Addicted to Re-Starting

I'm seriously OCD. I restart Icewind Dale and Baldur's Gate *TOO* much. Does anyone else have this problem? If I miss something or find out I could do something better, or decide to change my stats, etc. etc. etc. I just start over lol. Ugh. I think its a sickness.
Or, to play with the idea of letting the individual game influence the evolution of the PC - letting the campaign have a "snowflake" quality with its own internal consistency that explains the sometimes sub-optimal choices.
I tend to play my characters until about mid-level, and then start over with a "new" character (more like the same one every time, but with slightly different ability scores, etc. due to my rolls). I tend to get bored with them after 7th level or so in BG. I guess that means I like low-level campaigns.
The exception to this is Morrowind, because I keep getting lost and killed by crap that I couldn't possibly beat at my experience.
Ya, I'll those funds by Nov. 28th. Thanks.
Your blood type is AB+?
I'm one of those gamers that is either all or nothing.
So, you're getting a job gift-wrapping but you cant wrap? Are you planning on wrapping for the visually impaired?
BTW, I'm sorry if I've derailed your thread here...I'm a smartass sometimes (or maybe just a dumbass, lol)
@Heinrich I liked your post, will the kid live now?
We're all smartasses lol.
See ya'll later and thanks for the likes! *Runs off*
@Heinrich Its a Christmas Miracle! I almost can't believe that my "like" cured someone...
I'll then play 1/2 the game then restart again so I know I didn't miss anything.
Older games like BG I'll get the urge to play, and I'll wipe all my saves just to start fresh.