Fireball blasts a little too big?

I get a feeling the blasts were smaller in the original BG, or somehow more manageable. With the resolution that we had then it still took effort to walk out of my own fireballs' scope, but be that as it may, I have little use for the huge coverage of EE fireballs. Mostly I'm concerned about maneuvering the party out of there. What about you?
- Fireball blasts a little too big?26 votes
- Yes, would be handier if they were 1/5 smaller or so  0.00%
- No, I like them this big100.00%
When I shoot one (or several), it means I want every single thing to die.
Sometimes that includes my party. :P
1: Its done well and the Enemy's die.
2: its done bad and your Party dies.
3: its done bad and the Mage dies from angry half toasted party members.
Back in my PnP days Friendly Fireball Casualties were a fact of life and often subsequently resulted in the unfortunate demise of the party mage (as mentioned above). In fact my very first PnP character was killed when our mage threw a fireball...........down a tunnel!
As for longer visual range and spell range, it's not a problem to implement. Visual range can be boosted by about 1.5 with game effects, and accordingly the range of missile fire and so on. The question is, how would that influence power balance? Characters with bows can already kill most things before they get to the party, monsters don't have nearly enough ranged attacks to answer in kind. Perhaps only spells and the visual range could get a boost. If you really want this, request it on the Modding forum, someone might pick it up.
Default visual range is 448 units, which corresponds to '14' in opcode 262 (Visual Range Modifier), and '28' in spell casting range.
Casting range would indicate that 16 units = 1 foot.
Projectile effect radius is all over the place, ranging from 3.57 units per foot, to 28.57 units per foot, but most often around 8.5 units per foot. Fireball is ~ 8.57 units per foot.
Projectile trigger proximity, for traps and clouds, is likewise all over the place, but unlike effect radius, it is hardcapped at 448.
PRO: 2000 unit radius
- Desc: 235' radius: 8.51 units per foot
- Invisibility Purge
- True Seeing
- Oracle
- True Sight
- Desc: 70' radius: 28.57 units per foot
- Detect Invisibility
PRO: 512 unit radius- Desc: 60' radius: 8.53 units per foot
- Detect Evil
- Chant, Good (IWDEE)
- Prayer, Good (IWDEE)
- Recitation, Good (IWDEE)
- Desc: Visual Range: (448 units)
- Earthquake (IWDEE)
PRO: 440 unit cone- Desc: 35' cone: 12.57 units per foot
- Cone of Cold
PRO: 426 unit radius- Desc: 60' radius: 7.1 units per foot
- Chant, Bad (IWDEE)
- Prayer, Bad (IWDEE)
- Recitation, Bad (IWDEE)
- Desc: 30' radius: 14.2 units per foot
- Detect Illusion (IWDEE)
Desc: 29' cone: 12.57 units per foot- Color Spray (IWDEE)
Desc: Visual Range (448 units)- Detect Evil (IWDEE)
PRO: 400 unit radius/cone- Desc: 47' radius/cone: 8.51 units per foot
- Prismatic Spray (IWDEE)
PRO: 350 unit radius/cone- Desc: 51' radius/cone: 8.53 units per foot
- Cone of Cold (IWDEE)
PRO: 300 unit radius/cone- Desc: 35' radius/cone: 8.57 units per foot
- Cloudburst (IWDEE)
- Thorn Spray (IWDEE)
- Righteous Wrath of the Faithful (IWDEE)
- Shout (IWDEE)
- Death Spell (IWDEE)
- Great Shout (IWDEE)
- Horrid Wilting (IWDEE)
PRO: 256 unit radius- Desc: 40' radius: 6.4 units per foot
- Earthquake
- Entangle
- Desc: 30' radius: 8.53 units per foot
- Bless
- Remove Fear
- Chant
- Writhing Fog
- Dispel/Remove Magic
- Strength of One
- Defensive Harmony
- Prot. from Evil, 10' Radius (Desc. is 30')
- Spirit Fire
- Mass Cure
- Pixie Dust
- Insect Plague
- False Dawn
- Sunray
- Confusion
- Un/Holy Word
- Ethereal Retribution
- Grease
- Sleep
- Horror
- Stinking Cloud
- Glitterdust
- Web
- Fireball
- Haste
- Slow
- Detect Illusion
- Ice Storm
- Emotion: Hopelessness
- Greater Malison
- Teleport Field
- Cloudkill
- Chaos
- Sunfire
- Death Spell
- Death Fog
- Sphere of Chaos
- Mass Invisibility
- Incendiary Cloud
- Horrid Wilting
- Meteor Swarm
- Wail of the Banshee
- Curse (IWDEE)
- Remove Paralysis (IWDEE)
- Invisibility Purge (IWDEE)
- Holy Smite (IWDEE)
- Unholy Blight (IWDEE)
- Spike Growth (IWDEE)
- Greater Command (IWDEE)
- Nature's Beauty (IWDEE)
- Symbols (IWDEE)
- Storm of Vengeance (IWDEE)
- Snowball Swarm (IWDEE)
- Desc: 25' radius: 10.24 units per foor
- Remove Paralysis
- Desc: 20' radius: 12.8 units per foot
- Holy Smite
- Unholy Blight
- Greater Command
- Fire Storm
- Desc: 15' radius: 17.06 units per foot
- Silence
- Desc: 5' radius: 51.2 units per foot
- Nature's Beauty
PRO: 250 unit radius/cone- Desc: 70' cone: 3.57 units per foot
- Prismatic Spray
- Desc: 29' radius: 8.62 units per foot
- Insect Plague (IWDEE)
- Firestorm (IWDEE)
PRO: 200 unit radius, 150 unit trap proximity- Desc: 30' radius: 6.67 units per foot
- Symbol, Fear
- Symbol, Stun
- Symbol, Death
- Skull Trap
- Desc: 25' radius: 8 units per foot
- Glyph of Warding
- Desc: 24' radius: 8.33 units per foot
- Entangle (IWDEE)
- Cloud of Pestilence (IWDEE)
- Death Fog (IWDEE)
- Acid Storm (IWDEE)
- Desc: 18' radius: 8.33 units per foot
- Glyph of Warding (Proximity: 5' ) (IWDEE)
- Delayed Blast Fireball (Proximity: 14' ) (IWDEE)
- Desc: 12' radius: 11.11 units per foot
- Delayed Blast Fireball
PRO: 180 unit radius- Desc: 20' radius: 9 units per foot
- Hold (living) (IWDEE)
- Hold Undead (IWDEE)
PRO: 176 unit radius- Desc: 20' radius: 8.8 units per foot
- Undead Ward (IWDEE)
PRO: 160 unit radius- Desc: 20' radius: 8 units per foot
- Invisibilty, 10' Radius (Desc. is 20')
- Desc: 19' radius: 8.42 units per foot
- Repulse Undead (IWDEE)
PRO: 150 unit radius- Desc: 18' radius: 8.33 units per foot
- Spike Stones (IWDEE)
- Sunray (IWDEE)
- Sleep (IWDEE)
- Web (IWDEE)
- Cloudkill (IWDEE)
PRO: 128 unit radius/cone- Desc: 15' radius/cone: 8.53 units per foot
- Burning Handds (IWDEE)
- Emotions (IWDEE)
- Malavon's Rage
PRO: 120 unit radius- Desc: 14' radius: 8.57 units per foot
- Mists of Eldath (IWDEE)
- Soul Eater (IWDEE)
- Suffocate (IWDEE)
PRO: 100 unit radius- Desc: 12' radius: 8.33 units per foot
- Grease (IWDEE)
- Incendiary Cloud (IWDEE)
- Power Word, Kill (IWDEE)
- Desc: 10' radius: 10.0 units per foot
- Mold Touch (IWDEE)
PRO: 84 unit radius- Desc: 10' radius: 8.4 units per foot
- Hold Undead
- Power Word, Blind
PRO: 80 unit radius- Desc: 8' radius: 10.0 units per foot
- Flame Strike (IWDEE)
PRO: 75 unit radius- Desc: 9' radius: 8.33 units per foot
- Blade Barrier (IWDEE)
- Vitriolic Sphere (IWDEE)
PRO: 64 unit radius- Desc: 8' radius: 8 units per foot
- Produce Fire (IWDEE)
- Power Word, Blind (IWDEE)
- Desc: 7.5' radius: 8.53 units per foot
- Hold (living)
PRO: 50 unit radiusI am not too sure about it though. Might be more logical to go back to vanilla rather than balance a new feature.
That's why I asked for people's opinions, because this spell is not nearly as dangerous to the party in PnP, except that "cast it in a small room or point-blank" scenario. Otherwise, for a smart caster, a fireball is something he can drop from the top of a mountain or shoot out of a window. In these games, it's always point-blank, for its short range and huge blast radius. I thought of making a tweak, but, I guess, people are fine with it. @kjeron , It always surprises me how you find the time to quote all those numbers...
But also I'm quite sure the range of the spell scales in the Player's Handbook. What should it be at level 5, I wonder? Anyway...
Fixing the descriptions is something I finally got around to addressing in Fixpack v11, and is on the roadmap for the next EE patch cycle.
I guess the topic can give you others views on what seems balanced.