Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup".
in BGII:EE Mods
Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup". Do you want
the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks)
or just continue?
Enter [r]etry, [p]rovide or [c]ontinue.
WandCase[] = NA
RR[] = NA
aTweaks[] = NA
The following mod(s) could not be downloaded:
aTweaks: The Mod itself (
Wand Case: The Mod itself (Wand Case.rar)
Rogue Rebalancing: The Mod itself (rr-v490b1.7z)
The following mods cannot be installed because of missing dependence:
The Picture Standard for BG2:EE:
10000: Rogue Rebalancing -> Vanilla
Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup". Do you want
the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks)
or just continue?
Enter [r]etry, [p]rovide or [c]ontinue.
RR[] = NA
aTweaks[] = NA
WandCase[] = NA
The following mod(s) could not be downloaded:
aTweaks: The Mod itself (
Wand Case: The Mod itself (Wand Case.rar)
Rogue Rebalancing: The Mod itself (rr-v490b1.7z)
The following mods cannot be installed because of missing dependence:
The Picture Standard for BG2:EE:
10000: Rogue Rebalancing -> Vanilla
Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup". Do you want
the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks)
or just continue?
Enter [r]etry, [p]rovide or [c]ontinue.
the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks)
or just continue?
Enter [r]etry, [p]rovide or [c]ontinue.
WandCase[] = NA
RR[] = NA
aTweaks[] = NA
The following mod(s) could not be downloaded:
aTweaks: The Mod itself (
Wand Case: The Mod itself (Wand Case.rar)
Rogue Rebalancing: The Mod itself (rr-v490b1.7z)
The following mods cannot be installed because of missing dependence:
The Picture Standard for BG2:EE:
10000: Rogue Rebalancing -> Vanilla
Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup". Do you want
the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks)
or just continue?
Enter [r]etry, [p]rovide or [c]ontinue.
RR[] = NA
aTweaks[] = NA
WandCase[] = NA
The following mod(s) could not be downloaded:
aTweaks: The Mod itself (
Wand Case: The Mod itself (Wand Case.rar)
Rogue Rebalancing: The Mod itself (rr-v490b1.7z)
The following mods cannot be installed because of missing dependence:
The Picture Standard for BG2:EE:
10000: Rogue Rebalancing -> Vanilla
Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup". Do you want
the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks)
or just continue?
Enter [r]etry, [p]rovide or [c]ontinue.
There should be an update shortly in BWS.
About Wand Case I have no idea, never saw it, never used it.
Some files could not be downloaded with the "BiG World Setup". Do you want
the BWS to try to load the mods again, provide the files yourself (see remarks)
or just continue?
Enter [r]etry, [p]rovide or [c]ontinue.
you choose (p) and BWS will ask you where they are saved. You point it to where they are (ideally you store them in the download folder where all the others are). BWS may also do a check on them or ask for other operations.
If nothing else works you can always install them manually when pausing BWS.
Looks like BWS needs to be updated.
EDIT: Wand Case can be found here: