[SoD] Can't fight Hephernaan in Castle Basement, Need to edit my Saved Game
My friends, I need help to resolve an issue with my game.
This is my first time playing Siege of Dragonspear, and I really think it is a worth addition to the main saga.
I'm now at Chapter 10, and have been through the Underground River (all quests completed), then to The Warrens, but still haven't fought Hephernaan in the Castle Basement. I have been given permission by the Ogres with the help of Glint's relative, but did not go up to the Basement yet, instead deciding to go back to the surface to finish some quests. I realized reading a walkthrough that I would miss all quests in the Dragonspear Castle Exterior, and even already lost the opportunity to finish Skye's quest, as General Nederlock and the other officers moved off the allied siege camp (part of the problem).
And so I did it. I finished all quests in the Dragonspear Castle Exterior area and went back to the Warrens, being asked by the ogres about what happened upstairs, "what was all that noise" and all. But I haven't been there yet, and when I go, all npcs are already hostile and Hephernaan is not there.
To put it simple, the main plot and Hephernaan moved and I need to rewind it, moving back to where I left it (Warrens, before Basement). I tried editing some "random" Global Varieties with Shadowkeeper, but I didn't find the right one(s) or simply don't know how to do it correctly.
I know I probably can move forward as it is, but this kind of problem will probably ruin the player experience for me.
I'm attaching 3 saves to facilitate for anyone trying to help me:
Save 1: my current save game, the one I want to edit;
Save 2: the one I had before deciding to turn back and do the Dragonspear Castle Exterior quests. Here, Hephernaan should be still in the Basement. Problem is, when I leave the area, he also leaves the Basement;
Save 3: and older save, when I was questing still in the Underground River.
Thanks in advance!
This is my first time playing Siege of Dragonspear, and I really think it is a worth addition to the main saga.
I'm now at Chapter 10, and have been through the Underground River (all quests completed), then to The Warrens, but still haven't fought Hephernaan in the Castle Basement. I have been given permission by the Ogres with the help of Glint's relative, but did not go up to the Basement yet, instead deciding to go back to the surface to finish some quests. I realized reading a walkthrough that I would miss all quests in the Dragonspear Castle Exterior, and even already lost the opportunity to finish Skye's quest, as General Nederlock and the other officers moved off the allied siege camp (part of the problem).
And so I did it. I finished all quests in the Dragonspear Castle Exterior area and went back to the Warrens, being asked by the ogres about what happened upstairs, "what was all that noise" and all. But I haven't been there yet, and when I go, all npcs are already hostile and Hephernaan is not there.
To put it simple, the main plot and Hephernaan moved and I need to rewind it, moving back to where I left it (Warrens, before Basement). I tried editing some "random" Global Varieties with Shadowkeeper, but I didn't find the right one(s) or simply don't know how to do it correctly.
I know I probably can move forward as it is, but this kind of problem will probably ruin the player experience for me.
I'm attaching 3 saves to facilitate for anyone trying to help me:
Save 1: my current save game, the one I want to edit;
Save 2: the one I had before deciding to turn back and do the Dragonspear Castle Exterior quests. Here, Hephernaan should be still in the Basement. Problem is, when I leave the area, he also leaves the Basement;
Save 3: and older save, when I was questing still in the Underground River.
Thanks in advance!
Try the console command below from your current save, (believe the bd5200 one is easier done there than EEKeeper).
Once you have used the lift, set the plot variable back.
Can I ask you for more details on what quests exactly you finished up after getting the trigger to go up the lift?
The attached saved games should let me get a bug report written for what's going on.
For the #2 save please correct me on the following lines:
* You have already talked with Glint's Relative and gotten her to talk with the Ogres.
* You have already talked with the Ogres and gotten Permission to go up the lift.
* You have NOT triggered the lift or gone up the lift in any way.
* From the conversation with the ogres where they tell you to "go ahead up" you then walk out of UGR and from there to somewhere else.
Just indicate a "True/False" or "yes/no" answer to each of the above so I know what the state of that save is.
Further, as Julius asked above, what quests did you finish up after exiting UGR? I'll try simply leaving and going back but I suspect that will NOT trigger the issue.
One final question, if you can remember, how did you trigger the opening of the door from UGR to the UGR Underground area (the area with teh Ogres and the Lift)? There are a couple ways of doing that and I'd like to know which method you chose?
Also if you could do me a favor and keep an eye on the thread starting later tonight and through the weekend (just periodically, you don't need to camp it) I would appreciate it: If I have a hard time reproducing this, I'd like to be able to ask a few more questions.
