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Addicted to Re-Starting



  • I think it's common to finish the game with far fewer characters than you make. It's only a sickness if it is making you have less fun - analysis paralysis - it might help to think more in terms of broader character concepts, and maybe use an editor for minor tweaks if necessary.
    Or, to play with the idea of letting the individual game influence the evolution of the PC - letting the campaign have a "snowflake" quality with its own internal consistency that explains the sometimes sub-optimal choices.

    I totally agree! While I kinda hate the concept of "cheating" using the editor (though I guess it's only cheating if you really bust the hell out of the D&D rules as customizing your character is part of the fun)

    Right now I'm trying my first paladin, a half-elf Cavalier. But I'm really, really looking for some advice from people who know are veteran D&D players or who have beaten this game various times using various characters. I'm a veteran of this game, technically, but I'm by no means an expert like some of you are!

  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839
    Hi, my name is Martin, and I'm addicted to restarting on Infinity Engine games.
  • swnmcmlxiswnmcmlxi Member Posts: 297
    Hi, Martin!
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    edited November 2012
    Sign me in as well. I'm actually trying to complete the game this time without restarting even once.
  • swnmcmlxiswnmcmlxi Member Posts: 297
    @mlnevese, Thank you for sharing. We all understand what you are going through and we all support you wholeheartedly in your effort.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    You guys are so supportive. It's really touching. *sniff*. I think I have some dust in my eyes....
  • elvee68elvee68 Member, Mobile Tester Posts: 35
    I have restarted IWD2 so many times that I now run the Targos Be Gone Mod. To this day I still havent finished IWD2. I bought it when it first released.
  • gdubbs66gdubbs66 Member Posts: 29
    @Eleutheros: my first computer that had BG on it crashed and I lost all of my saved data for a halfway completed game. That's when I became incredibly anal about saving and backing up data.
  • Oxford_GuyOxford_Guy Member Posts: 3,729

    Hi, my name is Martin, and I'm addicted to restarting on Infinity Engine games.

    Me too!

  • DelinphiusDelinphius Member Posts: 9
    I have restarted BG2 so many times, that I sometimes forget that there is a game outside of Irenicus' dungeon.
  • The_New_RomanceThe_New_Romance Member Posts: 839

    I have restarted BG2 so many times, that I sometimes forget that there is a game outside of Irenicus' dungeon.

    Aww c'mon! Spoilers during a group session, when we're all at our most vulnerable.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    There's something outside that dungeon? I kind of remembered that, but thought it was a dream...
  • DinoDino Member Posts: 291

    Maybe he stopped by his computer on the way and decided to check Facebook, then lost track of time XP

    Yeah, he probably thought it would only be a slight delay.
  • LadyEibhilinRhettLadyEibhilinRhett Member Posts: 1,078

    I know how you feel, and I'm going for the exact same thing this time.

    ...I only mentioned not finishing IWD before, I was too embarrassed to admit this, but since so many other people have the same problem I do, I'll just go and let this out.

    ...I have never finished BG1.
    I got damn close once but then I lost my save file. Ever since then I have just had this chronic restarting problem.

    ...In fact the only IE game I have ever finished was Shadows of Amn. Then I moved on to Throne of Bhaal aaaand...never finished that one either.

    I've played all of them more than halfway through too.
  • BelgarathMTHBelgarathMTH Member Posts: 5,653
    @LadyEibhilinRhett, I do a similar thing with a lot of games. I only just finished ToB for the first time two summers ago.

    Never finishing turns them into variations on "The Neverending Story". There's something kind of sad to me about actually finishing a game. It's like getting to the end of the last book in a series that you've been reading for years. I'd rather just not get to the end, in a lot of cases.
  • allhailsteveallhailsteve Member Posts: 210
    I never finished ToB either! I might wait until BGII:EE to do it.
  • ARKdeEREHARKdeEREH Member Posts: 531

    deltago said:

    ... and I'll wipe all my saves just to start fresh.

    wipe...all...saves? *chestpains*

    I think I've copied my first character's saves (all 30 of them) to and fro at least five different computers...
    Only 30 saves? I have thousands. I think I have at least a couple hundred per playthrough. Some of the older ones are backed up on flash drives now, but I have my three most recent playthroughs on my computer where I can access them. In Oblivion I had over 6,300 saves for my main playthrough.
  • mlnevesemlnevese Member, Moderator Posts: 10,214
    I haven't even arrived in Nashkel yet and I already am fighting the urge to restart...
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