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Did you know about...? (spoilers)



  • PCZeldaPCZelda Member Posts: 1
    I'm new here, and have noticed something interesting at the start of the game, in the mortuary area. I can't find anything about it searching online, if it's a glitch, so if anyone could confirm this, I'd like to hear about why this is. So here goes:

    This discovery came about from me restarting the game a few times upon making some choices I didn't like, or messing things up, and from wanting to have Dak'kon in my party before I start getting xp, to maximize the level building early on. When I'm in the mortuary before leaving for the Hive area first time, the fake zombie has these dialogue options:

    The zombie doesn't seem to have heard you. He looks you up and down for a few moments, then frowns. "What yu do heer?" His eyes narrow suspiciously. "Yu spy on Duhstees?"

    1. "No. I'm trying to escape."
    2. "I'm not a spy. I got sealed in here by accident. Can you help me out?"
    3. Lie: "Yes, I'm spying on the... Dusties."
    4. "Why don't you tell me what YOU'RE doing here before I call the guards."
    5. "Look, I'm the one asking questions here, *zombie.* Tell me what you're doing here, or I'll make that disguise a reality."
    6. "I must take my leave. Farewell."

    When I got Dak'kon in my party and came back in to try to start the quest to give the fake zombie the embalming room key, this was what I saw instead for dialogue options:

    The zombie doesn't seem to have heard you. He looks you up and down for a few moments, then frowns. "What yu do heer?"

    1. Lie: "Yes, I'm spying on the... Dusties."
    2. "Why don't you tell me what YOU'RE doing here before I call the guards."
    3. "Look, I'm the one asking questions here, *zombie.* Tell me what you're doing here, or I'll make that disguise a reality."
    4. "I must take my leave. Farewell."

    I couldn't start the quest, and instead discovered a journal entry for the Anarchists added. Was this a bug, having less dialogue options and no way to start the quest for him? I remedied this by starting the quest before I left the mortuary, then completing it after I returned with Dak'kon. Also another question, since it seems like I have to choose between starting the quest or getting the journal entry about the Anarchists, will there be another chance to get the journal entry later?
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