Troll Breakout
The Trial
Understanding the Crusade
Entering Dragonspear Castle
On the Fence
Morning Report
Foehammer's Blessing
Also some dialogue with Corwin's former lover.
From what I can see and remember, this is it.
Regarding the #2 save:
[True] * You have already talked with Glint's Relative and gotten her to talk with the Ogres.
[True] * You have already talked with the Ogres and gotten Permission to go up the lift.
[True] * You have NOT triggered the lift or gone up the lift in any way.
[True] * From the conversation with the ogres where they tell you to "go ahead up" you then walk out of UGR and from there to somewhere else. I used the potion of explosions on the bonfire. Some crusaders near it were already hostile (probably a bug, you can see that on the #3 save) and I was able to do it by using the Sanctuary spell. When the potion exploded, the quest worked and all of them went away, even the hostiles. Done.
To paint a bigger picture for you guys:
When I first decided to return to the Allied Siege Camp and do the quests in Dragonspear Castle Exterior, I was intercepted by a soldier by entering the camp area whom started a dialogue, convoking me to meet the officers and Caelar in another zone. I of course didn't want to move the main quest forward, so I tried another route, I enabled the Console, reloaded and teleported between areas, trying to run from the mysterious triggers. It didn't work, the plot still moved forward and the soldier was there waiting to call upon me.
Today I loaded the #2 save trying to find how the trigger works. I believe the plot (or part of it) moves forward when you enter any areas not being the The Warrens and the Underground River (and its caves), MAYBE Dragonspear Castle Basement too. Basically, in the game it will move when you walk to the UGR Entrance (surface).
Then I walked from the Warrens to the UGR and then to the UGR Entrance and returned. Any crusader sentry there who sees me now recognizes me as "the one who has been causing trouble" and all crusaders turn hostile from there on. If I pass through them invisibly and reach the Warrens, no one recognizes me as an enemy, but the ogres are already set to start the dialogue asking me about the noise upstairs (where Hephernaan should be but is not anymore). No problem, I will be there and help as I can.
If I use the first command and enter the Allied Siege Camp, would the officers (and General Nederlock) still be there for me to finish "Skye is Missing" quest?
Thanks again.
Should be, yes. The problem you're running into is that the plot has mysteriously moved farther forward than it should have...this is what's causing you to be missing various quest givers like General Nederlock and the other officers.
With bd_plot set to 315 you should not be at the point where the officers have left the encampment and gone to the Parley so all should be fine.
Got it; this is a clear bug.
Not to get too technical, but the plot variable that determines when you've completed the DSC Basement and should move on to the Parley is set the moment you get the ability to move up the lift, NOT when you ACTUALLY move up the lift...so basically, we're setting "DSC Basement Complete" before actually even entering DSC Basement.
So you managed to find the only place in the game (between talking with the Ogres and using the lift) to return to ASC to break this.
Well played sir!
Bug is filed internally. The fix identified by Gate above will work for you.
I tested the first command given and they worked perfectly for the ogres and Hephernaan! They didn't work for the allied siege camp, however. When I used the command I was in the Warrens, then tested moving back to the ASC and the soldier who calls upon me (to the parley) was duplicated.
I then tried again: reload, teleport to another surface area and used the first command, moving only then to the ASC. The soldier was not duplicated, but it still didn't work. The main officers were not there.
I guess the problem is resolved concerning access to the castle's basement and the fight with Hephernaan, but still the ASC remained triggered to the future.
As a note:
Regarding the moment things should move forward in the camp, I've read other posts saying that this trigger happens still at the UGR and before walking to the Warrens. Maybe the ogres and Hephernaan move forward if you go back and access the surface areas, whilst the ASC is triggered at some other point when questing at the UGR? Dunno, just trying to help solving the riddle.
EDIT (didn't see the above post): Oh my. I always draw this kind of bug!
(if you'd returned to camp without freeing the captive ogres, the issue would not have arisen - that's part of the bug as the two events should not be connected)
If you really need to try and revert the area, I've put a couple of steps below which I haven't tested. You should be able to copy and paste the sets of 4 commands into the console in one go.
To add the characters who have moved (they should appear nearby rather than at their original locations, they may also show in the parley area if already present there, and I don't think it would have further issues but can't guarantee it). Only do this in the camp, with the variable set back to e.g. 315.
To remove them again, without affecting any versions still in the parley area
Things worked exactly as you described. I used the codes above and was able to start conversation with all officers except Bence (immediately walks away from the area).
As a result, I was able to finish all pending quests.
Guys, from what I could see, you are part of Beamdog team, right? If I could, I'd give you 5 stars for the amazing support here. Thank you very much!