Most Powerful Multiclasses with Kits?

I'm talking about ones that are in the game originally, but since there are only 3 that I see, I also want to discuss the ones that could be EEKeeper modded in:
Gnomes Multiclass with Kits:
Cleric/Illusionist - very strong because you can start the game with heavy armor until you get a few levels and start taking advantage of both cleric and mage spells, also wearing 1H + Shield + Sling with a mage is very strong
Illusionist/Thief - M/T but stronger
Fighter/Illusionist - never tried this, but considering how good F/M is I think this would be really strong
Modded Multiclasses with Kits
Wizard-Slayer/Mage - ironic
Cleric/Archer - can only really use slings for range, but still becomes really strong after leveling
Fighter/Assassin - crazy strong backstabbing
Cleric/Assassin - crazy strong backstabbing with cleric spells, probably not as reliable BS'ing as F/Assass
Cleric/Dwarven-Defender - never tried this but seems like it'd be crazy OP as a tank
Let know of any other strong combos you can think of and I'll add them to the list
Gnomes Multiclass with Kits:
Cleric/Illusionist - very strong because you can start the game with heavy armor until you get a few levels and start taking advantage of both cleric and mage spells, also wearing 1H + Shield + Sling with a mage is very strong
Illusionist/Thief - M/T but stronger
Fighter/Illusionist - never tried this, but considering how good F/M is I think this would be really strong
Modded Multiclasses with Kits
Wizard-Slayer/Mage - ironic
Cleric/Archer - can only really use slings for range, but still becomes really strong after leveling
Fighter/Assassin - crazy strong backstabbing
Cleric/Assassin - crazy strong backstabbing with cleric spells, probably not as reliable BS'ing as F/Assass
Cleric/Dwarven-Defender - never tried this but seems like it'd be crazy OP as a tank
Let know of any other strong combos you can think of and I'll add them to the list
Barbarian/Druid half/orc
Technically, Archer would be on the list as well, but Archers can only combine with Clerics and the Archer/Cleric multi is a bit underwhelming, IMO. (Losing out on Grandmastery hurts it too much.) If you want a slinger, a Priest of Lathander/Fighter multi would actually be better.
The biggest kits in particular that get kind of game-breaking are Swashbuckler, Kensai, and Wizardslayer, since you can keep stacking their bonuses a lot higher than you could with a common Swash(10), WS(7), or Kensai(13) dual.
Keeping that in mind, I'd say the most broken multis would be:
Kensai/Mage (tasty +8 damage bonus combined with Melf's Minute Meteors / Energy Blades!)
(You probably don't need as much MR% on your mage, so the Wizardslayer>Mage dual would be better)
Swashbuckler/Mage (up to +6 AC and Elven Chain for great AC, +5 damage for MMM)
Kensai/Thief (steadily progressing damage bonus plus UAI to overcome drawbacks)
Wizardslayer/Thief (huge MR, easy mage disruption, plus UAI to overcome drawbacks)
Fighter/Swashbuckler (better fighter than a pure fighter, plus thief skills to boot)
And if you got really silly and used a mod to allow multiple kits:
Kensai/Swashbuckler (UAI, plus at level cap gets +13 THACO/damage and +6 AC)
Wizardslayer/Swashbuckler (an upgraded fighter with 36% MR and innate wizard disruption)
For BGEE only the dual swashbuckler lv5/fighter lv9 is probably the best&easiest combo (grand mastery in scimitars, max proficiency in dual wielding, can detect/disarm traps and improve the other thieving skills with potions when needed, best AC, dmg, taco...).
Also, a bow archer will deal more DPS than a sling Archer/Cleric at all times outside of whirlwind attack despite the latter getting the strength bonus. It's all about the extra 2.5 APR with Tuigan and GM.
You're going to want to get to at least level 11 for the extra boon and level 6 spells. From there, level 12 gets you a second level 6 spell, another proficiency point, and an extra 1 point to all relevant stats from Draw Upon Holy Might. Level 13 gives you a 2-point THACO boost and an extra saving throw bump, though this'll usually be irrelevant as these will both usually eventually get eclipsed by your second class, anyway. Level 14 brings you level 7 spell slots. Level 15 brings you upgraded skeleton warriors and another 1-point DUHM boost.
If you're playing solo, level 14 or 15 typically make for a more powerful dual. In a party, I usually think level 11 is "good enough"-- it gets you plenty of 5th-level spell slots for Chaotic Commands, at least one "Heal" per rest period (or insert preferred level 6 spell here), and that all-important second boon. The extra stuff you gain by waiting is offset by the fact that your dual will take a *lot* longer to unlock.
If I don't need the extra Boon of Lathander, (say, you're a C>M dual who will just be casting, anyway), there's a strong case to be made for a level 9 dual, too. You'll be able to complete it even before the end of Siege of Dragonspear, (475k XP), you get level 5 spells for Chaotic Commands, and with all of the wisdom boosts available it's possible to get an extra four level 5 spell slots from wisdom alone by the end of BG2.
But for a fighter dual, you'll definitely want that second boon.
Wild Sorcerer - more for fun than power though =P
Stalker/Cleric is also awesome.
Swashbuckler/Fighter is good too.
I kind of want to take her to BG EE 2, is F/M/T still one of the best solo classes in BG 2? Add on the fact it is assassin it should be a little stronger at least vs mages.
Edit: I'm considering making a youtube series playing through BG EE 1 and 2 with Elf F/M/T (Assassin) cause it's so much fun. I'm already something like level 5/4/4 and haven't even gotten to the Nashkel mines yet. I raised my pickpocket skills a little early on so I could actually use the ability, and it's suprising how many glitches you can cause my pickpocketing (mainly getting double quest rewards in some cases)