What's your favorite BG Dungeon?

- What's your favorite BG Dungeon?213 votes
- Nashkel Mines11.74%
- Ulcaster School  5.16%
- Firewine Ruins  4.23%
- Cloakwood Mines14.08%
- Baldur's Gate Sewers  1.41%
- Thieves' Maze  1.41%
- Durlag's Tower48.83%
- Ice Island  4.69%
- Other  3.76%
- I can't survive any of these!  4.69%
Unless if you solo it with potions and arrows. Pffft, who'd do that anyway >.< *totally denying he did it, word*
The best is under the Gnoll Stronghold! I'm certain that there is an opening somewhere... I keep looking! I want so badly to find it!
I know. There's nothing there. It's my silent (not so silent anymore) hope that something will be added to it, to add 'meat' to that area of the map and a good place for to return.
So, Durlag's Tower, although Cloakwood Mines are cool, and Ulcaster is surprisingly good. Honestly, the only dungeon I don't like in BG1 is the Nashkel Mines. The rest are all pretty decent.
But cloakwood is the only dungeon you can pull the the plug on :P
"Hey we've designed a game with severe pathing issues, how should we tackle the level design?"
"I know! Let's create a series of dungeon crawls that have increasing narrow corridors and small rooms."
"Sounds good!"
My favourite is Durlag Tower. It's very long, but it doesn't bore you, like some big dungeons can.
It has very grim story of the past, quite alot of different areas with different obstacles... And lots of great treasure!
IMO the best dungeon out there.
The worst one (or most annoying) was Firewine ruins, as far as I can remember. Instantly respawning kobold veterans were annoing and labirynth with very small corridors was just driving me crazy (stupid team always was cluelessly wandering around, losing their track).
Its so laughably easy to do with a solo mage compared to a full group unfortunately.
Remember that feeling of finally reaching the bottom floor with just slightly too much treasure for your party to comfortably carry, and so having to leave selected +1 weapons behind?
Thats one of the main reasons I advocate not including bags of holding in bg1.
I love the dungeon. The chessboard is killer and I like the compass room riddles that require you to actually understand the story behind the tower.
That's where I really first started ROLEPLAYING on my first playthrough.
...Also it is where you find Xan, which means this is the dungeon in which I recruit my favorite character ever. Yes.
...Firewine Ruins are a close second just for being so deliciously and devilishly difficult.
But of course, I would rather have 2 "Durlag's Tower" dungeons, considering they are huge and have a great backstory!