I'll admit I haven't read all of the posts so far, but has there been any shout out for Permidion_Stark yet? I think I'd like to put Perimidion_Stark in my party ^^
@Shandyr, you're welcome. I'm glad you liked it. I also love my "cat-man" write up. Hmm, I wonder if Ano likes cats? Maybe I'll "go cat" and try rubbing up against his legs. It should be interesting to watch his response.
BTW - if anybody has never rolled a chaotic neutral mage or bard and summoned the cat, and then read its conversation lines, you should. They're absolutely hilarious! Whoever wrote those dialogues has got to have been a cat-owner.
Strength 11 Dexterity 18 Constitution 12 Intelligence 18 Wisdom 10 Charisma TWO BILLION... err, I mean 18
Using Bows and Shorts sword. Her favorite hobby is definitely going for the loot. The rest of you guys do the killing. I swear her inventory size is twice the normal one!
I'll think of some other people too, but I don't want to offend anyone tho! (special thanks @LadyEibhilinRhett for mentioning me though, I feel honoured! )
haha these are all great. i kind of want to know what I am now. I get excited every time it says I'm mentioned in the thread, but it's never a description ^_^;
Level 40 thief Blue half-orc Has an OCD to make things work as they should work and modding things appropiatly. Most people are grateful but then always wonder why he is blue.
Level 3 seal Can be found lolling about near the lighthouse, basking in the sun. Makes insightful comments, but in fact if placed in game will be killed just for xp. Oh well...
Level 3 Paladin Became quickly famous through all fearun as a tool to scare naughty children into doing as they are told. The outlandish story that he casts detect evil regularly and then killing all evil aligned persons so detected, including naughty evil aligned children, could be true however... He is also a name stealer! Actually no... just wierd cosmic chance But for extra dramatisation of the game... Name stealer!
Level 3 fighter /Illusionist Gnome Makes the odd moronic quip whilst adventuring, revolving around fond memories of the adventure that you are all about to go on... Odd.
Level 3 fighter /Illusionist Gnome Makes the odd moronic quip whilst adventuring, revolving around fond memories of the adventure that you are all about to go on... Odd.
I'm sellin my copies of "Recent History that Has Not Yet Happened in the North". Get em while they're hot!
@Miloch Level 40 thief Blue half-orc Has an OCD to make things work as they should work and modding things appropiatly. Most people are grateful but then always wonder why he is blue.
Heh, that's barbarian/thief multiclass. Not a valid multi combo due to a glitch in the game engine, but I have just invented a kit to fix it...
@Miloch Level 40 thief Blue half-orc Has an OCD to make things work as they should work and modding things appropiatly. Most people are grateful but then always wonder why he is blue.
Heh, that's barbarian/thief multiclass. Not a valid multi combo due to a glitch in the game engine, but I have just invented a kit to fix it...
I'm laughing at the irony of this post ... he just proved the "OCD" comment to the fullest.
Level 3 fighter /Illusionist Gnome Makes the odd moronic quip whilst adventuring, revolving around fond memories of the adventure that you are all about to go on... Odd.
I'm sellin my copies of "Recent History that Has Not Yet Happened in the North". Get em while they're hot!
"HaHaCharade is the new Alaundo and his prophecies shall guide the Realms. So sayeth the wise Alaundo." -
Excerpt from the lost volume from the Prophecies of Alaundo recently recovered by adventurers and brought to Candlekeep.
Lvl 647 F / M / C Hamster Possibly one of the most powerful beings alive in the realms today. A lesser diety of rodent kind. Space hamster belongs to Kevin, a Gnome from water deep. He dreams to fight bad guys and chew the gnarly ears of evil. However he has not been able to escape from his cage...
Lvl 1 Doppleganger Dreams of being the most powerful being in the realms. This Doppleganger once pretended to be Drizzt but stopped as holding two big swords made his arms tired. Now gets to wear a hat and smoke a pipe whilst naive humans by him drinks, all for a story or a bit of wisdom. The real Elminster allows this as it misleads his enemies...
@Cheesebelly: What can I say...I love me some loot. Diamonds are a girl's best friends afterall, no? Also, I'd make you do all the dirty work while enjoying messing around with magic. XD *hugs*
lvl 3 F / M / T Elf Named by an overly pushy father, who wished his son to be the best at everything. Unfortunately, he became a jack of all trades and a master of none... Much to his fathers disappointment. To make matters worse, his sister Bard (Dad was really bad at names...) became one of the most famous in all of Faerun, commonly using the woes of her brother to comic effect in her songs. He has since developed the ranger ability of a hated enemy against Bards. All Bards now fear the possiblty of picking up one of Fighter Mage Thief's exploding coins
Lvl 3 Bard Tiefling Apparently from a future where Imoen dated a demon. Has managed to travel back in time to the present to save his own mother from Demonkind. He knows that this in turn will make his future impossible so will cease to exist if he is successful. On awakening each day, he feels sad that he still exists and can be quite sad and morose. His arch enemy is the Wildmage @Ajwz who is spreading a rumour that Imoen is actually a figment of a Bhaalspawns imagination... @Son_of_Imoen factually states that his existance now is proof that Imoen exists... @Ajwz argues however, if he ceases to exist, then Imoen could also cease to exist and become once again a figment of imagination, causing Son_of_Imoen much paradoxical pain. Son_of_Imoen and @Ajwz both share the innate ability to make brain matter dribble from your ears.
lvl 10 Avocado The mighty Decado has the power of 10 normal, non-bruised, Avocados! Constantly on guard to save his trees from the Evil Furry Green Kiwis and Mad Pineapple. Fights alongside Coconut and Aubergine...
