Critical miss happening ALOT, game jinxed ?

Hey o/
Does anyone else have this 'feeling' with adventures that in a nutshell is just "Bad guys hit me always, I miss most of the time" ?
So, in 1 round, atacking with 6 people (bows, war hammers, darts, slings), with everyone having at least 18 str/dex
I see ALL THE TIME - Critical Misses, with my party in a row !
Rather that believeing that I must make a roll and if it lands 1 is a always miss, seems like monsters that have a defense roll and everytime they roll 20 is a dodge !
Also, Since with stats and armors, my AC is like -1, -2. Yet ! Monsters keeping doing critical hits often agains my tanker (thanks helms prevent - but not negate - it's damage) - and no, the difficult has not been changed.
Also I tried bless and bard songs, which supposed to increse atack rolls (chance to hit) by +1, which should means, that I could only at least *miss* with a minimum roll of 2 (1 dice + 1 Buff), but seems not to matter, Critical miss spam in my combat log...
Not to mention the damages rolls... oh god, I was expecting a average damage from all sources, but every time, it's the minimum damage I seems to cause to enemies (and not, they're not showing *x resisted*)
Does anyone thing this is pure... coincidence ? Or the game have a behind formula that no matter what, when the computer calculates the rolls, that's what happens, everyone gets a 1 in a single round (also, never seen a 20 rolled form my party members...)
Does anyone else have this 'feeling' with adventures that in a nutshell is just "Bad guys hit me always, I miss most of the time" ?
So, in 1 round, atacking with 6 people (bows, war hammers, darts, slings), with everyone having at least 18 str/dex
I see ALL THE TIME - Critical Misses, with my party in a row !
Rather that believeing that I must make a roll and if it lands 1 is a always miss, seems like monsters that have a defense roll and everytime they roll 20 is a dodge !
Also, Since with stats and armors, my AC is like -1, -2. Yet ! Monsters keeping doing critical hits often agains my tanker (thanks helms prevent - but not negate - it's damage) - and no, the difficult has not been changed.
Also I tried bless and bard songs, which supposed to increse atack rolls (chance to hit) by +1, which should means, that I could only at least *miss* with a minimum roll of 2 (1 dice + 1 Buff), but seems not to matter, Critical miss spam in my combat log...
Not to mention the damages rolls... oh god, I was expecting a average damage from all sources, but every time, it's the minimum damage I seems to cause to enemies (and not, they're not showing *x resisted*)
Does anyone thing this is pure... coincidence ? Or the game have a behind formula that no matter what, when the computer calculates the rolls, that's what happens, everyone gets a 1 in a single round (also, never seen a 20 rolled form my party members...)
So the answer to your question, no I don't feel the same as you and the long, long streak of dead bodies my charnames leave behind them attest to my luck with the dice rolls (and some meta knowledge ofc).
Thanks for the reply guys, at least knowing that it does happen sometimes to get 3+ crits/misses in a row does happens, I feel at least not alone in this.
It's not a game breaking thing, it's just, weird funny coincidence then.
Thanks again for taking your time and leaving your commentary, I really appreciate it ^_^
The other relevant point in this is the way human perception works. Have you ever had a friend tell you about something at work and then notice lots of messages or adverts relating to it while you drive home and think about the coincidence? That's not really a coincidence it's just that your brain is paying attention to messages that were previously ignored.
The same sort of thing happens in the game. Let's say that in a game you have 800 combats and in each combat there are 10 attack rolls by you. If you're making 8,000 attack rolls in the game that means that, on average, you will see 1 string of 3 critical hits and 1 string of 3 critical misses in every game you play. Most people, most of the time, don't pay close attention to the rolls. However, they are far, far more likely to notice a critical hit or a critical miss in the text (partly due to the different nature of the text string, voice clues, screenshake and animation effects). Your perception will thus be that you are getting more critical hits and critical misses than you should, as you're largely ignoring rolls for intermediate numbers. You are very likely to notice getting 3 critical hits in a row, but far less likely to notice the equal likelihood of rolling 3 9s in a row.