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SoD Dialogue Banters

AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
edited November 2017 in BG:EE Mods

SoD Dialogue Banters

A Siege of Dragonspear mod by AstroBryGuy


This mod changes the Siege of Dragonspear NPC banter dialogues from the "on-the-run" style used in SoD to the pausing dialogue format used in BG1 and BG2.

The mod does not change the style of the compliment/insult NPC interactions. Those remain in the "on-the-run" style, as was done for these types of interactions in BG1.


The latest version of the mod can be downloaded at:


SoD Dialog Banters is compatible with BGEE-SoD installs only. It is not currently compatible with EET. EET users shoudl see "SoD Banter Restoration (for EET)" by Roxanne,


Note for Steam/GOG users: Before installing any mods, you will need to use the ModMerge utility to make your game moddable.


If the mod was previously installed, uninstall it before extracting the new version. The mod is packaged and installed with WeiDU. To install, extract the mod archive, then copy of the contents of the archive into your game folder (the folder which contains the chitin.key file). If properly extracted, you should have a "SoDDialogBanters" folder and setup-SoDDialogBanters.exe in your game folder. To install, simply double-click setup-SoDDialogBanters.exe and follow the instructions on screen.

Please run setup-SoDDialogBanters.exe in your game folder to reinstall, uninstall or otherwise change components.


If the mod was previously installed, uninstall it before extracting the new version. SoD Dialog Banters is packaged and installed with WeiDU. To install, extract the mod archive, then copy of the contents of the folder "OSX-SoDDialogBanters-v1" into your game folder (the folder which contains the chitin.key file). If properly extracted, you should have a "SoDDialogBanters" folder, setup-SoDDialogBanters, and setup-SoDDialogBanters.command in your game folder. To install, simply double-click setup-SoDDialogBanters.command and follow the instructions on screen.

Contact Information

Comments and bug reports can be directed to the SoD Dialog Banters thread in the BGEE Mods forum at Beamdog. If the thread is inaccessible, you can contact AstroBryGuy on the Beamdog forums.


This mod was adapted from "SoD Banter Restoration (for EET)" by Roxanne,

To the Beamdog team - Thanks for giving us the Enhanced Editions and now Siege Of Dragonspear! I look forward to playing your next adventure.

To the BG Modding community - you rock! Without you, we wouldn't have the tools to create mods or the examples you have set for other modders to follow. Thanks!

SoD Dialog Banters is not developed, supported, or endorsed by Beamdog or Wizards of the Coast.


The .tp2 code ONLY is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

All images, sounds, and game text used by this mod are copyright Beamdog or Wizards of the Coast.

Version History

Version 1 - March 24, 2017
  • Initial upload
Post edited by AstroBryGuy on


  • ThacoBellThacoBell Member Posts: 12,235
  • verlaineverlaine Member Posts: 47
    Is this adding the same banters I already have in my EET game from the other mod? I think it to be the banters that were vanilla but just hidden. Or is your mod adding more?
  • PaulaMigratePaulaMigrate Member Posts: 1,201
    It's the same thing done in different ways because the EET is different technically from the BGEE/SoD.
    The dialogues are the 100 or so original Beamdog banters that were cluttered in subtitles and now trigger as real dialogues.
    Just use the mod that is the right one for your game install. If you have the EET already, skip this one.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @verlaine - This mod doesn't add any new banters. It converts the existing SoD banters from the "on-the-run" style to a pausing dialog style (as in BG2). It is similar to Roxanne's SoD Dialog Restoration mod for EET, but 1) it is for non-EET games and 2) it converts banter dialogs for all the available NPCs in SoD. Roxanne's mod skips banters between SoD-only NPCs.

    If you are using EET, I would recommend Roxanne's mod. This mod is currently only for non-EET games.
  • HemricHemric Member Posts: 7
    Installs and runs fine on Linux as well, just use either of these source pkgs instead:

    DISCLAIMER: If this is your first attempt to install mods on Linux, take into account that Linux filesystems tend to be case sensitive, so your mod install might not succeed due to name mismatches. I have worked around this by making a case insensitive JFS partition for games. Many instructions recommend using tolower (comes with WeiDU) on your game install, but that might also mess up your install. More info:

    1. Unzip/untar archive and as in Windows/macOS solutions, copy SoDDialogBanters -folder to your game -folder.

    2. Download WeiDU for Linux from here:

    3. Extract and copy correct weidu binary (amd64 or i386 under bin-subfolder) somewhere in your path, e.g. ${HOME}/bin, or to your game -folder.

    4. Go to your game -folder and run:
    weidu SoDDialogBanters/setup-SoDDialogBanters.tp2
  • megamike15megamike15 Member Posts: 2,666
    does this effect only the base npcs or can it work with the three npc mods that go into sod?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @megamike15 - It only modifies the banters for the base NPCs.
  • WarChiefZekeWarChiefZeke Member Posts: 2,674
    edited November 2017
    If you are referring to my npc (Ishlilka), her SOD banters are already in this format.
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Great mod! Now I may be able to actually hear what is going on!
  • booinyoureyesbooinyoureyes Member Posts: 6,164
    Hey, I'm not sure if this worked. I installed it but I still see on the run dialogue.

    Can we define what we mean by "banter"? Does it include interjections?
  •  TheArtisan TheArtisan Member Posts: 3,277

    I think this only affects NPC-NPC dialogue, not the overhead comments that are only one or two lines.
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    @booinyoureyes - The mod only changes dialogues categorized as "banters" by the SoD scripts (i.e., those controlled by banter scripts of the form bdbanXXX.bcs), not those categorized as compliments/insults. The latter are kept as "on-the-run", like the compliment/insult interactions in BG1.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    How does the mod fit with the component "Force All Dialogue to Pause" from Tweak Anthology ?

    Are they complementary or the one from Tweak Anthology "overlaps" this mod ?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    The non-pausing banters in SoD normally occur as "on-the-fly" comments that play sound files and appear as "floating text" over the NPCs' heads (similar to the interaction banters in BG1, but scripted rather than random). The Tweaks component would not affect the SoD non-pausing banters at all, since it only affects pausing dialogues.

    This mod converts the non-pausing banters into pausing dialogues.
  • MordekaieMordekaie Member Posts: 269
    Thanks. So i am definitly going to include this mod in my mod list.
  • elminsterelminster Member, Developer Posts: 16,317
    edited July 2018
    Nice! Glad to see a mod was made for this :)
    Post edited by elminster on
  • zenblackzenblack Member Posts: 109
    Is this compatible with 2.5?
  • AstroBryGuyAstroBryGuy Member Posts: 3,437
    zenblack said:

    Is this compatible with 2.5?

    I have no idea. I haven't had time to test it.
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