You are great. Could we actually buy android version from Beamdog directly? That's new to me, please tell me where, send the link.
So you made promises, got our money because of that and now you refuse any fair approach. Be proud on yourself and company you work for. Took you two and half years to realize you will not fulfill your promises. We didn't force you to make them. So it seems Beamdog is just a fraud company, pushing customers to get their money. And you know we can't do anything about it.
@Pecca@Bladesip@Kokocudaci@Hellix Mám lepší nápad, než refund. Pojďme je vybombit v hodnoceních, ať lidé vědí, koho se chystají podpořit. Já už se do toho pustil, takže je mi jedno, že za tenhle komentář dostanu banán.
@Lyriq Teď už se pár negativníma recenzema nic nespraví. Každopádně Beamdog už ode mě neuvidí ani korunu. A to nepatřím mezi ty, co na tu češtinu čekali, ale prostě mě štve ten jejich přístup.
You are great. Could we actually buy android version from Beamdog directly? That's new to me, please tell me where, send the link.
So you made promises, got our money because of that and now you refuse any fair approach. Be proud on yourself and company you work for. Took you two and half years to realize you will not fulfill your promises. We didn't force you to make them. So it seems Beamdog is just a fraud company, pushing customers to get their money. And you know we can't do anything about it.
Once again, be proud
@JuliusBorisov You still don't feel for any answer or commentary? I still wait for the link.
@JuliusBorisov Well, that is only half of the truth. You can talk to the Google and offer refunding for your product, when you negotiate with Google, that you will cover the full amount of the refund to them. So far as i know, it happend in the past for several applications.
@JuliusBorisov Clever answer. But you still didn't admit that we couldn't purchase it from other store than google, from beamdog store directly. You are avoiding that.
But OK, second question. You can't give us refund for broken promises. Why didn't you offer to us at least compensation via discount in Beamdog store? For me personally you don't have to, I will never ever buy anything from Beamdog, but it would be appropriate. Beamdog really don't know how to behave to customers. Maybe they know but they don't care at all, pathetic company.
@JuliusBorisov Julius can I have one more question? What do you actually do in Beamdog? You work in marketing, PR, or you work in development, lately damage control...?
I just feel like we are talking to somebody who shouldn't be blamed personaly. But I think your comments will never ever make it to somebody relevant, to somebody who makes decisions, to somebody who cares.
@Lyriq Všichni to vědí, ale to že se člověk alespoň ozve malinko pomáhá té frustraci z toho, jak s námi Beamdog vyjebal. Močej nám na hlavu a ani se to nesnaží vydávat za déšť.
@Lyriq Všichni to vědí, ale to že se člověk alespoň ozve malinko pomáhá té frustraci z toho, jak s námi Beamdog vyjebal. Močej nám na hlavu a ani se to nesnaží vydávat za déšť.
Avatar? Jinak souhlasím a ode mě v budoucnu neuvidí Beamdog ani kačku. Jo a všechny EE edice mám koupene na GOG.
I'm a Community Manager. I work as a link between you, the players, and the developers. My task is to make sure both parts of the dialogue chain hear each other and no information is lost in the process.
I don't have a reply to your second question, Kokocudaci, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't pass it to the dev team - I will. The replies in this topic, even the first post, were created only after getting info from the dev team.
@Lyriq Všichni to vědí, ale to že se člověk alespoň ozve malinko pomáhá té frustraci z toho, jak s námi Beamdog vyjebal. Močej nám na hlavu a ani se to nesnaží vydávat za déšť.
V tom samozřejmě souhlasím a ventiluju, kde se dá. Trochu je mi líto, že to odsere Julius, který za to nemůže, ale někam to jít musí. Dusit v sobě pocity je nezdravé a Beamdog smrdí. Hned je mi líp.
You can't give us refund for broken promises. Why didn't you offer to us at least compensation via discount in Beamdog store? For me personally you don't have to, I will never ever buy anything from Beamdog, but it would be appropriate. Beamdog really don't know how to behave to customers. Maybe they know but they don't care at all, pathetic company.
Who not free redeem keys? I’ve got Nintendo Switch
The replies in this topic, even the first post, were created only after getting info from the dev team.
Than you should probabbly tell them they don't really do good job. We feel decieved. And we feel like they don't care a bit. Plans can change, we understand that. But we didn't get anything from Beamdog, anything except "sorry guys" after two and half years. No responsibility at all. We want moral satisfaction, that's not really about money. 5 Euros, no that's not the real problem.
The replies in this topic, even the first post, were created only after getting info from the dev team.
Than you should probabbly tell them they don't really do good job. We feel decieved. And we feel like they don't care a bit. Plans can change, we understand that. But we didn't get anything from Beamdog, anything except "sorry guys" after two and half years. No responsibility at all. We want moral satisfaction, that's not really about money. 5 Euros, no that's not the real problem.
@JuliusBorisov I still kinda expect some response from your colleagues.
The replies in this topic, even the first post, were created only after getting info from the dev team.
Than you should probabbly tell them they don't really do good job. We feel decieved. And we feel like they don't care a bit. Plans can change, we understand that. But we didn't get anything from Beamdog, anything except "sorry guys" after two and half years. No responsibility at all. We want moral satisfaction, that's not really about money. 5 Euros, no that's not the real problem.
@JuliusBorisov I still kinda expect some response from your colleagues.
@JuliusBorisov Julius it seems like you have pretty long holiday vacation... Still no reaction?
I'm a Community Manager. I work as a link between you, the players, and the developers. My task is to make sure both parts of the dialogue chain hear each other and no information is lost in the process.
So it seems to me like your role as you described it earlier doesn't work at all.
The replies in this topic, even the first post, were created only after getting info from the dev team.
Than you should probabbly tell them they don't really do good job. We feel decieved. And we feel like they don't care a bit. Plans can change, we understand that. But we didn't get anything from Beamdog, anything except "sorry guys" after two and half years. No responsibility at all. We want moral satisfaction, that's not really about money. 5 Euros, no that's not the real problem.
@JuliusBorisov I still kinda expect some response from your colleagues.
@JuliusBorisov Julius it seems like you have pretty long holiday vacation... Still no reaction?
Your colleagues still didn't respond? You know what, just delete this whole thread. You are literally mocking us, there is nothing else to say. Congratulation to you and your colleagues, you do great job and you deserve every cent from your happy customers. You can be proud, really!
Your colleagues still didn't respond? You know what, just delete this whole thread. You are literally mocking us, there is nothing else to say. Congratulation to you and your colleagues, you do great job and you deserve every cent from your happy customers. You can be proud, really!
Že se ještě namáháš, celý Beamdog nás má u svý vznešený prdele.
@Lyriq Hele to že od nich cokoli dostaneme jsem vzdal už dávno, ale doufal jsem že je dokopu alespoň do momentu, kdy vyndají hlavy ze zadku a postaví se k tomu jako dospělí. Ale oni se zatím chovali jen jako malí smradi, zakousli se do stromu a předstířají že jsou větev. Jejich řešení problému je držet hubu a počkat až přestaneme držkovat... ubohé. Ve své kanceláři bych takové lidi nenechal ani ořezávat tužky.
To já si jsem jednou za čas přijdu vydržkovat, dokud mi nedají ban. Julius může celýmu týmu popřát posraný vánoce a vyjebaný rok. Doufám, že moje explicita nikoho z kolegů hráčů neurazí, vím, že je to primitivní projev, ale pořád lepší, než co předvádí Beamdog.
To já si jsem jednou za čas přijdu vydržkovat, dokud mi nedají ban. Julius může celýmu týmu popřát posraný vánoce a vyjebaný rok. Doufám, že moje explicita nikoho z kolegů hráčů neurazí, vím, že je to primitivní projev, ale pořád lepší, než co předvádí Beamdog.
Už před dvěma lety jsem psal, že dřív budeme mít BG3 od jiného studia. Zdá se že jsem měl pravdu Jak může být někdo tak neschopný je dodnes pro mě záhadou. Přes všechny EE edice vážně lituju toho, že Beamdog dostal licence. Jsou jenom parazité na úspěšných hrách historie, na kterých se dá u hráčů jet na nostalgické vlně. Nelíbí se mi co dělá Larian s BG3, ale alespoň dělají něco svého.
Už před dvěma lety jsem psal, že dřív budeme mít BG3 od jiného studia. Zdá se že jsem měl pravdu Jak může být někdo tak neschopný je dodnes pro mě záhadou. Přes všechny EE edice vážně lituju toho, že Beamdog dostal licence. Jsou jenom parazité na úspěšných hrách historie, na kterých se dá u hráčů jet na nostalgické vlně. Nelíbí se mi co dělá Larian s BG3, ale alespoň dělají něco svého.
Já dělám to jediné, co zbývá, a sice že kohokoli znám, kdo by měl hypotetický zájem o produkci Beamdogu, odrazuju od nákupu. Nic lepšího nezbývá, ale aspoň snad bude míň zklamaných hráčů.
You are great. Could we actually buy android version from Beamdog directly? That's new to me, please tell me where, send the link.
So you made promises, got our money because of that and now you refuse any fair approach. Be proud on yourself and company you work for. Took you two and half years to realize you will not fulfill your promises. We didn't force you to make them. So it seems Beamdog is just a fraud company, pushing customers to get their money. And you know we can't do anything about it.
Once again, be proud
You are so funny! Made my day.
@JuliusBorisov You still don't feel for any answer or commentary? I still wait for the link.
But OK, second question. You can't give us refund for broken promises. Why didn't you offer to us at least compensation via discount in Beamdog store? For me personally you don't have to, I will never ever buy anything from Beamdog, but it would be appropriate. Beamdog really don't know how to behave to customers. Maybe they know but they don't care at all, pathetic company.
I just feel like we are talking to somebody who shouldn't be blamed personaly. But I think your comments will never ever make it to somebody relevant, to somebody who makes decisions, to somebody who cares.
Avatar? Jinak souhlasím a ode mě v budoucnu neuvidí Beamdog ani kačku. Jo a všechny EE edice mám koupene na GOG.
I don't have a reply to your second question, Kokocudaci, but it doesn't mean I wouldn't pass it to the dev team - I will. The replies in this topic, even the first post, were created only after getting info from the dev team.
Who not free redeem keys? I’ve got Nintendo Switch
Than you should probabbly tell them they don't really do good job. We feel decieved. And we feel like they don't care a bit. Plans can change, we understand that. But we didn't get anything from Beamdog, anything except "sorry guys" after two and half years. No responsibility at all. We want moral satisfaction, that's not really about money. 5 Euros, no that's not the real problem.
@JuliusBorisov I still kinda expect some response from your colleagues.
Doufáš zbytečně. Nejen, že je nezajímáme, ale jsme jim (s prominutím) u prdele.
A pan moderátor se už podle mě stydí sem něco napsat.
@JuliusBorisov Julius it seems like you have pretty long holiday vacation...
So it seems to me like your role as you described it earlier doesn't work at all.
Your colleagues still didn't respond?
Už před dvěma lety jsem psal, že dřív budeme mít BG3 od jiného studia. Zdá se že jsem měl pravdu
Já dělám to jediné, co zbývá, a sice že kohokoli znám, kdo by měl hypotetický zájem o produkci Beamdogu, odrazuju od nákupu. Nic lepšího nezbývá, ale aspoň snad bude míň zklamaných hráčů.