I would vote for Durlag's Tower, except the first time I went there, after resting in the third floor, the locks all reset, and I was actually trapped. Due to a save file error, I was either trapped there, or would have to go through 10 hours of progress again
Durlag's Tower is certainly the most elaborate, and a mini-adventure in itself. If forced to choose I like it best, I think. Although there's something rather satisfying too about completing the Nashkel mines and Cloakwood mines, both, as they conclude chapters.
Firewine Ruins! One of my favorite mod NPCs for Tutu (Indira, I'm talking about you!) is there. And the Bard you meet on top of the bridge was really cool, too. I also like to stop by Meilum and give him what-for every time I go there, just for funzies.
Loved firewine. First dungeon in the game that frustrated me (I was 12, I think). Taught me to compulsively search for traps and use scouts for the rest of the damn series.
Durlag's Tower was what first taught me how difficult BG could be when the developers were really trying. Capping it with a return to Ulgoth's Beard and that damned fight with Aec'Letec...'frustrating' doesn't even cover it.
Firewine just taught me that Kobold Commandos deserve to die. Painfully and in large numbers. And that people who design entire dungeons seemingly customed designed to screw with the poor pathfinding and then fill them with annoying enemies and barely any treasure or rewards of any kind deserve to be slapped.
Another vote for Durlag's Tower. It is the Spooky Place of BG. It will eat your PCs. Even as the campaign progresses, it looms in the background, until you think your PCs have the mettle... I remember finding a way to kill the guardians with a lower level party, though, and they are worth a chunk of XP.
Nashkel for pure nostalgia (which is half of BG for me. I died there so many times before i had a clue). Durlags for epic loot, challenges and backstory.
I like the Ulcaster school because it always had a certain sad mystery about it. Like the firewine bridge, except cooler since it was a school for magic users. Plus Ulcaster is still around
Firewine wouldn't be so bad if the kobolds didn't respawn instantly. Ulcaster is a better dungeon of that type (narrow corridors) if for no other reason than it doesn't respawn. Cloakwood is my favorite in BG1 though, from the group of assassins outside to the mage at the end, it's got a lot of variety and you have to think strategically, can't just send your tank in to smack. Durlag's is a bit too long for me, I prefer to get through a dungeon in one play sitting, not have to save and come back three or four nights in a row.
One of my favorite mod NPCs for Tutu (Indira, I'm talking about you!) is there. And the Bard you meet on top of the bridge was really cool, too. I also like to stop by Meilum and give him what-for every time I go there, just for funzies.
Firewine just taught me that Kobold Commandos deserve to die. Painfully and in large numbers. And that people who design entire dungeons seemingly customed designed to screw with the poor pathfinding and then fill them with annoying enemies and barely any treasure or rewards of any kind deserve to be slapped.
I remember finding a way to kill the guardians with a lower level party, though, and they are worth a chunk of XP.
Wrong game dude! :P That's in PS:T (why do i get the feeling you tested us?)