M'khiin quest not progressing

Hey folks, I have a problem with M'khiins quest:
after we fought the goblin spirits, we managed to find the hidden treasure. She initiated a dialog about the traps and that she'll have a look on the treasure. But after we found the bow etc. nothing happend. The quest is still marked as unsolved in my journal. I assume a bug here....loading didn't work...How can I fix that? Are there any console commands?
thanks for answering :-)
after we fought the goblin spirits, we managed to find the hidden treasure. She initiated a dialog about the traps and that she'll have a look on the treasure. But after we found the bow etc. nothing happend. The quest is still marked as unsolved in my journal. I assume a bug here....loading didn't work...How can I fix that? Are there any console commands?
thanks for answering :-)
& if you report the bug as per https://forums.beamdog.com/discussion/49845 that would be appreciated.
thx for these tipps. I used the code and the savegame, the quest is solved, but now she's repeating the dialog "fouleye didn't lie" ovr and over again, when I try to speak to her...
Is it a new game started on iOS? Or you loaded a SoD save from PC?
This is a new game started on iOS. I have no idea how to make a zip of a save from an iPad, but I will if someone can walk me through it.
Can you please provide more detail?