Stalker Weapon Proficiencies

Looking through the new weapons guide for Siege and there are quite few interesting weapons to choose from. Just wanted to get some advice on what would be a cool but powerful combo of swords to dual wield for my elven stalker. I just can't seem to decide. Long swords seem good. Short swords seem good. Heck Katanas seem good.
I personally would start with short sword and pip up to katana after leveling.
It also depends on who you are travelling with and what weapons they'd use. If you are traveling with Monty and Imoen early, they also use short swords limiting the amount of magical ones going around.
Edit: of course I am in the wrong forum, and didn't know this was SoD specific. I still stand by short sword and katana, depending on who you are traveling with. Khalid can use those lovely long swords you find. Safana can use your hand me downs in short swords, katanas.