
I've always wondered what the proper pronunciation was for certain names in BG and IWD. How do you pronounce names with strange spellings?
Baldur's Gate:
Sirene: sih-reen
Tazok: taz-zock (as opposed to tay-zock)
Shadows of Amn:
Thaxll'ssillyia: thack-sull-sill-ee-uh
Nizidramanii'yt: Nih-zih-dra-mah-nee-it
Ixilthetocal: ick-sill-thih-toke-ull
Guildmistress Busya: booz-yeah
Pai'Na: pie-nah
Matron Mother Ardulace: arr-joo-luss (like arduous)
Solaufein: so-lao-feen (I used to pronounce it so-law-feen)
Throne of Bhaal:
Nyalee: nyah-lee
Icewind Dale 2:
The Gelugon in the Severed Hand, Yxbudurzmutkimdu: Big Mister Taffy
Baldur's Gate:
Sirene: sih-reen
Tazok: taz-zock (as opposed to tay-zock)
Shadows of Amn:
Thaxll'ssillyia: thack-sull-sill-ee-uh
Nizidramanii'yt: Nih-zih-dra-mah-nee-it
Ixilthetocal: ick-sill-thih-toke-ull
Guildmistress Busya: booz-yeah
Pai'Na: pie-nah
Matron Mother Ardulace: arr-joo-luss (like arduous)
Solaufein: so-lao-feen (I used to pronounce it so-law-feen)
Throne of Bhaal:
Nyalee: nyah-lee
Icewind Dale 2:
The Gelugon in the Severed Hand, Yxbudurzmutkimdu: Big Mister Taffy
Ardulace: arr-do-lass
Busya: bus-ee-ah
Xan: zon
Aerie: AIEEEE~!
Sirene: sigh-reen
Tazok: I'm in the Tay-zock camp
Ardulace: Are-dyoo-lace
Solaufein: Sol-oh-feign
Busya: Buss-yer
Xan: Zan
Maybe I read stuff too phonetically or country pronunciations influence things.
Suldanessellar: sull-duh-ness-seh-llar
Hareishan: haw-ray-shawn
Is Drow said with an owwie or with an ough sound? I swear I hear it both ways, in official things, no less.
Ghaunadaur: gon-uh-dar
Eilistraee: ell-ee-stray-ee
and You don't :P
Fun fact: "drow" in D&D has quite consistently been pronounced as rhyming with "cow" in voiced lines (both in Baldur's Gate and in other games, such as Neverwinter Nights), but the word is an alternate form of the old British "trow", which rhymes with "throw". It's also strongly analogous to the Scandinavian "troll", though, so perhaps we shouldn't take mythological origins too seriously.
I'm guessing, though
Draug Fea: drog-fay
Melissan: muh-liss-sun, like Melissa (until I heard it pronounced mel-liss-sahn)
Thac0 :
Mulahey and Tay-zock have proven to be nothing more than puppets.
M'Khiin: muh-kin
Morentherene: mor-renth-uh-ren
Halatathlaer: hall-luh-toth-lair
Ziatar: zai-uh-tar
Mizhena: miz-zay-nuh
Sirene: sy-REEN
Ixilthetocal: ick-sill-theh(like pen)-TOW-kull
Busya: BUHS(short oo)-yah (name sounds kinda slavic)
Pai'Na: puh-EE(no diphthong)-nah
Ardulace: ARD-yoo-luss (like BE arduous)
Solaufein: soh(short like BE sock)-LAO(like august)-'feign'
Nyalee: 'nye'-uh-lee
Yxbudurzmutkimdu: ICKS-buh(short oo)-duhrsz-muht-KIM-duh
Xan: zaen (like fan)
Gallchobhair: GULL-cho(like choke)-BEAR
Draug Fea: drog (like clog) fee
Melissan: MEL-ih-SAHN
M'Khiin: muh-KEEN
Morentherene: mor-RENTH-uh-REEN
Ziatar: zee-uh-tar
Mizhena: misz-HEN-nuh
the rest same as op