Has Beamdog hidden/lost rights/deleted casting sounds for Baldurs Gate series?

Kind of a strange topic I know,
However coming across this youtube link comparing the Gorion death scene, can you tell that the casting sounds for both are entirely different?
Are these able to be restored or unlocked somehow in the EE games?
I sort of prefer the older casting sounds from the originals. I don't know if they are in the game files and can just be overridden - does anyone know?
However coming across this youtube link comparing the Gorion death scene, can you tell that the casting sounds for both are entirely different?

Are these able to be restored or unlocked somehow in the EE games?
I sort of prefer the older casting sounds from the originals. I don't know if they are in the game files and can just be overridden - does anyone know?
Thankyou I've been looking for this - however it only seems to be for BG 1 is there a way to use this mod for BG2? When I try and install it, it just says "skipping" and exits the install.
You can also drop other sound files too, if you prefer them. BG1:ee already has all the other sound files, bg2 ones are different.
But that whole fight looked changed?
Much more dramatic in the original I think.
The page on here gives a little more comparison to each class of spells, both male and female.
I don't know if I agree about more dramatic though. The original had much higher low level spell spam but the EE version casts a variety of spells/gorion buffs more and actually diables the opponent caster. Gorion actually has a proper spellbook and the ambush has more enemies.
Before BG received its first patch, it was actually possible for Gorion to win that encounter.
I would have loved to see that, just once… sigh…
There is a long running joke between my husband and myself around this. Each time one of us comes to this encounter we say, “maybe this time, Gorion!…” Sadly, in spite of our well intentioned coaching and encouragement, the outcome has always remained unaltered.
OK, here's the idea for a mod, hehheh.
Well you know what might HAVE to happen after the fight, to keep the story as is and to slow the tide of
" But, but, that would change the WHOLE story", Mr Big gets away (dimension door or some such filthy device, don't they all?) , while Old Gorion (OG) is low on health and spells cause of the fight, gives his lines to CHARNAME (CN)...
OG: 'Hurry child, we must get out of here!
CN: 'But Father, their dead now, what could possibly harm us now? Let's check the bodies for a clue.
OG: 'Ok child, but we must hurry' (thinks to himself that CN sure takes to searchin dead bodies easily)
CN: (searching the bodies(thinks hmm, what's the big deal with dead body seachin, wonder if I ever will have to again), and hears in the background 'EEEeeeeeeeeee, Attttaaaaaaack!'
(CN turns around and sees little blue goblinoid creatures pop up behind OG from holes they dug in the ground.)
Nexlit the Xvart: 'You die now, snothead!'
(shanks OG)
OG: 'Run child, get out of here!' ack, urgghhh, oohh.
(CN high tails it outa there)
Saervok off in the distance, not knowing Nexlit FINALLY showed up: Thinks to himself 'Dern lil smurfs, I told them to attack WITH us, that ol man whipped the tar outa me and turned two of my redshirts to BBQ, I paid good money for those wimps. Forget this, I'm gettin a new group together, with gnolls and hobgoblins next time).
Narrator: 'You awake in the the morning with the realization...'
I mean really now,I ask you, wouldn't that give a whole new purpose to tracking down the xvart village west of Nashkel?
Might even make a ranger want to choose xvart as a racial enemy; wands of fire and scrolls of fireball would sell out; bounty hunters would be drivin carts full of special xvart trapping supplies southward; bards would have magical speakers and a sub woofer made for their gi-tars by Thalantyr, paladins would go on a quest for the 'Holy Hand Grenade of Antiock', etc,etc.
PLUS, come on now, who ain't been shanked by one those little buggers AT LEAST once startin out (ifya been playin long enough)? You, know, get ya good CN rolled up, feelin good, got your drink sittin nearby, some chips, and WHAMMO,right outa the gate, take one right in the head, 'Game over man, GAME OVER'.
Ok, okay, gettin me hat n headed out the door, with the sound of tomatoes thudding against it.
Wait, this IS the 'Allure of evil thread, right?
In bg2 the swapping made no sense as it was not along the progression of the chapters but random outdoor areas. It made me install the full resources just to not have that happen. And my pc did not have much space back then, so there went the documents from school into the trash can
Bgt was great but I could not play it until I finally got a decent pc...
Back in topic, i love the old bg1 casting sounds. I will sincerely consider this mod.
They only share the casting sounds, they both use the faux latin instead of original bg1's 'hadouken! hadooouken!' sonorious chants.
You can mix-mash sounds as you like, for example I use mostly bg1 combat-spell sounds (bow drawing and crossbow firing sounds are wonderful in bg1, lacking in bg2.) with a select few bg2 ones added in (they are too loud and horrible in bg1) inventory sounds I use bg2 ones which are way better IMHO, but also I took the walking step sounds from iwd, which are totally different and a bit more pleasing IMHO. In armor walking sounds I am unsure, I used a mix from both games, so my leather clad character used to squeak a bit and then sometimes flap a bit, lol. Then in a re-install I got bored and got bg1 ones instead of sorting out. Casting sounds wise, iwd uses faux latin too but has hugely different back ground swirling enrgy sounds durng casting, which are too loud for my ears.