two for some of my friends. The thing is, I'm really not as humorously creative as some of you guys, and I think I wouldn't be very good at this game.
So, I hope y'all won't mind if I just enjoy reading the entries and don't try to join in. I've seen a lot of really fun ones submitted so far.
@Shandyr, throwing down the gauntlet, are we? Put my money where my mouth is? (teasing). I meant I imagine vivid scenes of fictional places, characters, and situations. But, oh well, I'll give it a try. I don't want to disappoint.
@Shandyr: 15th level thief/14th level mage @Shandyr is one of the most learned and charismatic mages in Athkatla, and can also pick locks, pockets, set traps, and backstab better than even Aran Linvail. He can often be found in the Government Building engaging in lively debate with the Cowled Wizards, about the absurd cost of magical licenses, and about unfair conditions for mages in Athkatla. He hates seeing anybody treated unfairly, and likes to stand up for the underdogs of the city. He also hates people who are pretentious or arrogant, and he uses his considerable intellect and skills to oppose them everywhere he finds them. Unbeknownst to the Cowled Wizards, he is a member in good standing of the Shadow Thieves, and he secretly plans to overthrow Aran Linvail and become the head of the Shadow Thieves himself. He firmly believes that a well-run black market is essential to the functioning of the city, and that he can do it better than Linvail. If he happens to get rich in the process, well, then, all that gold will come in handy in bringing down the pretentious bastards who run all the different factions of the city, and making it a better place for everyone.
@LadyRhian lesser deity Lliira's Handmaiden, Our Lady Rhianna serves the Goddess of Joy as Her beloved personal assistant. She is responsible for granting spells to all of Lliira's clerics below 15th level, freeing Lliira to concentrate on Her epic endeavors. If anything were to ever happen to Lliira, Rhianna has been groomed by the Goddess to assume the portfolio of Joy. She is beginning to establish her own group of followers and worshippers, but does not yet have her own church. Lliira is allowing this so that Rhianna can learn the ins and outs of managing the portfolio. Rhianna is very fond of Sharress, and has formed her own friendship and alliance with the Goddess of Sensual Pleasure. Rhianna loves to grant her favorite followers vivid dreams, where they become the heroes of their own epic stories, night after night. Upon awakening from these dreams, her followers often find that they can cast extra spells, or that they have gained new special, innate abilities. Her holy symbol is a portrait of a young, pale-skinned woman with long, raven-black hair, and a mysterious grin on her face, surrounded by a silver circle.
Level 26 Metagamer
Biography: He helped write the BG guide on !
Level 13 Anti Tutu-er
Biography: Leads a party of badass mutts who kill kids to drop below 4 Rep. Gets in trouble with the cops in Nashkel. Oops.
Level 12 Sorceror
Biography: Badass enough to get a tattoo of the Baldur's Gate logo. Dedication? I think so.
??? Possibly Half-Orc
Level 89 Moderator
Biography: Despite doing a good job of participating in lively debate, it cannot be overlooked that he wields the ban-hammer, and boots of thread-locking +1, though he is merciful enough to rarely employ said items. Watch out.
Level 3 Flirt
Biography: Has a crush on seemingly every male NPC. He is quoted as saying such things as "I would have a fling with [Garrick]" and referring to Anomen as his "boy toy." 'Nuff said.
Level 9 Necromancer
Biography: Flaunts that she loves to play Evil Female Necromancers in Baldur's Gate so much that you're guaranteed to have it imprinted on your memory ... well guess what I REMEMBERED.
We serve the Flaming First!
Every sprite, must be approved!
(-(-_(-_-)_-)-) we're watching your animations, and if we don't like them, there will be hell to pay!
P.S.Fi(r)st, obviously refers to the first game (and its original animations)
And our tabard will have the following sign:
Flaming First - Sprite Police - We are watching :P
(and hey! Nobody saw my boy Montaron kill *anybody*, much less kids!)
