Why Fallout is not Fallout anymore

in Off-Topic

Its Always nice to see the opinions of civil and calm oldschool Fallout fans that aren't from No Mutants Allowed or RPG Codex and doesn't give Western RPG fans a bad name.
Being on topic, I recall seeing this video before and I agree for the most part. That being said, I still think the guy was too soft on these apes from Bethesda. They neither really know nor respect the source material. Nor even care about it, given in which direction Fallout 4 went. And given how well it sold, Fallout franchise is as good as dead for me.
And finally, people calling out Bethesda for what they did to Fallout franchise are minority. Majority of people praise their sorry butts.
And btw, i don't think it's anything wrong with NMA or the Codex per se, as much as most older, intelligent forumveterans, for different reasons, have stopped or rarely visits anymore. Most ppl seemed to stop posting at NMA and the codex a year or two after the Interplay Forum was closed down.
It's no coincidence that they call Fallout 3/4 and Oblivion/Skyrim, consolized RPGs.
Morrowind was ported to Xbox. Oblivion was very obviously designed for the Xbox/consoles first and then ported to the PC.
Same with the Fallout games.
Elder Scrolls 1-3 are very obvious PC-designed games. 4 and 5 very console-focused.
Fallout 1-2 is the same. Fallout 3-4 are consolized and dumbed down.
If Bethesda bought the rights to the Baldur's Gate games and made them Action/RPGs with FPS Mages, people would rage.
Yet they don't offer the same courtesy to the Fallout games.
And yes, New Vegas was somewhere between 2 and 3 in design.
Please don't open a thread about Vampire Bloodlines. I have things to do.
They will be met with fire and fury like the world has never seen.
An expansion that's spanning over 10 years of development made by fans from Czech Rep. setting the story between FO 1 and 2. It truly stays true in every aspect to the originals, even with the black humor.
(It needs FO 2 installed to run but is a separate game)
How did I never heard about it?!
A Van Buren remake some people are making. The screenshots look amazing. It's not complete yet.
And here's a fan-made DLC from F:NV. Not complete.
No, they really wouldn't. Last time I checked dark alliance was a thing and I don't remember fire and brimstone for anyone of those games. Just people crying that something different was attempted with the game play instead of them just remaking bauldur's gate gameplay...AGAIN. I said it once and I'll say it again. People hate change, I enjoyed Morrowind just like I enjoyed Skyrim. Just like with Larian Studios, people hated dragon commander not because it was a bad game, but because it didn't repeat the second formula ad divinity 1 and 2.
I thought Fallout 3 was o.k. , not as good as Fallout 1.
Any one interested in how a BG1 remake might look like in 3d should check this out:
I might just be fooling myself with hope. But I want to believe.
And I mean I'm not a big fan of Fallout 3 or 4, and haven't finished either. I have finished Fallout and Fallout 2.
I *loved* New Vegas and still do--I start a new play-through of it probably once a year now and I am still not tired of it.