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[MOD] Reveal Hidden Gameplay Options (for all EE games patched to v2.0 or higher)



  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    edited February 2018
    bob_veng said: good

    how about a generic icon for attacks though? sword icon for melee and bow icon for ranged, is that possible?

    I don't think so. The option can only control whether to show for allies only or all creatures, and whether to show all the time or only when paused.
  • Garvin77Garvin77 Member Posts: 52
    I like the current icons: they let you know exactly which spell or weapon-type someone is using.
  • bob_vengbob_veng Member Posts: 2,308
    there's going to be weird icons and blank icons for some creatures I think
  • Garvin77Garvin77 Member Posts: 52
    bob_veng said:

    there's going to be weird icons and blank icons for some creatures I think

    Possibly, though the orc in argent77's picture was clearly wielding a battle-axe one-handed (in most games, they're normally two-handed weapons; I'm pretty sure this applies to D&D as well), but its new action-icon just as clearly showed the icon for halberds; I always thought that enemies, in reality, used whatever weapon they were going to drop, even if their sprite shows a different weapon entirely (because certain sprites already have a weapon drawn for them, usually if they're supposed to be wielding either an unique weapon, or a perfectly common weapon in an unique way, such as with the aforementioned orc and his battle-axe).
  • DjinnDjinn Member Posts: 76
    Battle axes are one handed, greataxes (iwd only) and halberds are two handed.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    Weapon icons on enemies may not necessarily represent the weapon that is actually used. Many weapons are undroppable and tailor-made for enemies. They may also contain incorrect icons, since you can not see them in regular gameplay (or because devs wanted to save time and simply duplicated the icon from a weapon template). In any case, the option "Action feedback" might be useful, but has some restrictions.
  • Garvin77Garvin77 Member Posts: 52
    edited February 2018
    @Djinn: I mostly play The Elder Scrolls, where war-axes are one-handed and battle-axes are two-handed; I also assumed that battle-axes were two-handed weapons because I think they were in real-life (please correct me if I'm wrong). Still, thank you for clarifying how axes are portrayed in D&D! I know for certain that halberds have always been portrayed as two-handed weapons because they were in real-life, and there's just simply no way a human without either modern muscle-building techniques or magically-enhanced strength can wield a long pole-arm in one hand; it's (as much as I hate using the phrase) scientifically impossible, they're just too heavy and unwieldy!

    @argent77: That's how I figured it would work; still, I think it would be a handy tool to have, and can also give us some interesting insight into the development-process.
  • BloodstoneBloodstone Member Posts: 99
    Not sure if I'm hitting a bug but I downloaded the Zip and extracted it into the game folder (it's in the program(86) steam, when I hit the setup button it just sits and starts to load and just does nothing, any ideas what is holding it up?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    Difficult to say what's wrong from afar. If the setup does nothing at all (no error message, etc.) then an antivirus/security tool might block the operation. The WeiDU executable is known to trigger security alerts now and then. You could temporarily disable it, or whitelist the setup binary, and try again.

    Just to check, after extracting the zip archive you should see a "HiddenGameplayOptions" folder and the "setup-HiddenGameplayOptions.exe" binary in the game's installation directory. Running setup-HiddenGameplayOptions.exe should trigger the UAC dialog from Windows before it starts the actual setup.
  • ThelsThels Member Posts: 1,422
    Bloodstone, never mod any games inside program files (not just IE games, but any game from any developer, though this doesn't apply to games with external mods).

    Since there is no DRM, simply copy your game folder elsewhere before modding it. Bonus: this also means the modded version won't be overwritten (and likely break your campaign) when the new patch arrives.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    edited February 2018

    Your mod for showing hidden game options does NOT seem to work on the tablet though... installed it on PC (where it works fine) and copied the override and lang folders over to the tablet, but there the hidden options only show as "Invalid" + something which probably is a strref.

    @fkirenicus Did you copy the correct dialog.tlk to the tablet? PSTEE uses string references for menu labels (unlike BGEE/IWDEE, which defines strings directly in the respective L_xx_yy.LUA files).
  • lujolujo Member Posts: 236
    I had the same problem - show extra options used strings which were set by other mods so they ended up being dialogue lines instead of option descriptions.
  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331
    edited February 2018
    I simply copied the entire lang folder over to the tablet, since I do not want to mess up the folder structures etc. So unless I have missed something (files that might be in other locations, for example) the correct dialog.tlk should be copied over OK, yes.
    As I said, this works perfectly on the PC from which I copied it. It seems to me that simply copying dialog.tlk from one location to the other doesn't do the trick - the file probably doesn't get updated "properly"... sorry, don't know how to put this otherwise.
    Will try again this evening.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    It could be that menu-related stuff is handled differently on tablets. I don't have any mobile versions of the games, so I can't check. You could ask in the topics for mobile games (Android, iOS) for more info.
  • fkirenicusfkirenicus Member Posts: 331
    edited February 2018
    I tried again last evening, with the same result. It might be though that I use a too simple approach to this (compared to the one in the link to the Android forum you provided above), and that I have to to do this another way altogether to get it to work, but it's not very important. Things that matter appear to work fine, and I guess for my part that if I need to make use of these options, it will be on the computer, not the tablet anyway. I want to emphasize that it works perfectly on the computer.
    Post edited by fkirenicus on
  • GusindaGusinda Member Posts: 1,917
    @fkirenicus, suggestion:

    I haven't used any mods for PS:T at all on the tablet, but I have for BG series. In BG, the dialog.tlk can't be copied over. It needs to be 'stored' (no compression) into a zip file and centralfix (available in the modding android thread) applied. This file (can be named anything but I generally call it is then placed into the root of the 'android\data\game folder\files' (where baldur.lua would be).

    I would try copying the rest of the 'lang' folder over in plain, and only zipup the dialog.tlk...

  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    @argent77, do you have to start a new game for this to take effect or can this be done with an existing game?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    It can be installed at any time, since it only makes changes to the UI.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    edited March 2018
    I installed the component for the "Show Trigger icons on tab", but nothing has changed. I still only highlight doors and containers. Should it not show the open door symbol, and the locked door/chest symbol?

    I was looking for these (I have BGEE with a mod I can't remember):

    I used to have it on BG2EE, but it went away and I can't figure out what it is?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    edited March 2018
    Is the option enabled? You can find "Show trigger icons on tab" in the Gameplay Options screen after installing this mod.
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    Yes I activated it.
    I see what is up. It does not take affect in areas I have been in already (prior to installing this). But is does take affect in new areas I enter.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515

    I see what is up. It does not take affect in areas I have been in already (prior to installing this). But is does take affect in new areas I enter.

    I can't reproduce this behavior. Even when installing the mod later on it will always show trigger icons for both visited and new areas when that option has been enabled. (Tested in BGEE and BG2EE v2.3.)

    Can you check if 'Show Triggers On Tab' is set to '1' in the baldur.lua after enabling that option in the in-game options menu?
  • Necromanx2Necromanx2 Member Posts: 1,246
    I deleted all my old games and started new. So I am good at this time.
  • _Luke__Luke_ Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 1,538
    3E Sneak Attack -> there are two "typos" in the Character Record Screen:
    1) 'Backstab Multiplier: 1d6' should be 'Sneak Attack: 1d6'.
    2) 'Backstab Multiplier: 0' should be 'Crippling Strike: 0'.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    Luke93 said:

    3E Sneak Attack -> there are two "typos" in the Character Record Screen:
    1) 'Backstab Multiplier: 1d6' should be 'Sneak Attack: 1d6'.
    2) 'Backstab Multiplier: 0' should be 'Crippling Strike: 0'.

    Good catch! Will be fixed in the next release.
  • rss1rss1 Member Posts: 2
    Do any of these options let you remove the weapon/spell icons that appear on your portrait in combat?
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515
    rss1 said:

    Do any of these options let you remove the weapon/spell icons that appear on your portrait in combat?

    No, I haven't found an option to prevent these icons from showing up yet.
  • BloodstoneBloodstone Member Posts: 99
    Where can I get info on the Edit function for the UI? I can enable it and start adjusting buttons, but I have no idea how to make adjustments and when I screw up and shrink something I can't get it to reappear. Is there a readme somewhere that shows what keyboard commands work and what the highlighted info means? I just can't figure out how to make this specific component work.
  • argent77argent77 Member Posts: 3,515

    Where can I get info on the Edit function for the UI? I can enable it and start adjusting buttons, but I have no idea how to make adjustments and when I screw up and shrink something I can't get it to reappear. Is there a readme somewhere that shows what keyboard commands work and what the highlighted info means? I just can't figure out how to make this specific component work.

    Try the pinned topic "The New UI System: How to Use It" of this forum section. I have never used this feature myself yet, so I can't help you further.
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