What's YOUR ability score?

Alright, I don't know if there were similar threads before or if this post is in the right place, but here it is, everybody shares, beginning from...
Strength: 6-7, checked the strength table, carried a 15kg bag of rice before, need to put it down from time to time to catch breath
Dexterity: 3, pretty sure of that
Constitution: 10+, kept in fairly good health, only (very) occasionally catch fevers
Intelligence: 11, above average math score from elementary school, able to understand things pretty fast, like to ask questions, thrill to do research to satisfy knowledge hunger
Wisdom: 14, talented in music, acting, strong sixth senses, sense perception, trend to view complicated matters from higher ground
Charisma: 16 (eggs, tomatoes thrown on the face)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (formally Neutral Good)
edit from Cam: typo in title was driving me crazy
Strength: 6-7, checked the strength table, carried a 15kg bag of rice before, need to put it down from time to time to catch breath
Dexterity: 3, pretty sure of that
Constitution: 10+, kept in fairly good health, only (very) occasionally catch fevers
Intelligence: 11, above average math score from elementary school, able to understand things pretty fast, like to ask questions, thrill to do research to satisfy knowledge hunger
Wisdom: 14, talented in music, acting, strong sixth senses, sense perception, trend to view complicated matters from higher ground
Charisma: 16 (eggs, tomatoes thrown on the face)
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (formally Neutral Good)
edit from Cam: typo in title was driving me crazy
Post edited by CamDawg on
Human - Fighter - LN
STR 13
DEX 12
CON 13
INT 14
Special Abilities:
Stupid Modder: Once per day can raise his Charisma by 5 points to ask for help modding, but lowers his Intelligence by the same value.
You sure you can carry 90lb items without slowing down, buddy?
the number is in lb, as in game
STR 7 (10*)
DEX 11
INT 16
WIS 15
CHA 14
Alignment: Good, wanna be Lawful, but Neutral in reality
I guess Mage or Mage/Cleric would be good fit for me. In particular that with DUHM I could overcome my physical shortcomings =P
I used this as help -> https://dmingwithcharisma.com/2011/10/dd-stats-in-simple-language/
Though it's for 3E. Also that why there are 2 STR scores, 7 according to table, 10 from article. I also I don't like how they base WIS on empathy mostly.
Race: Human (obviously)
Class: M/T I guess (if magic existed)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Strength: 10 (I was going to go with 8-9, but according to the table, I'd actually be in the 10-11 category). I regularly haul around quantities of animal (cat, dog, goat, horse) feed in 16/30/50 lb bags. About 65 lb is where I start to get a bit strained. I CAN lug around as much as 2x50.
Constitution: 9. Superficially healthy, but have had underlying health issues. Never have been much for athletic endurance, tend more to sprints/short bursts of energy.
Dexterity: 14+. Definitely more agile and quicker reflexes than average.
Intelligence: 16-18. Extremely intelligent, curious and inquisitive. Very bookish. Excellent with math and science.
Wisdom: 10. Wise in some ways, lacking in common sense in others. Average.
Charisma: 8-9. Shy and introverted, but will respond with social engagement. Nothing spectacular in terms of looks, lacks social "forcefulness". Not much to inspire others. Definitely not a leader except in situations where there is no one else stepping up.
Cleric/Monk (according to a test I took awhile back)
Lawful Good
Strength: 8 (I am a weak weak man)
Constitution: 10+ (this one is hard, I almost never get sick, but I have a health condition that prevents any really strenuous activity)
Dexterity: 14 (My reflexes have saved my life more than once)
Intelligence: 13-14 (high ACT score, top percentile in the country with regards to reading comprehension)
Wisdom: 15 (known to give good life advice, I have a very reliable sense when it comes to how much I should trust someone).
Charisma: 10+ (Am a good second in command type, can direct small groups)
Dexterity: 13 above average agility and hand eye coordination, at least based on my experience in sports
Constitution: 10 my tolerance for pain is not super high and I do get sick from time to time
Intelligence: 14 always been an avid reader and interested in academic topics, can plan and puzzle things out to a good degree, always kept good marks in school and college, kept in advanced classes.
Wisdom: 8 the area of common sense is where I fail spectacularly.
Charisma: 8 while considering myself fairly good looking, I have very little in the way of leadership skills or personal magnetism. I often find a supportive role to be much more my style, making everything work behind the scenes.
These are also most likely yours, whether you care to admit it or not.
Ooze Priest by thirdeyepl (Matt)
Race: Ooze (obviously)
Class: Amorphous Sorcerer
Alignment: Neutral Chaotic Insane
Strength: 6
Constitution: 9
Dexterity: 6
Intelligence: 9
Wisdom: 6
Charisma: 9
696969 - the Number of the Ooze
Also iirc, the max weights in BG are supposed to be the lifting capacity with mobility at all, or the max they can bench or military press. This kinda ignores that plenty of people have stronger lower bodies compared to their upper body strength, and strength is the one thats EASY to quantify! So, I always think these are silly-ish, but still fun.
I think IQ is the closest we've got to a reliable one-to-one match between real life and a 3d6 roll, because STR, DEX, CON, and WIS can plummet or skyrocket in the space of a few months with the right training (examples include coma, disability, AIDS, education, and various life experiences), and there's no way of quantifying either WIS or CHA. Unless we use number of Facebook friends to quantify CHA.
Otherwise, nothing really sky-high or rock bottom for me. My dad would have 18 INT (IQ 140+), and my grandpa would definitely have 18 CON and CHA. The man got polio and the doctors said he'd never walk again, but he came out on top and stayed athletic into his 70s. He also survived getting slammed by a bus when he quite heroically saved one of his relatives from suffering the same fate.
He also has a deeply magnetic personality, a talent for storytelling and singing, excellent looks when he was young, and under his leadership, Source of Light became a global missionary force. My dad suggested my grandpa could have been an actor if he had wanted.
Strength 11 (70 pounds should be OK, I tend to carry that at work, going to 90 would slow me down)
Dex 8. I'm fairly clumsy but nothing catastrophic, and when I really focus on something I'm okay, but my everyday dexterity is rather bad
Con 9, I am fairly bulky with a quite solid constitution but multiple issues with my knees and ankles lower my stamina by a lot
Int 17 or 18, according to the IQ test I had at a psychiatrist when I was young
Wis is really, really hard to evaluate. I would say 10. Not very gifted with practical common sense but I am quickly able to figure out a good solution to a given situation, for example.
Charisma is quite hard to evaluate as well. I wouldn't feel ill-at-ease when saying a speech or playing an instrument before 100 people, but having a 1 to 1 face to face discussion is a much harder exercise. 9 feels like an okay number
So a common prostitute would have more charisma than men like Barack Obama. An... interesting point of view
Str 15. Solid muscular build : 5'11'' and 215lbs. Can walk around carrying 200 lbs+. Did it at my old student job : I was carrying 5 banana crates at 40 lbs each. Could actually have taken more, but it would have been a bit dangerous (the stack would have been too high).
Dex 14. Been practicing boxing for a few years. While not as mobile as Pernell Whitaker, obviously (that guy had 19 dex, seriously), I learned to dodge quite efficiently. I'm a very good dancer too !
Con 10. I also run, and I'm actually not too bad for a guy of my size : did an half-marathon in 1h 29 min., which translate to roughly running at 15km/hr for an hour and a half. However... I easily fall sick. If something is in the air, I'll get it. I'm highly allergic to animals too. No cats or dogs for me !
Int 16. I've always been the bright geek in school. I completed two master degrees with honour, and could have gone for a PHD. My first job in after school was a university assistant researcher. Not sure I would have been the kind of guy that would have change a field, though. Thus why no 17-18.
Wis 10. I guess ? I'm absolutely not religious and not really an intuitive person.
Cha : 8. While pretty easy going, I don't really like people. The more people there is, the less I like it. More of a loner. Definitively not a leader, and someone kinda hard to lead too. I hate authority.
Aligment : Chaotic Neutral.
Class : some kind of fighter/mage, but not in the BG format. Way too munchkinny; while I like a good challenge, I don't like over the top powergaming stuff. Think more along the line of a 3E spellblade/duskblade. Solid, versatile, ready to tackle anything.
...hmm, for limts of drinking I think I've put away about 2L of 20% sherry in one day when I was on a serious bender. I'm not really that proud of that, but since I spaced it out, I didn't even pass out. Didn't eat much either, sherry has enough sugar to help take the edge of hunger off, and I used to never eat when I drank. I think saying this lowers my apparent intelligence score, so I should shut up.
I know it's not a laughing matter but considering how many BG experts are here you might get some BG-ish advice like replacing your T-shirts with Leather armor +1 to boost your AC