Sanguihn City: What is the moral path?

Let us say that you are a cavalier paladin. You are pretty much Captain America. You are in the city of the shark people. Evil creatures who raid the surface, killing innocents and making war on everyone. They now need your help to save them from extinction!
What is the lawful good, good-two-shoes thing to do here? Lie and betray the mad, murderous king who trusts you and support the power-hungry, pragmatic rebel prince? Or keep your word to the evil dictator in the hope that it leads to the extinction of his people?
What is the lawful good, good-two-shoes thing to do here? Lie and betray the mad, murderous king who trusts you and support the power-hungry, pragmatic rebel prince? Or keep your word to the evil dictator in the hope that it leads to the extinction of his people?
The best course of action is probably to ignore Saemon's offer and follow Irenicus directly into the Underdark.
If so, for the sake of internal consistency if nothing else the best path is probably to just kill all of the Sauhagin while you're at it. You don't have to side with either the King or the Prince and you don't have to lie, you can just be up-front about your unwillingness to help, murder everyone, and move on.
(If you really have some cojones, give Ust Natha the same treatment.)
If a paladin was caught in the City of Caverns and had to take sides, I think the wiser choice would be to side with Prince Villynaty. Not because it was morally right to ensure the sahuagin, an evil society, had a competent leader, but because the sahuagin were fighting the far more powerful, far more dangerous, far more numerous, and far more evil drow.
For a paladin who was thinking about the greater political context, the moral path is to strengthen the drow's enemies. That means toppling Ixilthetocal and installing Villynaty.
So it makes perfect sense to wipe out both sides. Allowing them to live will ensure the deaths of untold innocents. I also wipe out Ust Natha after I let the demon destroy Phaere and the Matron Mother. It would not only weaken Irenicus, but you don't have to fight a war against the Drow if there are no Drow to war against.
I shall call my next paladin "Malthus".
Charname is a land dweller who they prey on so kill them all.
They do attack the ship, I dare say there were a few reasonably blameless sailors who went down with it. And judging by the treasure, how many simple passenger/fishing ect. ships have they destroyed over the years?
To me it's a no brainer, why would I treat them better than they treat anything landbased they get their hands on?
I was wondering if you have played with improved sahuagin city, if there is dialogue added, if the new encounter is cheesy or op.
Crusading against aquatic fiends, of course. Deus lo volt!
Regarding the op's question however, would a lawful good character be okay with genocide? In a morally ambiguous situation, my go to standard is usually, "what preserves life the best?" Will king Ixthetocal's madness lead to more death and raiding on the surface? Will prince Villynaty be able to hold drow back better due to his leadership, leading to reduced drow raids elsewhere? Personally, I feel that Villynaty's sanity will restrain a crazy murder all campaign well enough to support. For proponents of "kill em all" Will the resulting power vacuum allow the drow to move in and build a staging area for more frequent raids? We know Ust Natha isn't the only drow city in the area, with Ched Nasad being close enough for a small group to relatively safely traverse the Underdark.
And yes, a lawful good character would be alright with killing all members of a race in an area, not if they dislike that race, but if the ones that are there actually deserve their destruction. And I think there's a strong case that the Sahuagin fully deserve their destruction.
So in the end, I can see all three resolutions making sense for a LG paladin: let the king rule to cause the race to self-destruct under his reign, strengthen the prince so that they can continue waging war against the Drow, and go on your own massacre because they bloody deserve it.
On the other hand, if your Paladin is prone to asking himself what preserves life best, he'd probably be more inclined to pick the "most evil" of the three neighbor races in the underdark and kill them only, leaving the other two untouched. (The Mind Flayers almost certainly would be the race who most had it coming.)
For the record, my last paladin run ended up helping the prince. Because he couldn't figure out the right answer, and the prophecy said that he would save the city. The idea of him and his entire party surviving a sinking ship, with all of their gear intact and with them, was so ludicrous that it convinced him of the prophecy. And if that is why he was brought there, then hopefully it would be for the greater good (ie: holding the drow in check) as he couldn't see the bigger picture.
*Other than the kind of innuendo of poisoning the fields and turning spousing against each other with foul sorcery and forcing poor old half-crazy Bill to attempt to mate with his livestock (yeah, he was under a 'spell') that farmers always fabricate because they are 1) inbreed 2) ignorant 3) vicious.
Weaken the evil forces as much as possible then kill em all - including the drow. Praise be to Helm!
Is he the zealot type or the one that would go around to all the shark folks and start handin out tracts tryin to convert the poor misguided heretics.