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I may play BG again.

So I've been gone a while due to life. Life who needs it, am I right? Anyways I was thinking of attempting my first no reload, but I need some tips from you all who have been doing these things longer than I have...

Here are the things that I'm none negotiable with...

MC- mage- wild mage
Party- no more than four
Mods- always welcome, but it's been a while so I'm open to mods that make the game more alive, make magic more interesting, or make the world more difficult then I'm all for it. So yea, I'm open to suggestions.

I'm probably going to walk the path of neutrality and favor decisions of magic.

I think that is everything.


  • OlvynChuruOlvynChuru Member Posts: 3,084
    I recommend you try my mod High Power Baldur's Gate.

    The mod gives supernatural powers to most of the creatures in the game, including the NPCs and the protagonist. The powers tend to be on the silly side; for example, all xvarts gain the ability to stop time for a few seconds whenever they move. These powers totally change how the game is played. Although the powers given to enemies will often make the game more difficult, the game will not always be more difficult since the good guys will get powers of their own.

    The mod also modifies many items and spells. One of the main goals of the mod is to make the game feel like a completely different game.
  • lunarlunar Member Posts: 3,460
    edited November 2017
    Wild mage, especially at low levels, is not a good candidate for a no reload. You should refrain from spell casting and only use wands in bg1. It only takes one unlucky wild surge to bring your no reload to end.

    That said, if you are inclined to use wild mage, try wild mage additions mod. It adds a difficult battle (but still doable if you act cowardly and do not charge in to face a high level enemy at lvl 1) but the reward is a grimoire of all new wild-magic spells. Tons of fun, at least IMHO.

    As for mods, SCS is THE mod for bg to up the difficulty and make opponents smarter/more interesting/act almost like living, breathing, thinking opponents. However it is NOT suited for a first time no reload game, either. It is VERY customisable, though, so you can choose some lighter options.

    There are tons of quest mods for bg1 and bg2, I favour bg2 mods, especially Colors of Infinity series (Deep gardens, Innershade, White Queen) are fun and well made little quests. Southern Edge is also nice for bg2. I can recommend these.

    Bg1 quest mods like Dark Side of the Sword Coast, Dark Horizons and the like, are on the side of unbalanced quite a bit, they were fun for a first playthrough, but I refrain from playing them now. Stone of Askavar and Grey Clan Episode:1 were MUCH better in terms of quality content IMHO, but still can be tougher/different than anything in bg1.

    There are also npcs. You can find npc mods to suit your tastes. Also bg1/npc mod is the must to have mod to make bg1 colorful and alive. It makes all bg1 npcs as alive as their bg2 counterparts, with interjections, banters, quests and even romances!

    Speaking of romances, romantic encounters mod (both for bg1/2) is good for a bit of kink and laugh, err, if you are into that sort of thing, ofcourse. I tried it once but I no longer have it in my mod list.

    Also, there are item and spell revisions mods. If you are bored with the vanilla items and spell tactics, you may give them a whirl. They make almost every item/spell special and useful in an unique way, and there are a lot of fans of these mods, I had a lot of fun with them, but I no longer use them since, IMHO, they distract from the baldurs gate feel a bit.
  • DragonKingDragonKing Member Posts: 1,979
    edited November 2017
    Thanks for the comment and yes I know a wild mage isn't great for a bottle reload run and that's exactly why I am choosing them. I'm not really that concerned about the no reload part, chances are I'm just going to try and find more ways to kill myself with wild surges the further I get in the game. It's the wild magic that's going to make the run fun. I heard about the scs mod but never really looked into it so I guess now is the time. Also I remember the wild mage addition mod, but I could never get it to work the first time I tried, maybe now I'd have better luck.

    That sounds crazy and interesting, I'm going to have to look into it, thanks.
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