Gotta stop... sides hurt... I really can write a lot of crap... lol!
P.S. @Anduine Stop fighting evil and show your face you overzealous Paladin! Everyone thinks I have made an NPC of myself!
But, is there anything worse than kickball? I actually had to google it; watched a clip on YouTube; the players seem confused..Wikipedia has an explanation - "Kickball is a popular playground sport and is typically played among young, school-age children."
Lvl 3 Half-Orc Librarian Possibly the most uncouth, uncultured and unread librarian in the realms. Signed up to become a flaming fi(r)st barbarian enforcer but signed on as a librarian as it had less words to read. In Quartz's head the difference between a librarian and barbarian is just a few letters. In fact Quartz is an excellent librarian. Books have been returned on time and even replaced on shelves by the borrowers. The alleged incident of Quartz hunting out and devouring the heart of the last person to fail to return a book on time is still vivid in the minds of many at candle keep. Quartz also has a profound sense of honour and justice. If he feels that you have done wrong, he will throw the book at you... Then another... And another, and possibly the book shelf if your still standing after the first one... Quartz has the innate ability to drink beer.
Lvl 3 Monk Awong124 hails from a monastery that believes on making neutral, interesting comments. The monastery has few enemies and many friends due to this. Awong124's true name is never used. He is currently named due to his inability to pronounce the letter r correctly. His catchphrase "He a' wight but he a'wong either" is famous up and down the sword coast. In fact the phrase "It gone a bit awong" denotes some mishap is down to Awong124. However there is something very awong with Awong. He will go berserk when confronted with the number 3. He avoids it at all times.
Lvl 3 Imp An imp that believes in customer service. Please and Thank you's are free in the nine hells as well as elsewhere in the realms. When torturing, twisting the screws and removing non-vital organs or nails with a rusty pair of pliers, you can be guaranteed it will be done to the highest possible standards, and as always... With a smile!
Lvl 3 Half-Orc Librarian Possibly the most uncouth, uncultured and unread librarian in the realms. Signed up to become a flaming fi(r)st barbarian enforcer but signed on as a librarian as it had less words to read. In Quartz's head the difference between a librarian and barbarian is just a few letters. In fact Quartz is an excellent librarian. Books have been returned on time and even replaced on shelves by the borrowers. The alleged incident of Quartz hunting out and devouring the heart of the last person to fail to return a book on time is still vivid in the minds of many at candle keep. Quartz also has a profound sense of honour and justice. If he feels that you have done wrong, he will throw the book at you... Then another... And another, and possibly the book shelf if your still standing after the first one... Quartz has the innate ability to drink beer.
Rofl, absolutely fascinating. Amusing, plus it touches well on my outspoken-ness and being opinionated. I like it. =P
Veiled insults?! Why I never..! Serious now, I keep thinking about a normative way of socialization starting with this said by Marcus Aurelius - "To refrain from imitation is the best revenge". The idea is not just to ignore people, especially when you don't have much choice but to take action; in politics or journalism for instance. I'm saying take action, but only to talk and act in a beautifully manner...aaand, I did it again..going off-topic; apologies.
Lvl 3 Monk Awong124 hails from a monastery that believes on making neutral, interesting comments. The monastery has few enemies and many friends due to this. Awong124's true name is never used. He is currently named due to his inability to pronounce the letter r correctly. His catchphrase "He a' wight but he a'wong either" is famous up and down the sword coast. In fact the phrase "It gone a bit awong" denotes some mishap is down to Awong124. However there is something very awong with Awong. He will go berserk when confronted with the number 3. He avoids it at all times.
My true name is never used because I gave it up when I joined the monastery, and also because it's a very white unoriental sounding name.
BTW - if anybody has never rolled a chaotic neutral mage or bard and summoned the cat, and then read its conversation lines, you should. They're absolutely hilarious! Whoever wrote those dialogues has got to have been a cat-owner.
Mage/Thief, Chaotic Good
Strength 11
Dexterity 18
Constitution 12
Intelligence 18
Wisdom 10
Charisma TWO BILLION... err, I mean 18
Using Bows and Shorts sword. Her favorite hobby is definitely going for the loot. The rest of you guys do the killing. I swear her inventory size is twice the normal one!
I'll think of some other people too, but I don't want to offend anyone tho!
(special thanks @LadyEibhilinRhett for mentioning me though, I feel honoured!
