Can you change Tweaks components after installing SCS?

Hi all, I recently installed SCS. I had previously installed Tweaks Anthology in BG1EE, and the old Tweak Pack in BG2EE. I'm playing the latest EE versions. My question is this: can I still go back and change Tweaks components/options now that SCS is installed, or will that muck up my game? Thanks in advance for your wisdom.
In the case of SCS this shouldn't give you any issues because that mod only affects creature/item/spell behavior but not locations, or the story. There's one exception I can think of: the component that moves some items from SoA into ToB. If you reinstall SCS when you already have those items in ToB, you might find another copy of them (not sure though).
It's the reinstalling of quest mods, item randomiser etc that are more likely cause problems with active games.
I consider myself a veteran mod player and I have done a large number of installs including such operations - I would never do such a thing with SCS, the results and dependencies are nearly unforeseeable. And by the way, it probably takes longer than a new installation.
In addition, just out of curiosity, why would you uninstall Tweaks on behalf of SCS?
Edit: ninja'd by @subtledoctor
You can (maybe, haven't tried) simply install new CDTweaks over SCS w/o much hassle (components you want), I don't think it will ruin or uninstall anything, given that (I assume) CDTweaks uses a different .tp2 file alltogether.
The problem would be if you'd want to reinstall some old Tweaks components.