I've said that the bonus should only apply to Long Swords and Short Swords because 1. It's the PnP rule, 2. it's in the description, and 3. Long/Short swords are native to elfs, Katana's etc., and other weapons are not.
It's irritating though that missing bonuses are added but missing nerfs are skipped.
They say a good author knows when to pull out something from his book that he doesn't want to, if it makes the book better. In that analogy, why can't developers see that bonuses like this are only a bonus if it's not applied to everything else? Sometimes removing something (especially things like this that shouldn't even be there to begin with) is for the better of the game.
Elves should be skilled with scimitars and katanas. They forge scimitars and swords that are long and curved. I think they can wield katanas more effectively than humans.
The game states "- +1 THAC0 bonus with bows and long swords." but the attack bonus works with all kinds of swords within the game (v1.0.2014). (According to AD&D rules it would be granted "when using a long or short sword". - Player's Handbook)
Thanks for the answer, though it is dissatisfying (see AD&D rules). As for the many reports of the same bug: it's because of the confusing structure of this forum.
CURRENT BEHAVIOUR: elves receive a +1 bonus to hit when using 2 handed swords.
DESIRED BEHAVIOUR: elves should not receive the bonus; they should (as for pen and paper rules) only receive it when using long swords, short swords and bows.
They're full of surprises. That's why their elves. I think they've been practicing in the woods behind our backs.
This bug has been reported I do not know how many times. It will be fixed in the next patch.
That's a major change! Thanks for sharing the intention to fix it! The knowledge of what will happen in the next patch helps greatly those who plan certain things right now - for example, this particular change means very much to me as I like to play as an elf with an eastern weapon. Now knowing elves will no longer have + THACO bonus with scimitars will help me in choosing proficiencies for him better. And I'd like to say this's the transparency Dee have talked about. We'll gladly receive some information such as this about major changes the next patch will bring. I spend very much time on planning my next character, choosing his abilities, proficiencies etc - often it even takes several days for me to decide. This is one of the most pleasant parts of this game for me. Thumbs up for such useful revelations!
2nd edition rules had no strength requirements concerning the wielding of weapons. 2nd edition rules DID have an encumberence factor though. So, if an 11 Str Elf was wielding a 2-hander, he probably would of been experiencing penalties due to reaching his encumberence limits. The BG/IWD games have (kind of....) implemented this factor into the game. Elves wielding 2-handers is completely viable any which you look at it.
As for the THACO bonus, it is explicitly for Long and Short swords only. NOT 2-handers, Bastard Swords, Sabres, Cutlasses, Rapiers, Gladiuses, Tulwars, Scimitars, Khopeshes, Wakishazis, Ninja-tos, Butterfly Swords, No-Dachi or Katanas, as those types of weapons are NOT part of mainstream Elven culture. The bonus is a RACIAL Bonus. Dragon Magazine, the official Rag of TSR from the 2nd edition days, has stated this time and again in various publications. So has the RPGA network at game event after game event throughout the years. As TSR and WotC created the various game worlds, each version of the races that populated those game worlds had slight variations to their racial bonuses from the standards listed in the PHB. The Realms did not list any other sword types for the Elven THACO bonus except long and short swords when pertaining to 2nd Edition. 3rd edition added Rapiers only to the PHB.
It's irritating though that missing bonuses are added but missing nerfs are skipped.
They say a good author knows when to pull out something from his book that he doesn't want to, if it makes the book better. In that analogy, why can't developers see that bonuses like this are only a bonus if it's not applied to everything else? Sometimes removing something (especially things like this that shouldn't even be there to begin with) is for the better of the game.
My bad. I forgot the short swords. They will get the bonus with both weapons (short AND long swords), as per PnP description.
They're full of surprises. That's why their elves. I think they've been practicing in the woods behind our backs.
And I'd like to say this's the transparency Dee have talked about. We'll gladly receive some information such as this about major changes the next patch will bring. I spend very much time on planning my next character, choosing his abilities, proficiencies etc - often it even takes several days for me to decide. This is one of the most pleasant parts of this game for me.
Thumbs up for such useful revelations!
Isn't a 2 handed sword an long sword also? The longer by the way.
The lovely Jalily has already updated elves description.
As for the THACO bonus, it is explicitly for Long and Short swords only. NOT 2-handers, Bastard Swords, Sabres, Cutlasses, Rapiers, Gladiuses, Tulwars, Scimitars, Khopeshes, Wakishazis, Ninja-tos, Butterfly Swords, No-Dachi or Katanas, as those types of weapons are NOT part of mainstream Elven culture. The bonus is a RACIAL Bonus. Dragon Magazine, the official Rag of TSR from the 2nd edition days, has stated this time and again in various publications. So has the RPGA network at game event after game event throughout the years. As TSR and WotC created the various game worlds, each version of the races that populated those game worlds had slight variations to their racial bonuses from the standards listed in the PHB. The Realms did not list any other sword types for the Elven THACO bonus except long and short swords when pertaining to 2nd Edition. 3rd edition added Rapiers only to the PHB.