Haha, now I'm gonna preceed every reply I write in this thread with the term "@LadyEibhilinRhett" but never describe you
/dramatic pose
Level 40 thief Blue half-orc
Has an OCD to make things work as they should work and modding things appropiatly. Most people are grateful but then always wonder why he is blue.
Level 3 seal
Can be found lolling about near the lighthouse, basking in the sun. Makes insightful comments, but in fact if placed in game will be killed just for xp. Oh well...
Level 3 Paladin
Became quickly famous through all fearun as a tool to scare naughty children into doing as they are told. The outlandish story that he casts detect evil regularly and then killing all evil aligned persons so detected, including naughty evil aligned children, could be true however... He is also a name stealer! Actually no... just wierd cosmic chance
Level 3 fighter /Illusionist Gnome
Makes the odd moronic quip whilst adventuring, revolving around fond memories of the adventure that you are all about to go on... Odd.
Excerpt from the lost volume from the Prophecies of Alaundo recently recovered by adventurers and brought to Candlekeep.
Lvl 647 F / M / C Hamster
Possibly one of the most powerful beings alive in the realms today. A lesser diety of rodent kind. Space hamster belongs to Kevin, a Gnome from water deep. He dreams to fight bad guys and chew the gnarly ears of evil. However he has not been able to escape from his cage...
Lvl 1 Doppleganger
Dreams of being the most powerful being in the realms. This Doppleganger once pretended to be Drizzt but stopped as holding two big swords made his arms tired. Now gets to wear a hat and smoke a pipe whilst naive humans by him drinks, all for a story or a bit of wisdom. The real Elminster allows this as it misleads his enemies...
I could do this all night! LOL!
Sounds about right!
lvl 3 F / M / T Elf
Named by an overly pushy father, who wished his son to be the best at everything. Unfortunately, he became a jack of all trades and a master of none... Much to his fathers disappointment. To make matters worse, his sister Bard (Dad was really bad at names...) became one of the most famous in all of Faerun, commonly using the woes of her brother to comic effect in her songs. He has since developed the ranger ability of a hated enemy against Bards. All Bards now fear the possiblty of picking up one of Fighter Mage Thief's exploding coins
Lvl 3 Bard Tiefling
Apparently from a future where Imoen dated a demon. Has managed to travel back in time to the present to save his own mother from Demonkind. He knows that this in turn will make his future impossible so will cease to exist if he is successful. On awakening each day, he feels sad that he still exists and can be quite sad and morose. His arch enemy is the Wildmage @Ajwz who is spreading a rumour that Imoen is actually a figment of a Bhaalspawns imagination... @Son_of_Imoen factually states that his existance now is proof that Imoen exists... @Ajwz argues however, if he ceases to exist, then Imoen could also cease to exist and become once again a figment of imagination, causing Son_of_Imoen much paradoxical pain.
Son_of_Imoen and @Ajwz both share the innate ability to make brain matter dribble from your ears.
lvl 10 Avocado
The mighty Decado has the power of 10 normal, non-bruised, Avocados! Constantly on guard to save his trees from the Evil Furry Green Kiwis and Mad Pineapple. Fights alongside Coconut and Aubergine...
Gotta stop... sides hurt... I really can write a lot of crap... lol!
P.S. @Anduine Stop fighting evil and show your face you overzealous Paladin! Everyone thinks I have made an NPC of myself!
Lvl 1 noob: I don't know anything about him, but he seems like the sort of person I'd pick last in any team-based sporting contest.
oops, nearly forgot to get @LadyEibhilinRhett hopes up again.
Lvl 3 Half-Orc Librarian
Possibly the most uncouth, uncultured and unread librarian in the realms. Signed up to become a flaming fi(r)st barbarian enforcer but signed on as a librarian as it had less words to read. In Quartz's head the difference between a librarian and barbarian is just a few letters. In fact Quartz is an excellent librarian. Books have been returned on time and even replaced on shelves by the borrowers. The alleged incident of Quartz hunting out and devouring the heart of the last person to fail to return a book on time is still vivid in the minds of many at candle keep. Quartz also has a profound sense of honour and justice. If he feels that you have done wrong, he will throw the book at you... Then another... And another, and possibly the book shelf if your still standing after the first one...
Quartz has the innate ability to drink beer.
Lvl 3 Monk
Awong124 hails from a monastery that believes on making neutral, interesting comments. The monastery has few enemies and many friends due to this. Awong124's true name is never used. He is currently named due to his inability to pronounce the letter r correctly. His catchphrase "He a' wight but he a'wong either" is famous up and down the sword coast. In fact the phrase "It gone a bit awong" denotes some mishap is down to Awong124. However there is something very awong with Awong. He will go berserk when confronted with the number 3. He avoids it at all times.
Lvl 3 Imp
An imp that believes in customer service. Please and Thank you's are free in the nine hells as well as elsewhere in the realms. When torturing, twisting the screws and removing non-vital organs or nails with a rusty pair of pliers, you can be guaranteed it will be done to the highest possible standards, and as always... With a smile!
Anyone else need the NPC treatment?