@LadyRhian: high-level human or half-elf conjurer whose tome collection rivals that of the Candlekeep library. Secretly controls everything behind the scenes...if Baldur's Gate had a DM. :P
@Tanthalas: efficient and no-nonsense priest of Helm with good tendencies. Also fits in well as a Candlekeep watcher. Human fighter/cleric? Hey, that reminds me of someone.
And I vote LadyRhian to be the official Omnipresent Authority Figure. Her first appearence in BG 1 is to happen whenever Jaheira says her famous line.
Level 40 mage
Biography: He would prefer to be called "Dave". Anyone who doesn't do that, would be smashed with his "Banhammer +6"... Or hit with annihilation spell. His favourite color was blue.
He would be also a founder of secret cult, called "Blue Oster Cult".
Mechanical Golem
Biography: He would be a creation and a buttler of mad gnome mage, @TrentOster. He would say to him "Hello Dave" every morning, and sing songs, when his battery getting low.
And the joke's on Volo: unbeknownst to the sparsely nuanced archivist, Volo has been known to quote Aosaw on occasion without realizing it!
Lv 15 Wild Mage
Chaotic Neutral
Biography: Appears whenever least expected to cause joy and fun through chaos, wild surges, and various conspiracy theories.
Lv 8 Wild Mage
Biography: Similar to above, but like ten times sillier.
Well, he would be...Elminster. He's freaking Elminster. Do I really need to explain this one?
. -c .
It already happens to me when Anomen says something sexist "Tanthalas would never say that!"
Then the first thing I'm going to do is have @Quartz join the party and have Montaron 1-shot backstab him.
Be sure to tell me what horrible fate(s) "Quartz" meets in your BG:EE games! ;D Hahaha oh snap, that's jacked. Karma I guess. Lolz that picture is epic though
Same with Daigle/Rasaad.
Conversely, every time I see @Jalily, I think of doppelgangers. I don't have a good explanation for that one.
I know that I should reciprocate and try to make an entry or two for some of my friends. The thing is, I'm really not as humorously creative as some of you guys, and I think I wouldn't be very good at this game.
So, I hope y'all won't mind if I just enjoy reading the entries and don't try to join in. I've seen a lot of really fun ones submitted so far.
15th level thief/14th level mage
@Shandyr is one of the most learned and charismatic mages in Athkatla, and can also pick locks, pockets, set traps, and backstab better than even Aran Linvail. He can often be found in the Government Building engaging in lively debate with the Cowled Wizards, about the absurd cost of magical licenses, and about unfair conditions for mages in Athkatla. He hates seeing anybody treated unfairly, and likes to stand up for the underdogs of the city. He also hates people who are pretentious or arrogant, and he uses his considerable intellect and skills to oppose them everywhere he finds them.
Unbeknownst to the Cowled Wizards, he is a member in good standing of the Shadow Thieves, and he secretly plans to overthrow Aran Linvail and become the head of the Shadow Thieves himself. He firmly believes that a well-run black market is essential to the functioning of the city, and that he can do it better than Linvail. If he happens to get rich in the process, well, then, all that gold will come in handy in bringing down the pretentious bastards who run all the different factions of the city, and making it a better place for everyone.
lesser deity
Lliira's Handmaiden, Our Lady Rhianna serves the Goddess of Joy as Her beloved personal assistant. She is responsible for granting spells to all of Lliira's clerics below 15th level, freeing Lliira to concentrate on Her epic endeavors. If anything were to ever happen to Lliira, Rhianna has been groomed by the Goddess to assume the portfolio of Joy. She is beginning to establish her own group of followers and worshippers, but does not yet have her own church. Lliira is allowing this so that Rhianna can learn the ins and outs of managing the portfolio.
Rhianna is very fond of Sharress, and has formed her own friendship and alliance with the Goddess of Sensual Pleasure.
Rhianna loves to grant her favorite followers vivid dreams, where they become the heroes of their own epic stories, night after night. Upon awakening from these dreams, her followers often find that they can cast extra spells, or that they have gained new special, innate abilities.
Her holy symbol is a portrait of a young, pale-skinned woman with long, raven-black hair, and a mysterious grin on her face, surrounded by a silver circle.